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Everything posted by Hambo

  1. If you don't think BattlEye has been implemented then you haven't tried logging into Atlas since Saturday
  2. In my view the point of having a base of any type is to advance your character beyond Lvl 8, which is the maximum level you gain in a Freeport.
  3. In a prior incarnation (Saturday Jan 12) I built my Sloop (SS Endless Sloop ) And took my Lvl 5 booty to sea. I ended up near an Island that from a distance looked like Stonehenge. Being curious, I decided to head for shore. After anchoring I swam for shore... Only to be one-shot by the Lvl 72 Cyclops that had appeared. I respawned to my boat and was able to leave the island. Not too long after leaving the outer pillars I spotted a red blotch on the horizon in front of me. When I got closer I saw it was a Lvl 165 Drake hovering above the waves. As I was staring at this marvelous sight a fleet of 5 or 6 SOtD materialized around me, one directly in front and so close I couldn't dodge. I rammed that SOtD right in the bow, which drew fire. Unfortunately that line of fire also included the Drake behind me. Guess who got trampled between the fighting Elephants?
  4. I can understand some people mis-understanding of the term "Early Access"... 20 years ago "EA" was the last development phase, not the first... It usually covered a period of a month or so for the press to experience and rate the game for articles. Sometimes it allowed people who pre-ordered the game (on physical media) to get a week or two worth of experience before they wiped the servers for public release. Now it seems to be used for early cash generation and a free population of willing victi... I mean Beta testers
  5. I'm running Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Build 18312.rs_prerelease 190104-1630. I have also downloaded the battlEye documentation and will be checking that for installation errors.
  6. Why don't you publish the exact access rights needed for the game to run? I'm not about to carpet-bomb my system with Admin privileges trying to make your product (or partners' product) function. When I try to run the game it immediately fails stating that access rights may need to be adjusted but I cannot see the full path that failed on the warning window.
  7. This is exactly the problem I was having yesterday (1/13). It looks like the BattlEye installations either messed up or didn't install the correct pathing to find itself on launch I finally uninstalled Atlas and deleted BattlEye from the Programs(x86)/Common files directory entirely until I see a viable fix in the forums.
  8. Theoretically a declaim should only be reset by the original claimant, and should have a combat option to fight for the claim if both parties agree. We'll see where the devs take it at some point.
  9. You are probably correct... For the PvP servers. Many of us play on the PvE servers because, by definition, such things should not happen on PvE and we want to experience the game mechanics and advancement without worrying about PvP. Many of us will restart on PvP once we have a clue what's going on. As it is that's nearly impossible because without space to make a small reasonable claim on we cannot grow beyond level 8 (thje Freeport limit). I've seen many claims in the forums that changes made for PvP are also occuring on PvE servers. I cannot speak to that as I've only had the game for a week.
  10. Hambo


    Well, we've got 2 years to nerf and buff the crap out of this game...
  11. Hambo


    I haven't reached a point where I have firearms, but the way reloading is referred to as "mini-games" that apparently you cannot perform while evading attack should be removed in favor of a "cooldown" of say 20 seconds that would allow evasion and/or melee fighting in the meantime. I don't want to see Flintlock Uzis added because someone can't shoot as fast as they can in Fortnite, and some other arguments about vitamins and overeating should be more balanced. After all I've never seen a cut of meat rot in 9 minutes in any other game, either
  12. Hambo


    Another option used by both Armies and Navies using this technology was to stagger the firing lines... First row shoots, then kneels to reload while the second line shoots and kneels. The third row shoots while the first row finishes loading and kneels as the first row stands and starts the whole process again (if needed)/
  13. Hambo


