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Everything posted by GunnyTheGrey

  1. Elaboration: I assume you know what's happening, if not, i'll explain it from the player's perspective, along with the solution to ending the cycle of never-ending transfers and oft days-long inability to log in: When transferring, one player on the boat is cloned. This causes the entire mess. The boat pops back and forth, ranging from the shortest I have seen being 4 minutes, the longest being over 48 hours (and twice at that.) When the players can finally log in again, if they waited it out and didn't go to sleep or miss the correction and allow the boat to sink from degradation.. YOU MUST KILL THE CLONES. If not, and you board another boat or continue sailing, crossing any server boundary, or logging out and back in again, can and very often will "trade you" with the clone. EVEN IF THE CLONE IS DEAD, so long as you did not also destroy the body (harvest/dispose) AND empty any item cache or take the items onto yourself. If you leave the body on one boat, logged out and sleeping, then board another boat.. You can be transferred from halfway across the world to the old one.. Causing the boat you were previously on to glitch out, lock up the entire server in never-ending lagspikes of massive severity (seen often by players not understanding THIS is what is causing whole servers to lock up to insane degrees) and also prevent your company mates on the other boat from logging in. The cloning of players is the cause. And the only solution, when the players can log in.. is to kill them, harvest them, and leave NO item cache at all. Leave no trace, or expect the issue to recur for days on end at times. And guess what? 99%+ of the playerbase doesn't know this. That I do, and that I tell my audience.. Is the only reason we can still play despite our 12 man company experiencing this DAILY with only 3-4 active players per day. That is a serious problem that locks up entire servers, locks out entire accounts, deleted multiple player bodies and sinks entire boats without a chance to prevent it. So what I need to see is a patch note, even just "down the road" acknowledging the issue exists. That's all. Because then you're committed to looking into improving the conditions that cause it and the experience of those subjected to it. EDIT: As for what it does to entire servers.. I'm sure you know waves are serverside, take a look: https://clips.tidylabs.stream/MarkedFrameSlippery We've all seen that insane lag affect entire servers for hours or even days on end... Well, the cloning on transfers and what it does to boats is the cause.
  2. This is the 4th time this has happened (occuring right now.) https://clips.tidylabs.stream/GroundPailBitter This is one of the worst bugs plaguing in the game. One of 2 reasons I continue to say to my viewership that I will NOT recommend this game until I see them fixed: I may praise it, but that is something I outline as very different from a recommendation several times a day. The other being tames despawning, falling through the world, clipping out of boats and otherwise randomly being destroyed constantly.
  3. Log & Screenshot of crash notification/log. Not an issue prior to patch which optimized the server lists: https://gyazo.com/f47ec7751be880220cdcb17b455dc30b Fatal error! VERSION: 15.1 UnknownModule!UnknownFunction (0x000001d72895f0a0) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce337efbf) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce338671a) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce3a1a987) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce3383d8d) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce338085e) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steamclient64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffce381a4fa) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] steam_api64.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00000000503756c4) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] AtlasGame.exe!FOnlineAsyncTaskManagerSteam::OnlineTick() (0x00007ff6c51bd449) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivereal\engine\source\runtime\online\onlinesubsystemsteam\private\onlineasynctaskmanagersteam.cpp:130] AtlasGame.exe!FOnlineAsyncTaskManager::Run() (0x00007ff6c408bb1a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivereal\engine\source\runtime\online\onlinesubsystem\private\onlineasynctaskmanager.cpp:61] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() (0x00007ff6c3ba35b6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivereal\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() (0x00007ff6c3ba3488) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatelivereal\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:26] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffd329e3034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffd34e53691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffd34e53691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] Crash in runnable thread OnlineAsyncTaskThreadSteam
  4. Galleons can outrun them. Had one hit my Galleon for a whole truckload of 36,000s today by bouncing me off an iceberg. Got away with half my ship gone, repaired it a tile over with 1 crewmate bucketing like hell and me hatching and fighting wolves, and it's still kicking. You can survive them. You can kill them. But they're designed to be a fight for bigger ships, and death for smaller ones. Don't take my word for it: https://dlive.tv/p/gunnythegrey+gD6M9TwiR The bigger threat is crewmates demolishing the main deck of the Galleon. That stuff is OP.
  5. Haven't lost any yet since switching to PvE. Already posted how I lost mine in PvP on that version of this post. Thankfully, had time to figure out how to "respawn" despawned ships that were deleted on server transfer since my switch to PvE, though it takes hours usually to "win" the battle with the server and get it to appear back, so someday I may not have the patience and finally lose a 4th to that.
