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Seren Du

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Everything posted by Seren Du

  1. think about it automatic repair machine....fill it with 10k of resource and just leave it...how long will that last to keep foundation spam in place. Personally claim flags should be more like the current decay rate, rather than 2 weeks have 5 days. Currently the lawless decay is manageable and makes sense. Im doubtful ill be back after the announcement today, i dont want to spend forever filling up a chest to keep a large base going as lets face it that is what PVe is for its for those who just want to build super impressive structures. The loss of those is...kinda game breaking for a lot of people ive chatted to. I could live with that... The time spent on getting tames and oddly having favourites, as is human nature to personify objects that dont exist. I could just about live with that too, just... But the character reset, start from scratch that just kills it. that just drives the knife in. People can go on about how its early access and should expect this blah blah blah, but early access makes or breaks a game and most though the get in knowing this dont want to have all the time they spent wiped for nothing. If we kept our stats then i would likely start over. As yeah can improve what i already built, but add the new system and no...no i could not.
  2. Exactly its badly thought out.
  3. the fountain of youth grind once again to get all that back. And we get a hat... same but i dont care about the claim, claims are getting removed so its pointless for PVE for those that never got a claim and build in lawless, the hours spent building stuff all gone and add insult to injury character wipe. its not a new opportunity, its a loss of hundreds of hours of game for nothing.
  4. @Jatheish really needs a rethink on PVE its not gonna solve the spam issues and so many PVE players wont come back as no large bases anymore which defeats the object of PVE. Upkeep is going top be too much of a grind and boring. I get the wipe but the loss of progress is too much to take. i have over 700 hours so why would any existing players want to come back on PVE? The updates look good but too late for most so it seems.
  5. New system is not going to stop foundation spam, if anything it may make it worse. If i get ti right all you need to do is link spam foundations and add a resource box in whatever the proximity is and then keep spamming. Large builds will be a thing of the past especially for smaller companies. Its going to kill PVE from what i get from the stream so far. Why would anyone want to start over? this should have happened at least a month ago.
  6. As someone in PVE it isnt boring as such you just have to make up your own content and finding a good sector with friendly neighbours is half the battle, you can and do lose ships especially when Whaling or going after high level SOTD. Personally im rather pissed at the push back on this update. As someone who never played ARK I dont have much knowledge of these devs, but based on what i have seen so far its appalling how wrong and yet so right they can get stuff. The original update needed to drop in the next few days, so many players I have spoken to were hanging on for that little tidbit. Yeah its odd but its human behaviour now, many gamers need that instant gratification in certain areas and that update was keeping them from leaving the game. I understand the logic behind them pushing it back to "add more", well actually not so much as why not do 2 updates? Makes you look like you are doing more. Im just at the point i dont know where im going to go with this game, 700 hours in and im finally getting to the point of why bother? Both PVP and PVE seem undervalued and are in essence 2 different games. The devs just cant seem to get anything out without something breaking parts of the game. New content is pushed back as they want to add more...sick of tames dying as they load too soon before structures. Galleon is now having issues where you cant seem to place all the ceiling tiles to fill in the deck holes. Not enough land even on lawless. In all fairness PVP does seem to be suffering more than PVE. I want this game to be good, it has great potential and a great premise, just a shame the devs dont actually understand the player base and what the game actually needs.
  7. Yet again another patch and more bugs So Crew...now you cant access them cant unseat them cant command them if they are on sails they seem to work. Also can you please please for once listen and sort out the load in issues with Tames. Why should i lose tames simply because they load in first and fall through the floor? What is the god damn point! Make the whole idea of structures pointless. As much as you are firefighting you are still not seeing the big picture of how much your crappy design is causing you to lose players on a daily basis in 2 months you have lost more than half the player base closer to 75% i think if what i have read and heard is correct. Oh and SOTD not spawning in powerstone locations... Guys seriously this game has a really negative view on steam and most gaming sites, it could have been great except you dont want to listen to us, your player base. think about your future it only takes one badly messed up gamer an no-one will want to try anything else you do. For the love of anything please just LISTEN!!
  8. figure, one of the most important aspects and they cant get it sorted out
  9. How the hell can it be a part of the gamer on pve that you can claim land and then some other company comes along and places sea claim all around the island so you cant even build ship yards? I have a claim in Artic and now some w***er company from MorT has surrounded what appears to be the entire island with Claim flags... this system is so god damn broken
  10. 3 fast travels later its backcome on sort the issues with animals, make them spawn in last!!
  11. Tried fast travel and logging out of game elephant still invisible and cant do anything with it...ffs
  12. Looking to buy a tiger Eu pve, i am in sector O6
  13. Oi you aint got time to be on the forums you should be replenishing stock!! lol
  14. Actaully no...i think its quite right t oexpress the feelings have have on a poorley exeuted update. If it was an Isolated incident I would be less inclinded to "slate" the devs. For the most part i love the concept of the game, I have over 300 hrs in the game so far, I get so frustrated wit hthe poor development that keeps getting put in every update. I understand this is early access and subject to a lot of bugs and problems. Yet so far every update just looks to have a serious lack of foresight, care and progress. As most people seem to forget about early access/beta, is that its supposed to be a 2 way street. Dont get me wrong i can see them listening on some issue but they blatantly ignore the community, (or so it seems), on major issues and just keep pushing content that is close to game breaking for so many player. So though my feedback in the original post may not have been of the highest quality feedback it still stands that the devs are really being bad at delivering the game content and pushing to hard for the "fun" stuff they think is right rather than fixing what is needed.
  15. ive done a Ikea flat pack Brig in a box to trade for Tames
  16. 2 lost ships only to find out that it moved due to the god damn awful devs on this game...
  17. worst thing now you cant even get to the fountain as the server is full....fucking idiots
  18. honestly im starting to feel like im part of a social experiment to see who rages quits the game last...
  19. its totally ridiculous...put the birthing update in before this!!!! at least we then have something to aim for when the fountain of youth one hits. i would love the devs to actually comment as to why they think this is a good idea, why is this so fun and engaging? @Jatheish
  20. isnt it seriously getting the impression the have no god damn idea what they are doing...day by day all there is, is another stupid problem, another badly thought out idea...player base is dwindling...what is the point...nearly 300hrs in the game and for what....punished for playing so long with the shit debuff and god awful fountain of youth implementation. I have no chance of getting there...
  21. Doors broken and minor debuff....minor debuff. Do you guys want people to play your game or are you seriously trying to get rid of us...plus cant see location of the fountain anyway... do you ever think your updates through? @Jatheish how the hell is a single play supposed to even get to the fountain? or small company????????? dont you think the birth process would have been better to put in first. i get you have great ideas but they are just that great ideas...they dont really work. Pah!! more reason for bad press
  22. yup im over 90 already in a company mainly of 2 people, no way im getting to that fountain. Seriously if there wasn't enough bad press for the game already then there is gonna be a fuck ton more now! edit: So rough calculation based on the amount of time ive put into the game every 3 weeks i would need to visit the fountain...yeah fuck that shit
  23. im now doing something similar but sans elephant...
  24. then what is the actual point in it? It makes no sense other than its lazy, lack of care towards the product. Dont want to address the issues like this, as if it was the same in ark wehat hope is there that it will ever change? At least in Ark you had more land, here if they bring back the affect of foundations on spawning of resources then you wont be able to do anything as you are compensating for the glitching by using foundations to keep animals safe and yourself yet too many kill the spawns of resource... Did the devs ever actually consider this during development. Damn i hate moaning on forums i normally never do but this is getting beyond!
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