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Everything posted by Dragonchampion

  1. Really would like to know, since harpoons are expensive, and I'd love to know how many we'd need to bring, since I always try to bring double what's needed.
  2. What the title says! This nerf to wolves is wonderful! Any chance we can get one for Lions, Tigers, and Snakes?
  3. What the title says. I think that's great! My elephant now has 3300 carry weight, and can carry MORE wood than a day ago.
  4. I wish there was a site to show the location of the fountain of youth...
  5. After spending 4 hours travelling to get an elephant and using it ONLY for gathering wood, and almost having it die to an alpha Snake, I cannot in good faith call the "nerf", for that's what it is, to elephants a good thing, or defend it at all. This is a foolish choice that completely ruins the reason to tame an elephant. Sure, you can maybe hold a stack more than a player, but what's the point? The bear holds more weight and can defend itself far easier than an elephant, is faster, has a better turn radius, and is a far, FAR easier tame. Please, if there is ANY chance to go back on this decision, please, do it. Elephants were the reason I didn't mind not finding any axe blueprints. I knew I could just use my elephant instead.
  6. The absolute cap is 800 people However, you can only hire up to 20 level 1 crew at a time. To hire more, go take said crew out and level them, then come back later.
  7. Make a taming trap or use a public one that's around the area you are in, they're very common..
  8. Sounds like they somehow managed to bind a lever to your pin coded stuff.
  9. Don't forget ships take damage slowly when not anchored. It'd require maintenance.
  10. Take it to the recruiting forum please. Incoming lock.
  11. Currently, cooking is a waste of points. I hope that's changed soon.
  12. See the plank leading up to the ship? That's a Gangplank! I'm surprised there's no Gangplank attachment for a ship, to make getting near shore and docks easier.
  13. So, I'm trying to make a comprehensive list, and did my best to think of quality, difficulty, and how I assume the devs want this game to continue. I don't pretend to be a dev, but I do want to see this game become great. SO just wanted to give my musings and thoughts on different aspects. Part 1: Survival Right now, Survival is in a decent spot, and vitamins are dealable if you take the vitamin consumption perks in the Survival tree. It's not that hard to find vegetables, berries, fish and meat, so it's relatively simple to keep your vitamins up once you know how. However, there's a pretty bad thing right now, which leads us to our first point. Problem 1: Creatures It doesn't matter if you're lategame or early game, creatures are an issue. Their damage is very high even at low levels, and the carnivores overspawn. They are often faster than humans, and have skills and abilities that can completely make any battle with them one-sided. Tigers and Lions have the grab, Snakes have torpor, Crocs have their aquatic speed, Wolves are fast and can attack multiple times. Sure, dying is a part of the game, but when it's to these same mobs over and over, people get frustrated and some even quit. I personally enjoyed the difficulty, but considering I also enjoyed starting a new character level 1 with Annunaki Genesis ARK installed, I may be a bit of a masochist for difficult survival scenarios. Problem 1 Solution: Creature Spawn Frequency Reduction, Aggro Radius, Neutral Mobs, and Stat Balance Spawn Reduction. The most simple way to fix this would be to reduce spawns. Yes, everyone says that, so I'm not going to go too far into it. Th problems of reducing spawns, however, would be a lack of meat and, if done willy-nilly, would cause overpopulation and TOO easy of an early game. So, we can go into different methods. Aggro Radius. As of right now, a reduction in aggro for creatures by 20% would be ideal, and if people want more aggro reduction, they spec into the stealth perks in beastmastery. That would let people sneak around carnivores much easier, and have them not act like player-seeking missiles. This would allow players to keep an eye out for carnivores, and avoid them much easier in the case of stumbling across one; and would make the Jungles of the Isles a dangerous proposition, thanks to the sheer number of trees blocking view. Neutral Mobs. Right now, Neutral Mobs have a somewhat hard time against carnivores unless they're in massive packs. This should be fixed; maybe give them a bonus when facing snakes or carnivores explicitly. This is possible thanks to ARK's inbuilt systems with the Megatherium, I think it was, which has bonuses against insects. By giving Neutral Mobs the ability to fight back and take down enemies, and not fall to them, it solves the issue about carnivore overspawning and overpopulation. A good example of why it doesn't work right now is I saw a wolf take down three rhinos at once; even at level 25+ a wild wolf should not be able to do that much damage, period. Stat Balance. All in all, carnivores and creatures in general need balancing. A good start would be to make wild creatures have maybe 15% less HP, and deal 40% less damage currently. Make combat with them require finesse and dodging, but don't make their attacks be near instantaneous death when in light or no armor. Tamed creatures, while we are discussing these, should be innately stronger than untamed ones. a 20% increase to current tamed creature level stats from this current point in time would make tames able to survive fighting their more vicious, feral cousins. Problem 2: Freeport Level Cap Freeport levels are low, yes, and I understand they have a cap to encourage people to leave. But level 8 is far, far too small. It makes it so people can't really do much with what they have, and coupled with the problems of freeports other than that, it makes the early game a matter of "when do I leave" instead of "I want to learn the game". Problem 2 Solution: Raised Level Cap. I'm not saying it should be raised to something ludicrous, but level 10, or even 12, would be perfect here. It'd give enough levels to really taste the more advancd things, and give new players the ability to survive longer when they do leave freeports. Especially in areas with low or high temperatures, 4 levels worth of fortutude would