  6. Transferring servers, some issue occurs where the boat is deleted and I'm spawned at a freeport with my gear on me after an extended looping disconnect. Usually only when I'm not remotely near a server boundary and sitting still, that's when the famed transfer death occurs. 3 times now. out of 4 lost ships. The 4th was me being stupid and anchoring in water too shallow to raise the anchor in, that one died of collision damage. Was my own fault. As a previous poster said, "bugs" should be an option. That's when I switched to PvE. Hardly any PvP to be found when the servers do all the killing, and i had me stressing out over possibilties that never happened anyways.
  7. I'm on the same server as you. First off, can confirm these players are toxic and try to drive you out of land rather than actually find a place by being decent enough that anyone would give them some. They tried this with me. I ran out of patience and ran them off by retaliating. They left my area, and are now apparently trying their luck with you. Kill them. Do it constantly. Heck, I dragged all kinds of hostile things into their faces by grappling, reeling in, and running over to say hello in return. I also sunk their boat as they were trying to overencumber mine (mine had more weight than they expected.) They got the hint and left. They try to prey on the weak to force you out. Fight back for 20 minutes or so and they'll give up and leave.
  8. Tack a Galleon, then. As for unrealistic things that need patched... https://clips.tidylabs.stream/MarkedFrameSlippery they can remove minor quality of life changes when magical boat deletion and other insanely detrimental issues are smoothed out. Til then, leave us a small grace for all the unrealistic things that take from us each day.
  9. He's playing this pseudo morality card "If it can be done, I should do it. If they don't want it happening, patch it out." Then retracting his logic to only apply to video games. But when asked if someone should just delete his tribe's boats, players and tames without any combat, because players can force deletion (loss of transmitted data) of ANYTHING transferring between servers by just performing in-game actions for a controllable period of time, he suddenly thinks that is immoral. If you're going to be a scumbag, at least have consistently low morals. Otherwise, nobody can take you seriously. That, or just don't be that low at all. PS- Stop comparing glitching through a boat to spawning in tanks. That's the defense he keeps falling back on.. Talking about glitching into another company's boat to popcorn stuff. How about talk about the current issue, rather than change the subject and defend a far lesser hypothetical?
  10. Extend the Ship Deck Demolition Timer, much like Platforms have. Just occured: Galleon sinking due to a few damaged planks in O7, the Golden Age Ruins. Working way towards shore, crewmate demos some extraneous roofs to get enough wood to patch planks.. Oh wait, he demolished the main deck. the one with the resource box, and every station, and every chest, and you get the gist. So now we're on a golden age ruin collecting 15,000 wood by hand to salvage the ship and get it out again. We stopped the sinking, saved the resources (minus roughly a thousand gold) but have no sails, because I had to demo those to build the chests to store all the goods before the packs despawned, and couldn't hand harvest that much with the DOOM demons flying over my hand in as short a time as the packs had left before despawn. While that story undoubtedly made many laugh the compassionate "been there and that sucks" laugh of us rugged pirate Atlas players.. Seriously, if the timer was longer than the roof timer, I wouldn't be half ready to hang my best mate right now.
  11. VIDEO LINK BELOW: This is blatantly unacceptable. https://clips.tidylabs.stream/MarkedFrameSlippery
  12. Here is a clip showing exactly what's happening: https://clips.tidylabs.stream/SidewalkThreadTough
  13. While not near a server boundary, our Galleon "travelled" from I14 to H14. For the past 20 minutes, it has repeatedly crossed the boundary back and forth every half second, making it IMPOSSIBLE for any on board to log in, cycling the timeout message over and over and over until a CTD in rapid succession. Odds are, we're going to lose the most expensive Galleon I've seen on Official PvE, with every valuable tame on board, because no one can log in to stop the glitch or board the boat. I'm streaming it now, have been live the entire day and you can come see for yourself what is happening, or scroll back to watch when it started about 20 minutes ago: https://dlive.tv/GunnyTheGrey
  14. The Diving Attachment is better in concept than in practice. I've actually stopped using the suit, and rather simply buff fortitude and swim down naked because the oxygen usage reduction provides more use than the attachment does by a significant margin. Problems: 1- It doesn't last enough to swim to bottom, loot one object, and swim back up. While there are perks to improve that, it can only be improved long enough to clear a path to the inside of a ship and still not enough at that point to actually loot. 2- The vision impairment is excessive. 3- Any wreck worth looting contains a significant amount of weight to haul. Assuming you maxed the diving skill perks, you'll be able to get down, open the hull, go back up, refresh the suit, and dive again.. But you'll then have to do this for over an hour as you make limited hauls attempting to control the weight per trip. While I understand "teleporting resources" to the resource box would be a bit overpowered, making every wreck a one-trip job.... I feel as though some form of balancing to extend diving time would make the suit a better alternative to simply swimming with the points you'd put in fortitude to survive in general. 4- The 100hp makes the attachment a one-time use. I never build them until I am over top of a wreck. As they will generally be lost when travelling. 5- That the suit provides no protection to the player, yet obscures their vision, makes it more of a liability than not using it. If the cages that came with the skill could be rigged to the attachment and lowered down, would give a viable use to the attachment simply by way of allowing descent in areas with some degree of hostile aquatic wildlife. SUGGESTED TWEAKS: Allow cage attachment to diver. Have low descent and ascent speed, limiting weight to 5% of ship's total carry capacity (so 1,500 per trip with a Galleon, but much less on any smaller ships.) Make the suit last MUCH longer. The cage will protect divers, and require a second person manning the pulleys to lift or lower them. The rate of descent and ascent will allow for control of fhow much can be hauled in a given time. The cage itself will give cause to use the attachment, by protecting the player if a wreck has sharks nearby. This will give the attachment a use, while controlling the expected gains and time investment of using it, to balance against non-pirate gameplay styles of resource acquisition. But will at least give it SOME reason to be used over just swimming down without the attachment.
