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war machine

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Everything posted by war machine

  1. I agree, its why i said minor powers, Nothing like spawning in stuff, that could be abused but moving stuff, or getting things that have fallen through the world and stuff like that would be a great help, i dont know how many people that have quit do to frustration on losing shit just because it fell under
  2. I can deal with the wipe The changes to rules, the 1000 or so glitches, the bugs, I can even deal with the little things that come right down to lazy programming what i cant deal with is the lack of support, we pay for this game... early access or not, we should be able to resolve said issues I think more then enough of us would "help" and volunteer (volunteer means free btw) These volunteers dont need crazy powers but they could help, unstuck players, and other minor support roles, freeing up the paid support with major problems, and providing better quality of life on the server IF grapeshot wants to maintain its numbers instead of lose them, support that at least replies to you would be key.... Currently Support only helps with mergers... I mean, come on how many mergers happen daily id imagine not enough to keep 1 single support person busy all day
  3. well your info is a bunch of hogwash, Moved the wheel around no pivot change at all
  4. didnt know about the wheel, will try that new tip
  5. IS it me or does reverse only work sometimes, I am stuck and cant seem to back up, but i never have a problem docking my ship at my base in reverse, any tips?
  6. well u have to do it before teh 20th,
  7. u dont even know how it works yet.... try and relax and stop assuming
  8. or make a "starter" foundation everything is free that is part of that building everything else gets a huge tax
  9. just needs to be a sliding scale the more random pillars u have the more the cost to upkeep it
  10. WALLING IN, IS GRIEVING AND A BANNABLE OFFENSE so would i mind someone walling in my ship for a day or 2 to see them banned so i can go loot there shit.. hell yea
  11. They put a cost for piller spam if u read all the updates
  12. There is nothing in the whole North eastern corner, NO powerstones NO ghostships No bosses, NOthing..... Can you please add content to that side of the game so there is a reason to go there....
  13. and not hear the penguins noise, too... please
  14. Early accress when u bought the game in there discloser they said it will probably happen why are u crying now, they warned you before u bought the game
  15. 500 hours jesus u must have no life... o wait i have 612... but I have stage 4 lung cancer and stuck to sitting here on a computer or watching tv.... 500 hours tho means u are sitting here all day every day barring some situation like me, clearly you are not getting laid.... ever
  16. Generally I like most if the new stuff about to happen, I feel like atlas has come along way since opening day, I feel we will be still running into a pillaring mess like in ark now that there is no claims Unless the decay is there for that, I would have a sliding scale on charging more per unconnected structures so if u pillar a whole island your upkeep is crazy high instead of someone that has a large base... I also feel like some of the islands need to be reworked, The harder zones, say tundra should yield more then an easy like temperate zones, For example M3 is a harsh area to live but there is only 1 iron node on all the islands combined that is crazy (think about 10 tribes trying to collect from 1 node) but i go to a temperate zone and i can get 15 nodes next to each other.... some resource balancing is in desperate need here Losing animals on your ship, mostly to loading and off loading still is a major problem and should be address asap, Losing a bear makes me want to quit more then anything else. My suggestion, When u "load a bear" Have it load right in front of the 2nd sail, instead of randomly, Or have a "Loading pen" we would have to build on your boat, and that is where it would load to... treasure maps still need to be fixed, when u collect a bottle, it doesn't always load into your inventory, it just deletes... Seems to happen more often with good ones Id like to see bottles be color coded to quality, or maybe even glow strength You guys made an item description box but got lazy on filling it in, i say 90% of the stuff in this game is blank,
  17. is anyone else having this problem? I got 6 baby bears lvl 58, and i dont wanna lose them
  18. Computer just did an update was at 19 something now its at 17 wtf is going on
  19. the timers pause if u put them in your hot bar..... and pm me if u get mc
  20. i can deal with the problems, its early access. everyone should understand what this means going into the game what bothers me is the lack of support, and lack of communication
  21. there isny enough land to not build in lawless, so that idea is crap
  22. I collect alot of maps, and Id say almost Half dont load into your inventory, its annoying because they always seem to be high lvl ones
  23. war machine


    I dont even care about the land claims anymore I will keep my ass in a lawless zone, The whole claims system is stupid at best , It wont matter what the devs do unless they do a total wipe and let people start over with a limit of 1 claim per person if that wouldnt work with a tribe of 500, that leaves 500 claims for the tribe, Thats enough to take several islands
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