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Salty Del

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Everything posted by Salty Del

  1. It could be flat and mirrored on both sides. This means that there are two versions of that exist at the same time, one on either side of the atlas, and when you pass beyond the edges of the world you exchange places with the other you. Hmm. An interesting theory, but difficult to prove.
  2. The plot thickens..... This actually works out. At least in theory. See earlier comments on efficiency. Ok, so we know that the core of Atlas creates a magnetic field, and that similar to Earth it has a North and South Pole. So we can make an assumption that the core is molten iron, which generates the magnetic fields that allows us to use a compass to find North and South. The one problem that I had with my theory was if the poles are connected, how is one North and the other South? Ah ha! Physics provides an answer. Sort of. I couldn’t find an exact answer in my efficient Google searching, but I did find what I deem to be close enough. When you have an electric current flowing through a coil, an electromagnetic field is generated that basically wraps around the coil, flowing in one direction and returns to the center. This could explain why our compasses point North from the North and south poles, even though they’re connected. The flow of the iron jam flowing through the doughnut generates this current! I’m now working on a theory that there is no sun, only two moons. Stay tuned for further developments! Or don’t, because none of this really matters, it’s just the ramblings of a man who is currently bored and sometimes thinks too much for his own good. PS: Yay science!
  3. I truly hoped it was a disc shape, riding on the backs of four elephants, standing on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space.
  4. I have figured out the shape the world of Atlas. Spoiler alert! It’s not a sphere. It’s a *insert drumroll here* toroid! For those of you who may not know, that’s the shape of a doughnut. The poles are on the inner ring, and the equator is on the outer ring. This is how the poles wrap together and so do the east-west sides. I haven’t figured out the movement of the sun in relation to Atlas, mostly because I’m far too efficient with my time to actually do the math (read too lazy to be bothered). But, there you go! You can now plot your travels with confidence on our wonderful, sugar-coated, Dunkin’ Donuts world.
  5. They may do a rate boost above the usual 2x on weekends, but I wouldn’t want to go much beyond 4x. I created a new character on another server, just to see how levelling is with 6x. I think in 10-15 minutes I was 21, and from there you can start doing treasure maps and head straight to level Cap.
  6. I’m not suggesting that they add new servers. It’s about looking at the upcoming wipe from a different perspective. Would you rather stay on what is, or would you rather start anew on fresh servers with updates intended to make the game a better experience?
  7. I would also say that for Star Wars the Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online (I haven’t played Anthem), they were released as full games, but were in much the state that Atlas is now.
  8. Some people are complaining about the upcoming wipe and all the time they’ve put into developing their character, territory, and ships. I’m curious; what if instead of wiping the existing servers, they introduced fresh servers with the changes that you could start over in. If you had the choice between staying in the current world with its issues or starting in a new world, what would you do? I know that as much as it sucks losing everything we’ve worked for, I think it would be a better place ultimately. So we would choose to start over.
  9. I would actually consider releasing a schooner on top of a tower as a decoration. You’d have to replace it every so often though. And some enterprising privateer would scale the tower to salvage the planks and sails.....
  10. I recall this idea coming up once before, and I still love it. I think it would be fantastic! But, given how ships are constructed it may not be technically feasible. In ARK they could only save the saddle in a cryopod. Besides, I can just imagine the screams when players accidentally uncork a galleon in their base.
  11. I am going to make the most of this opportunity. We have at least three weeks of very high resource gathering, and the knowledge that nothing we do has any lasting affect. It is far more liberating to not have to worry about screwing up and losing your hard work. I intend to setup a ship full of gear and ballista, go to the power stone islands, find a way to beat the drake and hydra (without cheesing it), get the power stones, and then finally try out my ship plan to solo the kraken. I plan to have enough weight in cannonballs to sink a galleon from carrying them alone! Enough ballista bolts to make a herd of cyclops look like a porcupine! If any other sailors are crazy enough to join us*, we have a small base in C7 and we’ll be on a fair bit this weekend. Captain Del of the Crazytown I to however many it takes! *Applying sailors must enjoy walking on the beach in the rain with scattered waterspouts, rum drinks, and ending up as the Kraken’s plaything like some girl in a hentai show.
