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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. not really the problem is every island that isint a freeport has a port/building in almost every conceivable spot -> want to adventure in pve since thats the point right? well good luck because every island you come too will have more ports/docks/buildings then in the real world. its fine for pvp becuase you can destroy remove/claim them.
  2. it gets worse once you realise all there is to do is build and kill some mobs even if you have land, as there is no exploration in the game (pve), evey bit of land is occupied, so theres almost always a boat dock visible on an island/lawless, so even if you got a base whats there too see when evey part of atlas is occupied. pvp is fine as you can just go raid or fight players.
  3. problem is that wont happen yet till they fix claims and boat sinking/blocking issuses, because eveyone is affraid that when they meet other players there: 1. gonna try to steal their land. 2. gonna sink their boat. 3. gonna block their boat in. 4. newcomers and latcomers stuck in lawless till claims are sorted till they fix these issues the whole join up and do stuff wont happen on pve. *whats funny is it happens on pvp through alliances.
  4. some predators bug out and can spawn inside or are able to kill you through walls if they can reach *lions can just about reach 3 floors.
  5. so just ignore the biggest issuse with pve? thats a great way to drive players away fast. 10/10
  6. it fixed nothing, in fact it just gave players more offical ways to troll others in pve. pvp it could be used for allys so it has some uses there but pve its a joke.
  7. ye but it wont be 30 days from when they start playing, it will be 30 days from when the patch happens, so thats all the time + the 30 days. its just a recipe for peeps to quit by then
  8. no idea, the tls were doing a few days ago and basicly get like 120+ per run from like 3-4 whales etc
  9. nope seen streams where players were getting tons a run (assume more then one whale), and ye gold is better via maps but maps can be bugged, unaccessable on both pvp and pve so neither is better
  10. 30 days is too long tbh, 10-14 days is more then enough
  11. ye that maks sense, otherwise the game is just gonna be tons of players sleeping in houses with land that cant be claimed or they have to wipe the servers.
  12. problem is it has and hasn't been fixed, some of the current flags with overlap will remain overlapped because they haven't cleared servers since they dont despawn or change without input. New ones wont be able to overlap but it does nothing for the countless land claims that is already overlapped.
  13. tbh its broken, you can try to contest and be there hours with no luck or a random runs by and reset its timer or try for lawless but good luck with that as they're already 100% full atm or you can stop playing witch makes the most sense right now or try you hand at unofficals if you can find a server among thousends of crap ones.
  14. ramshackles ye, normal sloops with meduim speed sail and a few levels and they aint gonna be able to keep up
  15. have you tried to see if there underground using glitches with the world mesh press k and then see if you can see if they have a raft or something under the ground
  16. it varries depending on where its with it it. whales give on death: gold, blubber and *discovery points for max levels so they get farmed now
  17. tbh thats not a bad idea with the baron, he can tax the people of a said region but cant boot peeps out thats much better idea then a claim system where the owner can troll you and take your stuff. other stuff could be tied into it for pve prob is peeps can sink your boat if they notice you afk on an island. so its not gonna do much
  18. 1. Explosive barrels and morters are the best for seige, large cannon on tamed mount carrage is pretty powerful too, 2. all but cannon balls/morter shot are useless in common artilery weapons, 3. Grenades are anti-personel and anti morter/cannon 4. baslista is for whaling tbh and is great for it. 5. swivel + greek fire = very powerful flame sloops. *can reck ships fast. oil jars and fire can do that too the building on the ships can be used as armor and extend the reach of cannons for boats and it does work.
  19. lol says the person that probs doesnt even know what twitch is.
  20. or you could watch streams and understand its already happening to some of the largest entities in the pvp servers.
  21. tbh its not even the direction or *poster vision they had for the game. besides pvp i can assume they wanted peeps in pve to build towns etc. but how can you do that when your too affraid of your claim being stolen or etc.
  22. except it isnt, not fully. Naval battles happen but land seiging is broken as hell atm and takes way too long *+ exploits/glitches etc
  23. the prob is they dont even have 40k on each region tbh its probs less then 20k and its only going to get smaller and smaller in time
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