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Everything posted by Mr.Gibbs

  1. I'm actually playing on the server, was finally a le to find a spot on one of the new shards. Server is pretty food, also i play on official so this is like a break and I can explore building system with increased rates..
  2. Someone please tell the cyclops, dragons, fire demons, giants that psykikk said this was a mfing pirate game and gtfo of here..
  3. Can we pls get a 2 or 3 wall high spike wall so we don't have to use ugly behemoth gates, Alot of us I'm shore could only get a rocky sloped piece of land and with the amount of lions, snakes ,and crocs . Behemoth was really the best option at the time.
  4. Give me a dang wall lions and snakes can't get over and I'll use them, but when the only place you claim a d build is a rocky sloped shoreline then you use what you got and behemoth gates are the easiest, I hate the way they look also. Need like a 3 wall high metal spike wall...
  5. Pirate game with dragons..its a fantasy mmo based around sailing, trading, pirating and exploring...its not just a pirate game...
  6. Is there still room to play? I play on official but with work I'd like a unofficial with little better stats so I can build, and I'm looking forward to mods.
  7. Mr.Gibbs

    Important tips

    not all freeports have the metal, Pick the light color stones , they will give more metal tthan the others
  8. Anyone having problems with your pin coded boxes being robbed ? We had all of our boxes on a 3rd floor robbed and stuff gone... I know on private servers they have it where smithy and boxes are auto locked , why can't we get this on official? People are saying there are some with a program that's running thru pin codes until the right one was hit... this makes the game along with fighting for our land in pve some bullcrap.
  9. wtf, so the 3 day timer on PVE flags was nice..... IF THEY WOULD RESET when a ;member is in that area working... Well it seems that you have to REPLACE THEM to get another 3 days of timer.... and there is no way for a actual member to know if the timer is up... Is this going to be looked at or fixed ? some BS for PVE
  10. If I had more I would offer it , but we gave what little extra we had to a group, and they ended up joining us. Gluck I know alot of companies have huge claims and still trying to steal more when they have plenty. Gluck mate
  11. We had the small shipyard kill our stone spawn. Also
  12. Hey all, did see no server spot like on ark. so Looking for a Dedicated server pls that me and a few friends can PVE, prefer 4 + tiles with variety of islands.. and boosted resource and taming abit.. thanks
  13. Thanks, we got a spot in a5 I believe, maybe once we get settle and build a ship we can trade..still struggling to set due to the amount of lions and snakes lol.. and resources not spawning
  14. Nothing said about gema though..from what I seen
  15. It was phonex who told me, was him and one other person. We don't land anymore we got a spot up north as long as no more bugs let people claim the land in 30min... we got lots of metal also.
  16. This isn't true either, me and my friend sailed for 6 hours finally stopping at the island Biz had with the rex company there also, we ask could we just have 1 flag spot on the cost and they told us it was their land no, sorry .. so they didn't let us claim nothing.. but other than that , we chatted a few and they gave us directions towards another island and we ended up finding something the next day.. And they said it would be ok to alliance with them.. since it was 2 ofnua and we had nothing we didn't take them up on it..
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