  12. I’m ok with the wipe, but my wife isn’t exactly thrilled with it. I think I can see where they’re going with the PvE servers. It almost seems like every server, aside from freeports and golden age ruins, will essentially be a lawless server. i can see that working well enough, but there are a couple of potential problems with this plan, depending on how it’s implemented. Resource nodes could be built over and everybody loses access to them. Or they can be walked off and hoarded. We already see this on lawless servers to some extent. A large enough company could start gating off entire islands for themselves. They’d be able to afford the auto-repair cost to maintain their structures, unless there is an exponential growth in repair costs with the number of structures in the area. You can also still have some of the same types of griefing that already exist; Gating or pillaring in others ships, structures, tames. Putting pillars in the water to sink ships, maybe even just outside their shipyard to sink freshly built ships. We may just not have enough details about their solution to get a full picture of what they’ve planned. They may have solutions for these potential problems and others that I haven’t even thought of yet. And even if there are major issues with this new plan, they’ve already shown that they’re willing to make major changes to try and improve things.
  13. I came into this fully expecting that there will be a wipe at least once during the early access period. At some point, they will make a change to a mechanic or core system that the only options are to either not do the change, or to wipe the servers so the change can take affect. The land claim changes MAY be one of these times where a wipe is needed. We don’t even know what the changes are going to be yet. The changes may not go they way they anticipated and they’ll have to make changes and possibly wipe again. If you don’t want to put in a lot of time and effort now, just in case it’s all wiped out by the patch, then just play for maintenance until you know.
  14. If you’re still having this issue, make sure that you are not opted into the beta for Atlas. I think it’s still at version 17. Once you opt out, it should download and install the current version.
  15. Having a way to talk across servers without already being in the same company or alliance would be very helpful. I’m thinking that being able to create named channels with the option of assigning a password would be an ideal way of allowing communication between players in different zones to setup alliances or trades.
  16. It would be nice if there was a way to open a trade window with another player. What I’m thinking is an option under the E menu, similar to recruiting, that one player initiates and the other accepts. It would then open a window very similar to a smithy in that your inventory opens on the left, you put trade items in the top-right section, and their trade items appear in the bottom-right section. Both players would then have to click on a trade button, and any changes to the items would disable that players trade button. This would allow for honest trading between players with very little chance of being defrauded out of goods/gold.
  17. Is it just me, or did they increase the render distance for Damned Ships? It feels like I’m seeing them much sooner, especially on our brig.
  18. I don’t know if this is technically possible in the game engine. ARK could only save the saddle on the Dino, nothing in the inventory. Just think about all the parts on a ship and their individual placement. Maybe if they were like LEGO blocks, but I don’t believe it could (easily) be done. That being said, if anybody does manage to make this work, they have to call it “Ship in a Bottle.” Side note: I think that unfortunately this would create too many exploits on official, unless a lot of severe restrictions were put in place on it. Climbing pick into somebody else’s base, drop a sloop full of cannons with additional crew, a small team could do a lot of damage to a base from the inside.
  19. I haven’t looked at it yet, but it sounds fantastic! I’ll be sure to check it out tonight. Thank you so much for creating this.
