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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. and thats the problem right there with pve. The resources should respawn reasonably and you shouldnt need that much land, in pvp its a different matter as the land could result in a land seige but in pve no ones going to seige you, no one should be able to take the land while your active. Thus adding to the problem where 30k of the supposed 40k players that could be in the game (even if its lower lets assump for simplicity) cant even use land because the first 1k~10k got it all at the start, even if they stop playing it compounds the issuse that the land is untakable.
  2. nope some mobs can hit through 2stories, elephants etc have huge range 3 stories is safe but mobs can spawn inside so its not safe tbh
  3. most, i should rephrase that to they already have several of the big zergs have given up raid each other.
  4. with the current seiging its impossible or super long time days+ to get into a base thats been properly honey combed, most will give up and avoid it because of it. Most of the big zergs are already avoiding land battles currently
  5. you cant check that many, the system wont let you and other constraints: 1. most will crash the client for some code error. 2. it can only list a few hundred 3. your not specifing per region. or per mode 4. how many of them have sotd, discoveries and stuff pve? 5. dont boot due to language differences or non-discord/website signup user 6. search function for servers doesnt work 90% of the time
  6. nope i spent hours the other day and found none with populations more then 20 max, and most of them were as far removed from the official style of server as could be(easy modes) and unless ur rp'ing theres not much a playerbase and its gonna get worse as more peeps get fed up or just leave. 2 years is a long time but once players leave they tend to not come back.
  7. renting is not a solution as it forces more pvp style concepts in pve and will just fuel players to greif others, it wont help those companies that want there own small space on offical servers, private severs dont have the playerbase to support them either.
  8. well rip newcomers or latecomers, or players that lose everything
  9. hard kinda, 3 players can hold back or even defeat zergs and there will be players who can and do that. it dont mean it should be ruled out. There are always lone wolfs and small groups that excell in those kinda enviroments. They need to do a lot more then just exploit fixing for pve (claiming etc) tbh
  10. yup and we still have to wait 10 more days before the are killed in game to even start contesting if others dont try it too
  11. actulay you can play it solo and run ships and bases solo, its just harder and more time consuming and designed for groups small or large. its just zergs favor large groups.
  12. What you said has already happened and is happening now. renting is a terrible idea, yes the rent % is lowish but doesnt stop peeps greifing by taking all they built back or just demoing for free mats and the game would be ok with this as its not against tos. The renter is always the one that loses in this situation. Unless the renter makes tons of buildings killing all the respawns, then they both lose.
  13. nah that would only cause those there already to have the land. It wouldnt do anything for the other 50% of the population with no land that are forced to quit or play on unofficial servers
  14. its not advocation, it makes no damn sense for a pve mode to have pvp objectives and no i dont want everything. i just dont want the current crappy system where i can lose/unable/bugged/exploited a claim for land due to a 'feature' that both can hinder or result in players losing 100's of hours to it. Clearly they should have thought out the functionial system better rather then try to bogde job it, in the hopes of it working. it works as intended for pvp, it doesnt fit pve.
  15. land claims and rental system make no sense when players arent your enemy and it creates the problem of forcing peeps to go claim land in pve as if they were pvping. pve should have a seperate system for the 2 modes, claiming works in pvp minus issuses, but it has no place in pve.
  16. the kids that do that are called 'script kiddies' but ye it wont stop the bigger more dedicated guys from hacking
  17. hacking yeah, greifing and exploits and trolling no.
  18. why? its not hard to understand that all land has been claimed by now, watch a few streams and you'll see for yourself why lawless is a cluster f atm because of it, also people who leave means land stays theirs since there sleeping there etc
  19. main problem is sieging is broken as hell atm and even big zergs like the late shift are avoiding it because it takes too much to get any return vs the cost of making the base, players can build during a seige and make it last forever.
  20. yup and it will be months before they do that, since its a core gameplay issuse
  21. well the 2x from the defualt is already in place the problem is they set silly rates and it just kills the fun of working for something, plus alot of them dont have any threats *ships of the damed etc on pve, or discoveries or power stone/krakken so most of the servers are just trash.
  22. sadly @Scorpionshawn isint totaly wrong, there is no land and you wont be able to get any on any of the offical servers, and then there is greifing etc
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