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Everything posted by Cantore

  1. See the problem with your argument (and to all those that keep making this stupid argument) is that I've never said once I want the Galleon to handle like a Brig OR a Schooner. I just don't want it to go straight when I want it to turn. THAT's the issue here. I have the rest of the various ship types, and this is the only one that literally turns 5 degrees every 30 seconds. It's just too slow for a game where the ghost ships can turn faster than a Brig. What I'm asking is not something that would be detrimental or OP to the game - simply make the turn radius a bit smaller so that SOME turn rate can be accomplished in battle, or allow handling sails to help with this for those that like this option.
  2. See, in my original post, I made reference to a solution of just increasing turn radius by using handling sails. I'd be totally willing to compromise on this issue if Handling Sails actually made you turn sharper, while keeping with their current speed loss. If they fixed that alone, I do believe sailing would be close to awesomeness! The only other suggestion I would have from there would be to create a "manual" system that would allow the captain to control each of the various sails to maximize maneuverability.
  3. I appreciate the tactics. I do. But, just because you've adjusted to horrible turn rates doesn't mean necessarily that it doesn't need to be adjusted by the Dev team. No real 1st rate or galleon EVER faced its square sails into the wind on purpose to turn. If a game has to incorporate that sort of tactic in order to turn the ship, again - it's BROKEN.
  4. Item number 2 of trolling - make it MY issue that I don't understand the game mechanics. For the record, I DO have a player on PvP as well. They don't often use the Galleon because it's A) too pricy B) because a Brig can be stacked with tons of cannons to essentially become a Galleoan but with better turn rate. It's not addressed because nobody uses them except when defeating the Kraken, or when they just want to flex their muscle in a group of 3-5 ships in a massive Company. I DO understand the game mechanics FULLY. I understand that players HAVE to make their ship ridiculous and ugly with stacked stern cannons because there is a PROBLEM with the way the ship can't TURN TO MEET ITS FOE. I've been here from the start of the game. Don't insult my intelligence. See, THIS is an answer. It still doesn't address the issue that the SotD can turn on a dime and often do. I shouldn't have to run away for 5 minutes because I can't turn. That's the point I've been trying to make.
  5. Handling sails do not currently help your turn rate. There's a great youtube video on that. Basically, all handling sails do is open and close faster, and give you slight wind if you're almost dead-on the wind. If the devs DID make Handling sails tighten your turn, I'd be happy with that. That said, I've ALSO adjusted sails (read my original post), and this does help turn radius, but you're pretty much stopped, so you might as well just BE stopped.
  6. No, I DO understand the size of a Galleon. I have one. I don't want "handling" I want a slightly tighter turn radius. I literally sailed STRAIGHT while my rudder was jacked to the right. There is NO response from the rudder, and a 5 degree per 30 second turn radius (or close to that). It's FAR too slow. That's all I'm saying. I HAVE a schooner and a Galleon, and they're fun. Now I want a Galleon because it's SUPPOSED to be the best ship in the game. But, the Galleon in this state is NOT fun because it can't turn to meet its foe! And, you're FORCED to make your ship really ugly with stacked cannons at the stern of your ship, or else you die. I don't understand why people like you and UDO don't seem to understand or take issue to that fact.
  7. I knew there'd be a troll that says there "isn't an issue". I understand it being SLIGHTLY wider turn, but a 5 minute turn is totally unacceptable and TOTALLY unrealistic in a game like this. I also looked you up, and you often troll people who state obvious issues within the game that need to be fixed.
  8. I have literally 2 witnessed accounts of this occurrences in less than a week. So, you are incorrect. Water claims can somehow STILL overlap your land, and they can STILL build on your land. Oh, and for the record - I have building off, and so did the other guy on this island who had the same thing happen.
  9. I'm surprised I'm the first one posting about this issue. The Galleon turn-rate is HORRIBLE! The turn circle is FAR too large, even when sails are almost closed. I'm not saying turning should be as fast as a Brig, but Devs - PLEASE make the Galleon at LEAST formidable against the onslaught of ghost ships that always follow your stern. Currently, I have to sail straight for about 2 minutes at full sail before turning for 5 minutes at 1/4 mass to get another clean shot on a SotD since they ride your tail because the Galleon CAN'T TURN. NO WONDER people rage quit after getting a Galleon! Any lvl 2 ghost ship can take out a Galleon if the captain simply tries to turn to get a shot. For the amount of effort and TLC that goes into making a Galleon, the Galleon is the MOST vulnerable ship in PvE without the ridiculous-looking stacking of cannons off the Stern. The port and starboard sides typically get 1 shot before the ship HAS to speed away in order to turn. The rest of the shots normally would come from that awful, unintended setup of stacked guns on the stern of the Galleon. For those that like to troll stuff like this, I'm totally aware of the intended OFFENSIVE nature of the ship, rather than defensive. I'm simply making a point you can't even BE offensive in so many cases because you can't TURN to face a ghost ship that suddenly turns on a dime. OH, and while your at it: FIX THE HANDLING SAILS so that they give you a boost to turn rates. Currently, they do not - they just catch the wind slightly faster when you're going against the wind - which you just plain shouldn't want to do on purpose with a Galleon (but most people do in order to … you guessed it... turn.)
