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Everything posted by TrevorJD

  1. Yup. Many people in our guild having this problem. I even painted over someone's art recently, thinking the sail was blank. /blush
  2. v207.9 - Fixed Shipyards at max storage capacity (300) fail to create ships. They fixed my bug! They fixed my bug! I feel so special! /happydance
  3. @Jatheish As player characters, we can gain passive bonuses such as extra armour durability, stamina regen, etc. and short-duration feats with a timer. It would be great if we could do the same to personalise and tweak our ships, and to make them less disposable beyond the bonuses of the cannons or planks. I think this would work well with the idea Jat recently expressed about wanting to give ships a "story". Some ideas that came up around the water barrel tonight... * After a certain number of miles travelled, the ship gains "Well Travelled" and gets a permanent 5-10% boost to speed. (If it's not practical to record actual distances, I'd count the number of zone transitions and add some checks to ignore zigzagging across a zone line or doing loops around a 4 zone intersection.) * After absorbing a certain amount of damage without losing a plank, the ship gains "Well Maintained" and gets a permanent 5-10% boost to Resistance. * Ships that survive a Kraken fight could get a boost to Handling or Sturdiness * Kill-based counters - number and level. E.g. a ship that kills a level 50+ SotD galleon gets a 10% boost to cannon range. A ship that kills 50 x SotD Brigs gets a 0.5% weight bonus (repeatable mini-quest up to 20 levels). Killing 20/50/100 brigs earns 0.5% boosts in gunner accuracy. * Synergy bonuses for sails - I think this is a fascinating idea. Certain combinations of sails will give a boost to a certain trait, potentially giving indirect access to stats that can't be directly boosted. E.g. 3 handling and 3 weight negates vitamin loss. Four handling and 2 speed might give a boost to weight, or reduce the likelihood or density of cyclones. Plenty of opportunity for creative combinations and tweaks here. * No guns - I like to see some benefit to having no cannons, other than just the weight saving. One possibility would be to reduce or eliminate the speed penalty from cargo boxes. ---- As an aside, I'd like to relay a point made during tonight's discussion. Engaging the community in the design process of the game could be very, very productive for you. For example, someone proposes an idea. The GS forum reps reply and say something like, "It's a nice idea but it's not going to work because it will result in <undesirable balance / lag / performance problem> or <undesirable exploit/cheesing>" It's highly likely that the community would then brainstorm ideas on how to avoid those undesirables. My group feels that engaging the community in this way would do wonders for regaining / boosting public interest in the game and give you the benefits of crowd-sourcing problem-solving and feature development. Cheers
  4. Did you cuddle an animal that you're raising?
  5. Underground pipes placed in fresh water are a water SOURCE and then are used to wirelessly connect to other underground pipes. You can then connect regular pipes to them and duct it as normally. I did a write-up here https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Water_Pipe_System It's unclear whether the current lack of bidirectional connectivity to regular pipes is intended or just a half-completed part of the project. I suspect the latter since they would've just taken the Ark code for the basic pipes and the wireless pipes would be something new they've done but not yet had a chance to refine.
  6. The trouble with walls is that the resource respawn radius is only about 3 foundations. If you have any gap larger than that, a tiger, elephant or scorpion is going to spawn inside your walls. I do not wish to pave the entire yard as that would be lag inducing and visually unappealing, and I will not spam the yard with foundations because that's horrifically ugly. The respawn radius is a separate issue. IMO it should be 3-5 foundations for vegetation and 20 foundations for animals. Also, carnivores shouldn't all be killing-spree psychopaths and herbivores shouldn't blindly wander around where humans are being noisy and destroying their habitat.
  7. Yep, I always build from stone but I prefer the look of wood. /shrug
  8. Simply put, torches and lanterns expire. Whether it's an hour or a day, doesn't really matter. It's simply not practical to run around refilling lamps except in the smallest of bases. Our main base now has six piers that support four galleons, a dozen schooners and a dozen brigs. We have a farmhouse, an animal pen and now that the extraordinarily large tortuga is in the game, we're going to be building another. It would be lovely to see the bases lit up naturally but not "refilling 200 lanterns every 24 hrs" lovely. So what do I and most people do? Spam harbours with buoys in unnecessary places and use gamma 5 everywhere else, which is a terrible kludge. Suggestion: 1. In-character: Have shore-based NPC crew go into "sweeping" mode and take care of maintaining structures, refilling lamps, re-stacking and balancing feeding troughs to minimise spoilage etc. They should have a largish range, perhaps 30 foundations or more and take resources from a shore-based resource box. I would love to see this implemented. I would happily feed and pay a number of crew to take care of the drudgery of base maintenance so that I and my crew can spend our time doing fun things. 2. Easier: Introduce an ever-burning lantern. I'd be happy to pay 3/4/5 times the cost of current lanterns, or make them out of gems, paste and alloy.