    Have you actually ever used any muzzle loaded firearms? In real life it takes much longer since you effectively have to clean the barrel after each shot to prevent backfires and improve accuracy.
  14. MMO just means that there are a lot of people in the same world. It does NOT preclude solo play, nor should it force people into lesser roles because there can only be so many Clan/Guild/Company/Tribe leaders, unless people are happy in such roles. As a solo player I can still trade with others, but I feel we should all have at least a minimal space to continue to grow. Freeports aren't the answer because the Maximum playable level (8) in a freeport isn't high enough to specialize in any aspect of the game. I prefer playing solo at this time because I've only had the game for a week and I am still familiarizing myself with game mechanics, the Skill trees and customizing my keyboard commands to my liking. I do not want to join a Company at this time and won't until I know what I'm doing. I'm also playing PvE right now because I do not want to deal with PvP until I know what I'm doing and have an idea of the capabilities of some in-game items. I can accept being killed by an animal I accidently hit while chopping down a tree... animals ARE a part of the Environment after all, but It would be nice to have a respawn point where I don't have to start over with no items and no way to advance beyond Level 8. I do not want to be interrupted having been killed or my stuff stolen by "Pretend Pirates" too cowardly to play on the PVP servers.
  15. Early Access is scheduled to last for 2 years. After that? Maybe release but more likely a Beta phase to polish up loose ends. I came into the game eyes wide open... If it doesn't work out then I guess it would've been a better idea to buy that extra large pizza after all. Seriously I got into an Early Access online MMO in 2006 (at the time, "Early Access" meant you got to play after the Beta closed, usually 2-4 weeks before public release) It had lots of teething issues, particularly outages caused by updates. Plenty of users demanded a full month refund ($14.95) for a 2 hour outage. They stopped complaining from embarrassment or quit altogether after those of us who could math pointed out that a 1 day refund (in a 30 day month) would come to a whopping $0.50
  16. If I understand you correctly you are saying that each player gets 1 flag, and that flag == 'x' area of clamed space. If a company has 5 people then that company can claim 5x area, no more, no less. In my opinion, if you place a flag, then placing another the first one is automatically released and made publicly available. There should be a multiple factor verification to place the new flag however; I wouldn't want to accidentally remove my claim because I hit F1 I like the idea of creating a skill (Land Surveying? ) to get flags... Tier 1 gets 1 flag, Tier 2 gets 2, etc. You actually have to spend the points to get the benefit. Allow the more RPG-oriented to build public services like Ship Yards, Markets, Tanneries, etc. so that maybe those who want to plunder and fight don't have to claim land to build their own ships and can spend their skill points on other things? If they create a "Civilized" safe zone to put the above player services and homes there could be a Bank linked to the user account to store Gold and other valuable "Currencies" for purchases (like a ship) and handle smaller transactions on a barter system.
  17. The quote attributed to me in this post was actually not mine, but a clip of another post I was quoting. My comment was about the after market "User Guides" shown having been published about 2 years ago, not when Minecraft was in Early Access/Alpha/Beta phases of development.
  18. I play Dungeons & Dragons Online and we had this problem with guilds. IIRC it was solved by allowing the Guild Leader to assign a "Successor" who would automatically become the new Leader after 90 days (the time period may be different). If the Successor had also been AWOL during that time then a guild member could "Usurp" the leadership. If both the Leader and Successor remained offline for 30 days (?) the Usurper became the Leader.
  19. I just have a quick thought to express... I see 3 options here: 1) Leave things as they are and contribute to improving the game. 2) Ban from Early Access but allow them to return either in Beta or on release. 3) Perma-ban. This is self explanatory. What would be the preferred solution. Any discussion?
  20. Those books came out about 2 years ago, not when Minecraft was in "Early Access"
  21. Nice... I'll keep an eye out for any news of your efforts. It's not too hard to imagine being able to specialize as a Shipwright and open a shipyard at the port and play minor roles, or requiring a captain to have minimal levels in Shipwright, Sailmaker and Cannoneer as well as a special "Command" tree. If you want a reference for class (and race) based skill sets I'd suggest taking a look at Dungeons & Dragons Online, which is free to play, no game-breaking DLC. To start, you have 1 race-based skill tree for each race. Then there are usually 3-4 specialty class-based trees (Rogues have "Assassin", "Acrobat" and "Mechanic" specialties which you can mix and match), but you are allowed to spend your level up points anywhere in your applicable trees. Before we were "upgraded" to skill trees to make things easier to get a viable character we were allowed to spend points on any skill we wanted, leading to a slew of interesting "Cross class" builds such as a Rogue taking a couple of Cleric levels to self heal.
  22. I did not mean to derail the thread but was replying to the comment about people (OP referred to kids) "needing hands held" to play a game. As far as my ideas of the complexity I will admit that the majority of my 40 year career focused on Hardware and Networks and the software that keep both running but I did take 6 months to co-write a game for the Apple II before deciding I enjoyed the hardware side better.
  23. That's what "Early Access" means. If this were a Beta test the game would be fully fleshed out and only the bugs found would be fixed. In reality we are here to "judge" new game additions as they become available for testing.
  24. I don't want to be that guy but have you ever heard of Minecraft?
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