  10. This is the MOST annoying thing in the game: People who use water claims to overlap and spam your claim when your claim was there first! I can't place a LAND claim anywhere near another claim, so why are they allowed to overlap using water claims?! Even worse, WHY are they allowed to build on MY LAND?!
  11. Fair enough SneakyDude, I've just got a difference of opinion, and so have you.
  12. This is not a terrible idea... AS LONG AS they take out the de-spawning of resources from within its circle as well. I agree with 1 per company, again with the premise that they do no harm to resources because having more than 1 on an island area could easily decimate the resource spawning. I'd also be in favor or reducing the size of the lighthouse by around 40% in height and width. I think the model is way too large.
  13. I get what you're saying, and again, I should point out that in Life is Feudal, we had the SAME ISSUE. We want to fight each other for fun. We would STILL do that, but we were organized about it. Meaning this: Those that are on the 'front-lines' ALWAYS fighting the Chinese would get our assistance beating back the Chinese. Once the Chinese were defeated, we had a lot of fun fighting amongst our various smaller alliances. Keeping in mind it's PvP, you still have to wonder why we fight our front-liners while not confronting the actual problem of the Chinese in the first place. THAT's the part that I think needs to change in NA in order to withstand the imperialism of the Chinese alliances. You can't have 1 or 2 companies taking ALL the beating while we sit back and fight the NA too saying it's "their problem, don't be salty". Your argument makes no sense in that regard. I guess what I'm trying to say is: We REALLY need to be more organized amongst our alliances. Band two or more alliances and flank-hit them at the same time in two different tiles. It always works because they come to the aid of one, while the other gets wiped.
  14. You guys, this makes no sense. You guy seem to forget just how MANY Chinese actually live in NA, but still speak their native language. It's not necessarily 'China' that's fighting with you guys. It may actually be American Chinese fighting with you guys. You can't rule out a person just because of their language. Band together (just like we had to do in Life is Feudal) and beat them. That's why they're winning, because we have Americans griefing Americans. Chinese don't do that. WE DO. So, get your big-boy pants on, and strap on your pistols, suck up your pride and arrogance, and WORK TOGETHER. Stop being duche bags to people that are supposed to be your potential allies.
  15. The implementation of the paste seems to be to make people sail for it, and because it's partially realistic (I'm assuming on both of these points). Again, you're right, there's no 'winner' in a bunch of opinions. I'm simply holding to the fact (data included), that not EVERYONE has access to something that is needed for building stone structures. EVERYONE SHOULD have access to be able to build with stone structures because every OTHER type of structure is able to be damaged by animals, and griefed by other players by leading animals to attack them while standing near someone's structure (seen this done). You can say want you want about me 'spamming' the server with a lighthouse structure, but it was going to be a functional structure, not just a garble of stone. I don't believe paste was meant to grief us into not building a structure with it, as you suggest. I further state that stone structures should be accessible to EVERYONE to keep things even and to keep things fun for those that like to build with it.
  16. Really - you want to be technical? Technically, there's a LOT of temperate islands with no sap as well. Did you count that while you were missing my point? The POINT was that the resource is not readily available for EVERYONE, and I will still hold to 'MOST'. Because we STILL have griefers and turds who either build in the wrong place (removing the resources), or foundation spam (removing the resource). Take your pick, I still win the argument that organic paste is NOT an easy resource for a LOT of people. Unless the devs change it so that it IS a readily-available resource, then I would argue further that in both PvE AND PvP, it gives players with the sap/sugar/honey resource a supremely unfair advantage, given that hostile animals can and will destroy every other building material.
