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Everything posted by Dayum

  1. yeah looks pretty outdated
  2. lets be honest, this game will always be a circlejerk on pve servers. Entire game is about claming land and seafights.
  3. Lost 2 Levels during update, got no respec... leveled up a lvl got no respec.... well done ! Im a Dev myself and cannot understand how u can release such a untested bug shit. Feels pretty much like bugfixing and balancing with a shotgun.
  4. and whats the point in making another thread to the same topic? there are hundrets of it you could release your tears in.
  5. yeah makin armor OP AF is a great solution for fixing animals ... strawman much? Btw i take like 20 hits from a wolf (non alpha) with armor and lvl 51...
  6. your farming days for a schooner? Takes us like 20 min... and buying a raft takes you like 5 min solo in freeports. Lot of mimimi and bullshittery in here my friend.
  7. everyone of us bothers with the nutrition system , EQ buff is insane.
  8. you build in territories claimed by others that are taxed with 0-30% of everything u gather in those claims.
  9. 1) Shipeating bugs (Alpha wolfes chewing on Planks ...) 2) Absurdly big Companys (500 player company for 150 player servers ...) 3) Boring af Blueprint system... we gather like a million of them just to throw them away... make good BPs rare and remove those 2x 3x 4x... nonsense and overall PVP balance... fire spots from flame arrows still way too OP, torches best melee weapon so far (wtf),explosive barrels Cost/Efficiency-Rating is just lol compared to medium cannonballs ...
  10. placing them shouldnt be that much of a problem as long as u cant unclaim existing flags.
  11. TBH more skillpoints are absolutley nessesary as long as there are this much skills ur forced to have if u want to compede in pvp. As a primary pvp player u cant contribute anything usefull to your company/ally except stupid farming (which is far faster with animals like elephants and rhinos)
  12. Get gud, get some friends and wipe things u want yourself... its the whole point of the game why should WC do the job for us? And yeah that sentence sounds sooooo wrong xD
  13. cannons set to shoot ships only, gatling guns set to shoot players only. Npcs are rly strong on Placeable guns.
  14. build a harbor with npc crew manned cannons... Its pretty easy to defend your ships while your offline...
  15. Its not about respect those playstyles... its about that the game isnt made for solo players and small groups , get it. You cant change the game because it doesnt fit your playstyle... adapt, go on and find another game or play on a empty private server.
  16. Play the game the way its ment to be played... join a alliance or merge with others to a larger and stronger company
  17. "Why does a damned ship with canons attack a raft ?" Cuz people start using rafts to get close to them and start killing them with axes for unreal amounts of EXP and gold. the guys in the video use combat sail setup but havent guns on board... logix they could have easily escape with large and small speed sails... shooner is such a rocket with that setup
  18. mit ner schooner mit 4 kannonen gehen die grünen problemlos , die gelben gehen mit ner brig gut und alles drüber nur mit mehreren schiffen. Fürs gold und BPs kannste es knicken , was nett ist sind die im meer schwimmenden matrosen des schiffs welche für wenig gold angeheuert werden können. ps: Problemlos heisst das der kaptain weis wie man nen schiff fährt und die crew an den kannonen auch was trifft (optional durch npcs ersetzten xD)
  19. U beein stupid is not a problem with the game... Just dont stay with your ships in freeports for hours and youll be fine... And btw this game is noway ment to be optimized for small independent player groups (Look at eve online - games like this are 100% powerblock play)
  20. Remove Alphas as long as they add nothing to the game except frustration. Alpha Horses are stupid af, wolfes spawn every min. Taming animals for riding / harvesting is pretty useless cuz they cant survive a fight against aggressive alphas or outrun them.
  21. if you think your too slow, dont use a shield... shields are very strong atm in pvp making them faster will make them totaly OP. Most of the times i play 3vs1 when i enter ships and they cant do shit because firingweapons deal no dmg and have long reloadtimes that can be cancled with shieldstun.
  22. just anchor and have repair materials in your ressource chest. Crew member without jobs will start to sweep.
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