  9. If that's the case, it really needs to state clearly in the log WHY the ship was removed!
  10. The "floating in the air behind the ship" is a visual bug and zoning to another grid server cleans it up. That appears to be different from what Shawshanker was talking about. I've not personally lost any tames overboard but I have had the 'floating in air' bug. I've also had a bug (which I reported a few days ago) where tames and npcs on the deck of an anchored ship will be missing, only to be found on the ocean floor underneath the ship. They respond to targeted whistles but I wasn't able to mount my bear. I didn't try J because I was in port
  11. I don't have extensive testing results for you but here's what we found: Brand new Large Mythical Shipyard. Filled it to the brim with materials needed to craft ships. Clicked the button to produce a brig. Got the 'building' sound but nothing happened. A total of 3 people reported the same thing. Someone removed about 5-10 stacks of materials from the inventory, and tried again and the brig crafted successfully.
  12. Oh, that would explain it. 1163 * 0.8 is awfully close to what we got. Cheers!
  13. My team just did a Journeyman map in NA PVE L10 that promised "at least 1163" gold. We had six people, two bears and one crab. Each player received 156 gold, for a total of 936, well below the promised amount. Are there mechanics at play here that I'm not familiar with, or is something buggy?
  14. Hi Team, The schooner's lower deck sits quite high and at the beam, only half of the paintable trim from the lower planks is visible to be targeted for repairs. This makes repairs very challenging during combat or rolling seas. Since the deck position is dictated by wall height, would you please adjust the planks on the schooner such that we have at least a foot or so to target, at the narrowest? The blue line in the image is the uppermost part of the lower planks.
  15. Additional info: I've found that placeability of the wheel depends on whether I'm facing the bow or the stern.
  16. It's because someone could pick up a tiger and drop it inside someone's base. Leaving it turned off is a grief-prevention measure.
  17. Stuck, Philadelphia Experiment style. Floating, so can't crouch or jump out. Need to punch myself to death or destroy a ceiling. How old is this bug? How many generations of WC/SG games?
  18. I just tested with an existing, un-plumbed grill on land and it worked fine. edit: Also tested with an exiting, un-plumbed grill on a galleon and it also worked fine.
  19. Thanks for the reply. Please consider this a suggest/request then. As I posted, the weight reduction of a cart is a function of the mechanical advantage provided by the ratio of the axle to the wheel rims. The wheels still function whether the cart is on a ship or land, so it's unrealistic that it would magically stop working when you cross the threshold onto a ship. From a gameplay perspective, I feel it's an annoyance, rather than an entertaining challenge, to have to drag things at an encumbered pace for the last 20 yards of the trip. Cheers
  20. As illustrated below, I can't move between these two NPCs, despite their being more than ample visual space to do so.
  21. Rarity is fine but I agree with the stamina thing. This beast is designed to be aquatic transport. If it's stamina restricts it to short hops from ship to shore then it's not a great deal of use. edit: Personally I'm still coming to grips with the ridiculousness of the tortise and the morellatops elflend. How would animals evolve like that? Stinks of artificially created lifeforms such as we'd see on an Ark (which I'm told this totally isn't).
  22. A question that arose yesterday was, "How is 'the captain' determined for the purposes of skill-related improvements?" ie payment rates, food consumption, sail turning speed, etc. Presumably if someone is actually mounted on the ship's wheel, that person is 'the captain' but: What happens when there's a captain on board but not at the wheel? Does the cost of feeding and paying crew revert to default rates? What happens when there are multiple people on board? Do the values change whenever someone new gets on the helm? What happens when no one is aboard? Suggestion: I propose that ships have a 'Captain' field, the value of which is set via a "Make me Captain" radial menu option. This would ensure that appropriate numbers are used regardless of whether the captain is on the helm, ashore, fixing things or, heaven forbid, out of game. It would also ensure that appropriate values are used when there are multiple player characters on a ship, sharing the duties. This would need to be restricted to one ship per captain as realistically, a captain could only divide his attention so far, and we don't want a situation where one tribe member invests in all the captaining skills, leaving others to invest their points elsewhere. It would also simplify the programming. You'd just need a single field for Ship ID on the player character and a Captain ID on the ship. Changing ships would be 1. lookup current current ship ID, clear that ship's captain value, 2. update ship ID on character, 3. update captain ID on new ship. The current captain should be clearly visible when looking at the ship info! Cheers
  23. What server? It seems to be 1x on NA PVE E10. To test, I pick up a beach rock. Two pieces of stone indicates 1x.
  24. Hi team, I feel that the view distance for ships on the ocean is far too short. In reality, masts and even SotD pennants would be visible for miles. In-game however, they appear about 4 or 5 galleon lengths away. The ships in the image below are at the extreme distance. A galleon just winked out of view. If a wolf pack appears directly in front of you, as has happened many times for me, my galleon has no opportunity to evade and must hope to simply weather the assault. I get that the proximity adds some challenge but I feel it's unreasonably challenging at this time. I'm lucky that this hasn't happened when I've been running 6 kts under shitty winds, but it'll happen sooner or later and it's likely that I'll rage quit at having lost an expensive ship and all her cargo to a poorly-designed game mechanic. It would be just peachy if you'd double or triple the ship render distance, perhaps just for ships of the damned, or perhaps just on the PVE servers. Cheers
  25. Actually, a grill on land is the most convenient way since that will snap to water pipes and auto-refill. Sadly grills on ships, which do not have access to cisterns, are painful. And I am right because I reported it myself and Jat replied they'd look into it
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