  15. Unless you plan to maintain a Galleon. Good luck wearing out more picks than Jimmy Hendrix on a caffeine drip (Yahtzee reference intentional.)
  16. I stream, and while the majority of my audience is adults, I still am not very appreciate of some of the claim flag notifications shown on screen while travelling around. The number of times "Gene has a sandy vagina" or "F*** you fart muncher" popped up in a MASSIVE notification box on a livestream that monopolized nearly 40% of my screen.. I'm sure it hasn't left the best impression with players who are interested in buying the game for their kids, or simply seeking a less toxic alternative to Ark after burning out on it and looking for something new o replace it. Shock value is one thing. If people want that, let them have it. But an "Advanced Option" to disable claim flag popups would be appreciated. If I wanted that type of content, I'd have stayed on twitch.
  17. Thankfully, they have made an undocumented change to fix this. Tames now "teleport" from deck to deck when following, like crew have done. Tell the bear to follow you, then go downstairs. It'll pop down. Then go back upstairs. It'll pop onto top deck with you. This was a ninja change, so most don't know yet. Now you know.
  18. Despite reddit posts claiming otherwise, breeding is not feasible for the vast majority of the playerbase. If you live in a hot biome, you have basically been denied the ability to breed anything as death by hypothermia is guaranteed, even on the desert specific spawns. If you live in a cold biome, and breed in a stone enclosure JUST small enough to allow insulation buff, while also large enough to allow growth of the baby, it's still too cold. I live in a temperate region, and the temperature goes to -45C every second night.. I literally can't fit enough fires in that space to allow the baby to grow without most of them being too far from the baby's center to actually apply the insulation buff to it. ESPECIALLY with bears. A 30% matured baby bear is too large to warm, surrounded with fires, without actually placing it on top of the fires, killing it faster. I've tried building them a level down, but the buff applied at that range is so small it hardly helps any at all. I shouldn't have to force feed the baby it's entire life to save it. This encourages exploitative play and use of macros while sleeping IRL to actually raise a baby. And in a game with such a realistic feel going for it, this is a very large deviance from the expectation and supposed goal.
  19. Agreed. I've actually started to build multiple tanneries on ship just to store all of the bolas needed on a daily basis. I shouldn't be able to store an entire Galleon worth of materials in a chest, but not 3 tames worth of bolas in the same space.
  20. I'd like to add... Reverse speeds are slow enough. They should not be decreased to 5% when trying to back out of a shallow. I have legitimately spent upwards of 30 minutes backing a ship out of a single shallow that was only obstructing the front 5% of a Galleon. That is taking things a bit too far.
