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Everything posted by Lillica

  1. Mind quoting my post here, on mobile and its reeeeee thanks
  2. I agree with this on a note of yes its a blueprint i should just be able to build it without the skill since its literally telling and showing me how to do it. the way it seems to be here however is that its improved crafting not just a blueprint, however i agree that perhaps common blueprints could be used without a skill, but i still feel that the higher quality blueprints should require the skill, view this as being a harder item to build therefore requiring the basic skill to make it. but yes the term blueprint seems missleading.
  3. This game has loads of potential, and players are providing feedback, yes this is true, however there is one major flaw at this point int time that unless it is immediately addressed the correct feedback will not be provided to the devs. Land claiming, this simple game mechanic needs to be fixed with the utmost importance this is why. 1. In order for the game to benefit and improve it needs a large steady vast player base to provide possitive and negative feedback, the claiming system at this point is discouraging to many players who dont have 24/7 to play the game and who have had bad experiences with large groups in the past, or who feel threatened or intimidated by large geoups. Sure this game is not meant to be a solo game, but its for sure not meant to be three or four major companies stealing land from smaller companies. 2. With the ability to place as many land claims as you want it is possible at this time to claim an entire zone, ocean and land as a single person. 3. Having all your work stolen is discouraging to many players considering how easy it is to just steal claims at this time, eventually more players will quit and move on to different games unless this is fixed 4. The claim system needs to be limited in some way, one claim per person, one claim per company level (could increase level getting rare treasures from bosses or pvping and stealing them etc) 5. Warring should be the only way to steal a claim, and you shouldnt just be able to war without any repercussions, it should cost money to war (not sure how warring works) and it should only be for x amount of time, as well as starting x amount of time after you declare it, so its fair for both parties. For concluding this, until the claiming system is revamped, allowing more people to progress past a sloop, this game will not be able to improve in various glitches or bugs due to a shrinking player base, because who wants to continually build rafts and sail for hours just to lose a claim and start over every day.
  4. I replied to a post about how i feel towards the ships of the damned
  5. Yea i edited that second post, typing on mobile atm and didnt see your original responce
  6. Idk how ti delete posts on mobile lol
  7. I answered a few questions in blueprints here this being one of them
  8. I like this idea, the raft is probably the most anoying thing to sail ever, having the skiff craftable with the small shipyard/dock would be nice, not to big of a grind and than BAM! You can actually sail. I wouldnt have it need anything extra in regards to sails or planks, just maybe a little metal *shrug?* and of course more mats than the normal raft
  9. I feel that the ships of the damned shouldnt be as (hyper agressive) as they are now still due to seeing usually more than 2 at a time. I propose either making them either only agro if a ship has cannons on it, (this will still allow people to do trade runs in smaller ships without fear of getting sunk just traveling to the island north of them, etc.) Or.... make them passive unless provoked, keeping thier pathing away from shoreline (yet still able to shoot if someone hogs the shore in thier ship) so they cant get stuck and pickaxed to death (atm this is the most effective way to kill them) and only target ships that have done damage to them to avoid sinking anchored ships after pulling agro i see these as a mid to high tier boss, and atm they are just high tier bosses
  10. So to clarify on a few points about the blueprints... 1. Blueprints offer you the ability to craft higher quality buildings/parts/tools/etc following the common, green, blue, purple, gold, colour theme. 2. Every blueprint you find has a total amount of times it can be crafted (this is noted in the text of the item and the number on the top left of it, this craft also has a durability modifier that can be different even if its the same blueprint. (Meaning you could farm for high dura blueprints) 3. The materials required for blueprints are where it gets interesting, you may notice for example a green blueprint would say (wood x 2) 60, what this means is you need 2 different types of wood, both at 60. This trend follows by one additional type per quality, 3 for blue, 4 for purple, and 5 for gold 4. The different types of blueprints are obtained from Floatsam (general buildings and building parts), treasure maps (weapons/tools/armor), and finally the infamous "ships of the damned" (ship part blueprints/cannons/sails) 5. You need the skill to normally craft them as well. hope this clarifies your questions. Edit. Added point 5
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