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Everything posted by Alectisi

  1. Je plussois! Ceux qui disent qu'ils aiment voir le nom du navire pour le reconnaƮtre ce n'est pas prioritaire! C'est le nom de la compagnie le plus important ^^ Donc autorisez le changement des noms de navire, merci!
  2. @Jatheish pls, fix this problem Ty ^^
  3. Alectisi

    Move to ship

    Same for us.... R.I.P.....
  4. just wait for optimization.... 3 weeks, 3 years... nobody knows ^^
  5. same... i'm tired to try everything and nothing works.
  6. Alectisi

    Cant login

    yes, same issue since 3 weeks... cant log. And yes, one file still missing. But it's not that the problem. If you have an Nvidia graphic card it's the cause of trouble it's seems.
  7. GTX 1050.... seems the Nvidia graphic card have problem with ATLAS. Nvidia says : "the game is not released, so...."
  8. Same here.... seems it's a pb with the graphic card, many ppl have GTX 1050 or GTX 970 crash and freeze... and cant connect since the begin.
  9. It seems GTX 1050 and GTX 970 dont work for this game... When i read all the comment it's the only same thing we have in common. It would be nice if the devs answer this specific question
  10. Not yet.... I always freeze when creating the character. Crash and time out
  11. Have you find a solution for that? I have the same problem since the begin and i have not find a solution.
  12. i have this problem since the biginning and i've desactivated my firewall.... not that. I think something is broken when you've done an Alt+F4 one time.... 1 folder desapear, but the game download again and again and again. Seems it's like you have create a character but like a ghost....
  13. Please delete my character PVP EU https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198199550971/ ty
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