  21. I agree that alphas need to undergo some changes. However, some semantic feedback: No one has reached late game yet. High level, or access to guns, is not late game. I'm farming mythos by the thousands and working on upgrading my Galleon to Mythical parts all over, and I'm only in the early stages of the mid-game. Please be sure to remember that there is far more to this game than building a house. As for more directly relevant feedback: I do not feel that the non-alpha creatures themselves are in need a rework, but instead feel that their SPAWNING mechanics need a MASSIVE overhaul: 1- They spawn inside floors, in bases, and glitch through them. Even completely enclosed and raised off the ground bases are not safe from internal spawns. This is horrendous and needs a tremendous correction. 2- They spawn entirely too often, too close to players and tames, and in quantities that can, at times, be almost beyond description in excessiveness. I tried living on the Northeasternmost island of O2.. If the complete lack of fiber wasn't a deal breaker, the 42 wolves, 6 lions and 12 scorpions that spawned on a stretch of beach shorter in length and width than my Schooner every 6 minutes was. It was completely insane that I would spend a near constant loop fighting them off and that no amount of killing them or placing down emplacements would deter the spawns. Worse still was that this was just a minor fraction of the total island's spawns. This would explain why the island was uninhabited, despite it's very large and proximity to islands with high densities of important resources. Sure, a wolf should be able to kill me. This is not Ark, and is taking a more "role playing" approach to survival. I'll accept them being broken, if they don't break 500 things per 5 minutes due to pure oversaturation. As for alphas, yes. They're just blatantly broken and need to undergo more than simply rebalancing, but rather a redesign. I've run Golden Age ruins solo on livestream, and I can say definitively that the ruins are actually easier to fight through than home base defense from alphas that are trying to glitch inside to kill my tames. I've moved my base off-land to be over the sea just outside my initial land claim, and somehow I still wind up fighting alphas that are slowly finding their way through my gates or even ceilings. And when it isn't that, it's an alpha manta ray trying to destroy the shipyards because those sadly have to be placed in water so I have no way to completely protect them as I wanted them attached to my base.
  22. As an official server solo Galleon owner for the past week plus, I have a request from the deepest regions of my crying heart: Make a captaineering skill perk that allows the crew to repair more than just the hull. Decks, ceilings, workstations, etc. I mean heck, I'd gladly continue to repair my smithy if something happens to it.. But the walls/ceilings/floors and railings.. Please let captains teach crew how to hit more things with their brooms. Seriously. I spend a LOT of time hunting down partially broken things on this boat, and the ability for the crew to seek them out on my behalf would save weeks of my life.
  23. There are obviously quite a few things that still need work. But most of them are relatively easy to live with. However, I'd like to comment on the consistency of tames just being deleted or taken for various buggy reasons, and how it has become the single most draining part of playing Atlas, to emphasize that these various issues should be looked at with a higher priority than bugs which cost the players less or happen less frequently: Every day I log in, my raised up base (6 walls high) has been wiped by wilds. It is enclosed, off the ground, and no less than 6 walls high at any point. Yet snakes spawn into it anyways and kill everything. Everytime I go sailing, I expect to lose at least 2 tames to them clipping into a ceiling, wall or plank, and then simply being deleted in front of my eyes because that's how they "boarded" the boat. Everytime I go sailing, I have to rip a new hole in my Galleon, because an elephant or bear wound up below deck, and only 1/2 the time can I actually glitch them back out of it. Basically, I have to tame 2 elephants, 2 rhinos and 2 bears every single day. For the past 9 days. Because each pair will undoubedtly die no matter what I do: build a boarding platform to prevent the glitchy boad, then they just lag/pop into a ceiling while sailing and get deleted anyways. Snakes in base? Raise it up 6 walls high. Still snakes in base. Build over the ocean (my entire base is now a giant 1,000 ceiling pier), still snakes in base. Etc. Tames are just constantly lost and deleted. And honestly.. I've rebuilt ships. I've rebuilt gear. I've even remade whole characters. None of that has been as consistent as the DAILY ROUTINE of replacing every single tame to all kinds of glitchy messes. And if there was one thing to cause an extended break from this game, it's going to be the need to retame everything daily due to constant and nonstop glitches killing everything off no matter what I do about them. I am sure I am not alone in this. And that's kind of the point.
  24. NA PVE O4 is currently experiencing 3 seconds rollbacks every 5 seconds, and has been for approximately 5 minutes now. It is extremely time consuming to walk even short distances, the waves themselves are even rubber banding. Server latency is in a constant loop that climbs to 199 (for me), then it rubber bands, then it loops and continues. All on server are experiencing this.
  25. These reports are real, and the only way to prevent grief-sinking is to build a complete enclosure for each ship: no gaps, wall, roof and ceiling (not that a galleon even fits through a large gate.) It's not a realistic fix, especially since structure placement collision prevents perfect enclosures. And even then, you can't ever take it out, because a persistent troll could simply glide onto it or otherwise board it: Any boat can be sunk unless it is permanently locked in a cage and never used. Enemy weight should not be a factor. (In fact, any NON-aligned entity should not count, as dead bodies can be used easily.) In fact, overweighting should NOT sink a boat at all until the current exploits have been thoroughly squashed. Boats should be able to push each other, as once overweighting is prevented, people will build barricades from rafts.
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