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Everything posted by UDO

  1. i noticed the further away the map the more its worth , closer less , so i thinks its intended , why should u get treasure maps on your own island worth hundreds of gold , as u would never have to leave it to travel anywhere , intended mechanic, closer = less gold , further = more
  2. i had this issue with the old gates , the new ones worked fine for me ..
  3. resources to repair ship , nothing more nothing less , its primary use is for ai crew to auto repair ship if they are idle
  4. UDO

    Crew payments

    doesnt happen to me they cost what it says on tooltip 1 gold per 1.6 hrs when on ship in dock or home , and 1 gold per 0.8 when at sea , or approx 15-25 a day per crew member depending on traveling def bug on your crew
  5. why are u saying there isnt anywhere to build when u havnt been everywhere? think for a moment all the close areas to freeport are of course taken they were first areas to be hit , so later players will have to travel further to find spots , basic common sense
  6. probably wrong place , if no red beacon/beam then not in correct area
  7. ctrl left click to turn them around , mouse wheel zoom in and out ,
  8. i can farm faster by hand , why is there no weight reduction for stone and metal with this thing , its moves so slow once tamed should have a very large weight reduction to make up for the travel times , i know u can charge about pretty fast dont want to find myself out of stamina just as wild animal attacks , although with slow moving and turning will end up dying anyway
  9. and to top it all off after taming a rhino , its doesnt have weight reduction for metal and rocks, i can farm faster manually using axe and picks
  10. an ally said about t but not gotten it to work as if yet , is there something else that needs to be done ?
  11. i noticed this today tamed my first rhino , went to farm it only carrys as much as i can, wasted my time for this
  12. show a screenshot of the atlas map , show us all how many places u have visited , all these players saying nowhere to claim , show us shows us a screenshot of your atlas map with the places u have visited , if you have been to every grid and every island and are still saying the same then yes there is a problem , if u dont land and check claim flags them how do u know there are no spots , u cant tell that just from red blobs
  13. so u want to play a game but never ever ever ever lose anything ? is that about right , 4 sloop 2 schooner lost so far do i care no , was it down to SOTD spawns too many on one area to avoid yes , guess what with 2x rates takes couple of hours to rebuild one less with friends
  14. UDO


    this u cant tell me they cant add one , the large gate is hideous looking , even the new one build a nice base then spoil it with huge oversized ugly gates
  15. the sounds the chars make when , hot , cold , dying , thirsty , hitting things , is ridiculous , there are more than enough visual qs in the game remove the silly sounds the chars make , or give us the option to turn off char sounds
  16. once age system is in place they will die at 100 , and yes u do age even while logged out
  17. WHY IS THIS IS THING AFTER THE RECENT PATCHES NO POINT IN TAMING ANYTHING IF WILD ANIMAL CAN SPAWN INSIDE WALLS ... reports of this daily and still nothing in upcoming notes about this , wild animals should not be spawning in the viciinty of any player made structures after ark and all the info an code u have from that , this shouldnt even be a n issue , id says its down to sheer incompetance and lack of any form of quality control ... it really doesnt give me much hope if u cant even get the things that are working in ark working properly p.s oh but look the non aggro crew that sat on my boat is still there , all crew nd tames were on passive non aggroed , so how why were they targetted and killed ...
  18. minus 242200k then u can claim as the 3 days is up
  19. EA there will be bugs no good getting upset about ti , and they wont relace anything
  20. he is owner u cant remove the owner
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