  17. NONE of this would be an issue if the devs would just do 3 things: 1) Limit claims to 1 large BASE claim that must be placed within your company's primary base structure area. A radius is drawn from your base that prevents any structures from being built in a Larger radius (to prevent spammers from building right next to your base). Limit the company's allowable shipyards to the number of ships allowed to be build within the shipyard (Example: Large Shipyards = 2; Small Shipyard = 2; Tiny shipyard = 2) to prevent shipyard spammers. 2) Make resources continue to spawn after 1 block away from a foundation (to allow resources to continue to spawn) 3) Players can flag single foundations that are spammed in order for a moderator to look at quickly. The mod can evaluate if the foundation is 'spam' or building to grief someone else, and: A) Start the process of depreciating all of the person's foundations on that island within 24 hours (if it is questionable) B) Delete all foundations of that person immediately (there and abroad), banning the spammer for a period of time. C) Repeat offenders banned from Official servers.
  18. I want you to notice that you did not list any Tundra location. Case closed. The Tundra regions account for as much land as temperate and tropical climates COMBINED. Now, tell me again why they need to make paste a required ingredient without having any source of sap/sugar in most regions?
  19. This is EXACTLY how I feel about it! I was going to build my own smaller & actually functional version of a stone hexagonal lighthouse. I built most of the stone foundations, and then stopped when this patch came out. I literally tore it all up and put their crappy lighthouse up that does nothing but turn on/off. Now, if the devs DID do something right, it would be to add more snail spawns for organic paste in all sectors, and make it something you can dig for. They should ALSO allow us to farm bees/honey for it. And, if they REALLY want to make our Christmas list come true - how about NOT de-spawning resources more than 1 block away from a foundation and shipyard!!!
  20. I had to move my base and build on the WATER for these reasons. After I did, I've had NO issues with any of my tames getting killed. You build 1 foundation higher than the water line, and you're good to go. You're going to hate the sheer number of foundations, but if you want to cut down the resource cost a bit, you may want to do stone floors for the first 2 exterior layers of your base (prevents having to repair damaged foundations as a result of the stupid animal hit box extensions. The rest can be filled in with wood or even thatch if you dare. Once the foundation is done, you can get fun with it, and do multi-tier peers/docks etc. If you want a SAFE base, this is the best way. The BONUS is that you ALSO free up your beach for resource gathering and extra gold tax from those that are doing the treasure hunts. See example in my photo: __________________________________ | STONE | STONE | WOOD | __________________________________
  21. So, the Fountain of Youth servers are TAXED so heavily that they Lag terribly. To remedy this, I propose making the map instance-based for those who have the quest for it. This way, regular people can't block the cave by building on it (PvP sees this), and you can limit the number of ghost ships that exist on the journey (to further help with lag). Then, you just rotate 2 - 3 servers instances of the map where the FoY is supposed to be. ARK had instances for their Boss fights for much the same reasons... because people build on the battlefield, and because of lag issues when so many people are ALREADY on the map. REASON FOR POSTING THIS TOPIC: We've been stuck in a pile of LAGGGggggg for 30+ minutes now. We can't move.
  22. I agree with the Original Poster! THIS CHANGE IS STUPID! There's a TON of people who have no access to metal AND no access to Sap. There's a TON more people that have griefed our metal nodes and resources from spawning by foundation spamming. I repeat, this change is STUPID!
  23. Sorry to hear that The galleon takes a LONG time to build!
  24. If ice is fuel, then yes, it should melt faster in warmer climates, but not have any effect on the food inside, so long as it's got ice inside. The same would go for salt. Eventually, it disappears with use, and you have to get more. That said, I think ice should make things last longer than salt, since we have far more servers in and around the tundra areas, and it would give those having to suffer through the Tundra climates something favorable! Currently there's little-to-no favorability in the Tundra. If you lose your stuff, you often freeze before you can run back naked and get it. And, living in a house currently provides little insulation value without 3-4 fires going all around you.
  25. The people who have land in the game are quick to say that others who do not are whiners. I also had a LOT of bugs and misfortune the first 14 days of the game launch. I had my character deleted 2 times! Finally I got a character that was able to leave freeport, and I sailed literally everywhere - most nights about 8-9 hours. I found what you found, that there was VERY few inhabitable plots in the game. I say "few" because the plots we were able to find were in the Tundra, and we died every 1-2 minutes just from wolves and cold. Building a hut made no difference in the game because the hot/cold aspect was (and is) broken. I was able to steal land 2 weeks ago in a Temperate zone at a time when it was easier to do so. I'm glad I did, because currently (as I stated in the post above) Contention is next to impossible nowadays with the number of people who aren't active, and who can still contend your flag steal. See my post on this bug just above your post.
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