  20. TL;DR: I like the taming, the game has bugs and mechanic issues, I love the game and look forward to what it will be at full release. Personally, I much prefer Atlas’ taming to the taming in ARK. Knocking out a creature and loading it up with food and narcotic is too easy. This takes skill, patience, and dedication. You can’t just leave and come back periodically. I also find it interesting when people use a binary system for determine if something is working g properly. It’s either working perfectly or not working at all. Yes, at first I found the indicator saying you could feed when you couldn’t a bit frustrating. Yes, it is something that should be addressed. No, it does not mean that the whole system is broken. Then there are those people who say early access isn’t an excuse, it should be working properly. I find this especially curious in the current state of the gaming industry. So many games, AAA games included, come out as full games that are buggy messes. Most get fixed, some never do. Atlas comes out as early access, saying that there will be bugs and glitches, but they expect it to be release quality in two years, and people are freaking out about bugs and game mechanics. That is precisely what early access is for. They’re offering you the full game at a sizeable discount, you get to play it early, and you get to give your feedback to help improve the game. Yes, there are bugs. Yes, some of the core mechanics need a major overhaul. And yes, they are working on them! Sometimes the only way to correct a bug or mechanic is the drastic rewrite of a whole section of the game. That takes time, and it takes a lot of testing before it can even be released in early access. Let the developers know that you’re having issues with a mechanic, a glitch, or a bug. Give them as much detail about what was happening at the time so that they can identify what is causing the issue quicker. Don’t expect it to happen overnight; it takes time to find what’s causing the issue. And changes to one system can have unexpected reaults on another. Sorry for the bit of a rant, but I’m getting tired of all these posts saying “early access is just an excuse,” or “this mechanic doesn’t work 100% the way I want it to, it’s broken.” That’s not constructive criticism and doesn’t help anybody.
  21. I do agree that the giraffes thatch gathering is pretty lacklustre. But, if you take into account the low stamina drain of harvesting with the high weight capacity, it is better than doing it by hand. It’s just not as good for thatch as the elephant is for wood, and nowhere near as effective as a bear is for fiber.
  22. Hello, I tamed a giraffe on Monday, after losing our giraffe, elephant and rhino in transit from our galleon and being unable to find them retracing our route. This new giraffe was fine on Monday, but last night started acting very glitchy. Every few seconds, it’s like it resets. It flashes, the saddle is gone from the model, and then the saddle appears. It seems stable for a second or two and then does it again continuously. I thought it may be related to getting it back onto the ship, I always have them follow up and then mount and move them, but getting it off the ship then back on didn’t resolve the issue. I logged off thinking that maybe overnight, with no players likely on, when I came back tonight it may have fixed itself. It did not. When I first mounted it and walked it off the ship, the camera moved to the edge of the zone, then quickly zoomed back in. The giraffe stuttered a lot for a couple of seconds, but I was then able to walk it onto shore. I tried using it to see if that may reset it, but it was behaving the same way. Unmounting and remounting several times did nothing. I was able to figure out that when it flashes and resets it is also snapping back to a previous position. It’s like the giraffe is constantly lagging, and the client has to snap back to an old position from the server after I try moving it in the client. Oddly, attacks and harvesting work properly and on click. It’s the flashing and position reset that seems to be the actual issue. When I have some time, I’m going to try leaving the zone with it on a ship and see what happens. I’ll take the saddle off first though, just in case.
  23. Hello there! I've setup a Discord server for all interested parties to join. This will be the easiest way to get as many people together, given login times and in-game geographical distances. The permanent link to the server is: https://discord.gg/GkErbrt I've setup some channels for people to use to discuss trades in private, as well as for general shooting-of-the-sheets. See you all on the high seas! Del
  24. TL;DR: giraffes are finicky to tame, but doable. We tamed our first giraffe in a borrowed taming pen. It was really rough, and the taming pen design left a lot to be desired, but we were successful. I lost it and our elephant and rhino, while going between zones on our galleon. I think it was when I collided with a ship of the Damned and got sent careening off. So yesterday I tried a taming pen type I’d seen on a YouTube video by FireSpark81. I found a giraffe and just started boxing it in with wood billboards. I put one right in front of it, and then worked my way around. The benefit that I found is tvat you get pretty much full access to the tame. Crouching, you can walk right under any section, and I didn’t have any issues feeding it’s face head on, should you choose to do so. Wear plate and consider blocking with a shield, if you wish to try this method. The best place I found to feed the giraffe from is on it’s left flank, just in front of it’s hind leg. There is a blood patch that should be on your right at eye level (you should be crouching), and if you’re just behind that, looking towards the front, just left of the giraffe you should be able to feed it. If needed, make small adjustments to the front. As Jack Shandy said, the breathing animations can get in the way at times, just be patient. I also used this method to tame a bear, and the small signs to tame a wolf. The wolf I bola’d first and then put the signs down around it. Both went really well.
  25. Huh. I went up there for water and probably walked right by them. Thank you for the tip
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