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About Hyris

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  1. Your Fast Travel mechanic doesnt work at all. Numerous players are experiencing that when they try to fast travel they only re appear exactly on the same bed they tried to leave from. I tried it myself today and also experienced the same thing. Between the hackers, ridiculous ping, and the dumbest mechanics I've ever encountered I'm calling it quits. 150 hours in your garbage game, tried my best to report bugs to you guys, but it seems like a 1 step forward - 6 steps back kind of thing. Cool concept but horrible execution and development.
  2. Every player within G14 which is only about 40 players is experiencing 200+ all day! Its not our internet, its your game.
  3. Likewise, ladders dont snap appropriately either....no reason why this ladder shouldnt snap...fix your game. I would send you a pic to show, but your stupid forum page doesnt allow files bigger than an ant turd sooo....
  4. I have a building with ceiling tiles and walls, but for some reason the roof tiles dont snap right, they will literally snap to every spot but the one i need. I know it has nothing to do with supports, the roof tile is okay to snap to where it hangs over the side of a cliff with nothing attached to its top, but wont snap to the side of the building that actually makes sense. You guys need to make it so 1. all obvious options of placement should be available, there is literally nothing to suggest i couldnt snap a piece to the tile im attempting. 2. You guys need to make it so when you're hitting Q to cycle through the snap options you have more than a nano second before it automatically snaps back to its original/default location. 3. 30 seconds to pick up a building tile is ridiculously short. Some times we need to stand back to review and make sure its set right and by the time we do that, the time to pick it back up is gone. Why not 90 seconds?
  5. Hyris


    Cannon is loaded, i have mounted the cannon, i see the trajectory markers and yet every time i left click it just unmounts me from the cannon. Why the hell cant i fire a simple cannon. Fix Your game please.
  6. Ever since 11.0 dropped the reload is insanely laggey, the animation shows the guns reloaded, and about 30sec to a min later it actually reloads....
  7. When I selected the same bed to respawn to that i have 1000 times before, it respawned me in the corner of my house, nowhere near the bed, and placed my character in such a way that he is stuck between the wall and the tannery....now i need to demolish the tannery and rebuild it because your garbage game doesnt even have a simple /stuck mechanic? This isn't early access. this is alpha.
  8. Hyris


    I've done everything there is to do to fish..got the chair, got the fishing pole, got earthworms, put the earthworms onto the pole...sat in the chair....says I have no ammo.....it literally shows the earthworms as the ammo and when i look at the info for it it says ammo: earthworms...and yet i cannot cast the pole because it says i have no ammo.
  9. Hyris

    Whistling BUG

    I accidentally selected Whistle Follow (All) and the nearby animals began to follow, however when i held down T to select Whistle STOP (All) my character will IMMEDIATELY Whistle again, causing at least one animal to follow me. It didnt matter how many times i whistled to stop, my character would automatically whistle again for one to follow. Only way I got this to stop was to have another player whistle the animal to him.
  10. I've eating absolutley everything I can...and im starving...I eat and within 30 secs im starving again. FIX YOUR GAME
  11. Much like everything else in this sorry excuse for a game, the food mechanic is absolutely flawed. Explain to me why I can eat 12 servings of berries, wheat, and meat, and begin to starve not even 4 minutes later? Its nearly impossible to hunt fish, and the ones you can find heal or swim deeper into the ocean by the time you have a chance to kill anything. This is beyond stupid. There needs to be a better way to get ALL your nutrition requirements and your characters shouldnt begin to starve minutes after eating....I was hoping there was at least one part of this game that didn't need to be addressed, but apparently you guys cant even get a basic food mechanic worked out. I'll consider coming back to the game when the devs get their heads out of their asses and actually make a functioning game.
  12. Much like everything else in this sorry excuse for a game, the food mechanic is absolutely flawed. Explain to me why I can eat 12 servings of berries, wheat, and meat, and begin to starve not even 4 minutes later? Its nearly impossible to hunt fish, and the ones you can find heal or swim deeper into the ocean by the time you have a chance to kill anything. This is beyond stupid. There needs to be a better way to get ALL your nutrition requirements and your characters shouldnt begin to starve minutes after eating....I was hoping there was at least one part of this game that didn't need to be addressed, but apparently you guys cant even get a basic food mechanic worked out. I'll consider coming back to the game when the devs get their heads out of their asses and actually make a functioning game.
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