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Everything posted by Spidernumerouno

  1. You can always try to trade other resources with players for gold. But on PVE you can get gold the same way as in PVP. Sail around and loot the floating chests or make a ship with guns and go hunt some SotD.
  2. They can snipe the NPC's or captain with guns. They can try and set the boat on fire with fire arrows. They can repair your damaged ship. They can help get all the water out of the ship.
  3. I have this idea of a fun quest: In the game there will be a chest (or 5 considering the size of the map) with a 24 hour timer. This chest will be visible on everyone's map and so will be the timer. The chest spawns somewhere in the ocean. You need to dive it up and bring it to your territory for the timer to start running down. The chest can only be opened when the timer reaches 0. In the chest will be gold and really good blueprints. The chest should be 200 in weight and carry able in your hands (not in your inventory).
  4. I was hoping I could die and I could come back on a Ship of the Damned.
  5. The calculator interface is much more cleaner then the one ingame. And yes, remove the option to have the talent to unlock a certain tree.
  6. The food and water goes way to fast down. The vitamins system is flawed. If 95% kills themselves instead of eating or drinking you know there is something wrong.
  7. It would be a nice option to give the captain an overview of all items sorted by weight on his ship. Or maybe just the top 5 or 10.
  8. I understand an alpha should be hard to kill. But on the other hand it should also be a rare spawn. Right now they are all over the place. Maybe it is good to change the fire arrow damage only vs a player and let the NPC damage be the same. On the bows durability they could make it so that shooting a normal arrow takes off less durability then a fire arrow.
  9. But this means you are giving someone else a spot to make a raid base on your island. And on the other hand. What prevents the big company to change it back from neutral to their own and steal everything on the claim? Unless a neutral flag is a different flag to place then a claim one.
  10. You are correct. Animals spawn to fast and to close.
  11. You should be able to repair your ship from your inventory. Or you can make an hammer to repair.
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