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Everything posted by Bowtie

  1. Ah, it appears the PvP servers are not experiencing as many problems as PvE. Unless I'm mistaken. Lots of info flying around.
  2. Ok, but where on Earth are you playing from, because that's making a difference right now.
  3. which zone, PvE or PvP, and which geological location are you playing from?
  4. All of my ships are made of nothing less than journeyman pieces; all the planks, gunports, masterwork sails and cannons, even legedary where possible, and crew of mostly level 80+. I just haven't had the fortune to be able to log on at all so that I could also have my precious belongings stuck in a precarious situation I mourn for you all and hope steam gets their stuff figured out soon.
  5. Still cannot log in to my character on NA PvE, but I can make a new character in NA PvP just fine. Also every single other steam game I have works just fine. I also bought a new game on steam and it plays just fine. So. Yeah. I don't want to play a different game.
  6. 3 weeks is perfect - if they're gone that long, it's fine they lose their land. All you who can't wait three weeks for something need a big lesson in patience. Life doesn't happen quickly, that's death's job. Life happens slowly.
  7. Still waiting. I really don't want to finish this calc 2 homework guys. C'mooon.
  8. Only those that go in before the login / transfer server went down, and also have not tried to change servers yet.
  9. I saw some had the authentication token error, but most seem to experience a generic failure to get passed the login server, as if the login server is down.
  10. Does Grapeshot work on the Saturday before the Super Bowl to fix these things or should I expect to be unable to play at all this weekend?
  11. Heya Z, it's me Steve. I guess we'll get to play someday later...
  12. New 2x weekend feature - 2x servers down for 2x as long!
  13. Anyone can't log in? How many servers are down? Where is the server status page?
  14. I'm harvesting plenty of fish, but not a drop of oil to be found from them.
  15. I have some useless legendary stone and wood ceiling tiles BP, and tried to place stone on a ship; you get the error, "you cannot place stone structures on a ship."
  16. I am interested in soloing level 60 SODs on PvE, so pictures of an effective armored ship are appreciated.
  17. My PvE experience was ruined because PvP needing fire arrows nerfed. You PvPers are the problem. PvP has been the major problem of all humanity for all of time in all areas of existence.
  18. I don't think people know how to operate the like button here. That's all.
  19. Some people enjoy building in the sandbox without bullies tearing it all down and kicking sand in faces. Why does everything have to have some sort of "reward"? Isn't playing reward enough?
  20. Update: the accused company have torn down their traps and pillars, thankfully. Here's to peace.
  21. Bumping. A ship from BubbaGump got trapped today sailing through K11 by these pillars. K11 needs admin/gm help, please! This griefing needs to end!
  22. Your forum? Lie. Pride. Stop crying so much? Wrath. Heartlessness. My God...? Name taken in vain. Easy resources? Theft. Sloth. Promote others committing crimes? Unlawful. Ungodly. There is just so much wrong with you. Leave that in the PvP server where it belongs.
  23. The situation is getting worse. Pillars are being constructed further in the ocean, away from islands, because people were avoiding the area around the island.
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