mean the difference between life and death. Part 2: The Early Game Life: Making your first large ship and settling down So you have a Ramshackle Sloop or a Raft, and are leaving the freeport. You are heading out, and making your way to the next square. But, oh no! Passing through the square, and you bump right into a Ship of the Damned! The Ship will butcher you in both a Raft and a Ramshackle Sloop unless you're exceedingly lucky, so you have to head all the way back to the freeport to get another. Or perhaps suddenly you pass through the Barrier, and there's a storm going on in the next hex, which damages and sinks your ship due to a massive amount of Tornados spawning! Ah well. Sure, this is part of the game, but it can be made a bit easier for newbies... and all others as well. Problem 1: Transitions Bring Death Right now, there is no way to know if on the other side of the Server Barrier there is clear seas, a Storm, or even a Ship of the Damned waiting for you. This is a huge problem, and while the Storms are a harder thing to deal with, let's first focus on the Ships of the Damned. Problem 1 Solution: Ship of the Damned Avoidance of Border Walls. As it is right now, Ship of the Damned AI is set to avoid islands, and will wander back away from them once they lose aggro. This should also be applied for border walls. Any Ship of the Damned within maybe 2-3 Galleons length from a Barrier Wall should go passive, and wander away from it as long as they aren't aggroed. This would reduce the amount of "LoL, you're dead" moments where you spawn in next to a Ship of the Damned. Problem 2: Storms Right now, Storms are hectic. Tornados drop as soon as the rains begin, and will hunt down ships unless they are anchored. This is infuriating, since the larger the ship, the more damage it takes, and will sink larger ships, and really cause damage. The water spouts just keep spawning and spawning and spawning, never giving you any respite whatsoever. No calm rain, nothing like that. Problem 2 Solution: 3 Types of Rainfall Right now, Storms are the only type of Rain. This should change. There should be 3 types, like there's 3 types of Whale. Light Rain, Heavy Rain, Tempest. Tempest is the current Storm, where it drops multiple tornados down and seems to actively hunt ships. This would be a very rare occurrence, maybe 1 in every 4 times of Heavy Rain. Next is Heavy Rain. It would be a lighter version of the storm, with powerful winds and changing directions, as well as maybe 1 tornado at a time, that is programmed to choose a direction and continue in that direction until dissipation. 1 in 5 Light Rains would become Heavy Rains, but the closer you are to the Equator, the more common they become. FInally, Light Rain. Light Rain has absolutely no tornados, no bad effects; just a light drizzle to refill waterskins and make people wet. And, most importantly... rain should NOT happen in the Tundra. Make a snowstorm instead. Problem 3: Claims and Land Scarcity The Neutral claim flags were a great step in a positive direction, but the underlying problems, unfortunately, are still there. Some people refuse neutral building, and these same people got hold of every little bit of land they could before people had even left Lawless yet. This is a huge problem, as people are ending up with nowhere to live. I myself live in a Lawless Region because of this; it lets me have neighbors and help newbies. Problem 3 Solution: Cap Claim Flags OR Add Maintenance that scales with number of Claim Flags. Huge companies could farm gold easily with treasure hunts and Flotsam Gathering. So, why not make Claim Flags cost gold to maintain? 1 gold for each claimf lag, and double it for every claim flag above 1 you have. 2 claim flags costs 2 gold per 2 hours (1+1), 3 claim flags costs 4 (1+1+2), 4 claim flags cost 8 (1+1+2+4), 5 claim flags cost 16 (1+1+2+4+8) and so on, so forth, ad infinitum. This would let the big Companies still have their plenty of claims, but would also encourage people to only have 1-2 claim flags they can maintain. If this is not possible, simply limit each person to 1 claim flag. If you're in a company that's big enough, you can claim more land and even whole islands. But a small company shouldn't be able to hold an entire island just cause they spammed it with flags. Problem 3: Ship Combat Right now, Combat is risky, dangerous, and can make you lose everything. Which is good! But the problem is, Ship Planks. Ship Planks have ludicrously low amounts of HP, which will die after a few direct hits from a Ship of the Damned, and instantly break against Whales. They should NOT have the little amounts of HP that they currently have; it costs too much to maintain them and keep them operational. A simple battle against a level 5 Ship of the Damned should not be costing you planks, even if you sail haphazardly! Problem 3 Solution: Double Plank HPs. It'd be fine if you made planks cost more to compensate for this, but right now, Planks should have double their current HP. It should take a decent bit of damage to completely destroy a plank, not just a couple hits. Ship combat should be a huge thing, with both teams making repairs and hurrying to stations. But right now, 2-3 hits and a plank is gone, just completely. It's ridiculous. So, by doubling plank HP, it will solve a lot of combat issues, and make ship combat far more interesting. Problem 4: PvE Weight Griefing. Yeah, not even going into this. EVeryone knows it's a problem, including Jat, so it'll be fixed soon. Problem 4 Solution: XXXXX Don't need to give a solution, since they're probably already fixing it or finding a way to. Problem 5: Ship Carry Weight The 40% increased weight was a good start. But galleons are still only at around 29k or so. This is a bad thing; it makes it difficult to use the galleon as the massive cityship it's meant to be. Furniture and decorations weigh in, and even beds and supplies cost a lot. To have a good ship, you have to have almost half of its carry weight filled! Problem 5 Solution: Increase Carry Weight OR Triple Weight Sail Weight Increases. So the Weight Sail is not currently worth it. The loss of speed just causes a lot of problems. But if we figure in the Weight Sail, this problem could be sovled easily. Just triple the amount of weight that a weight sail gives! It'd help quite a bit, and make weight sails quite important on a lot of cargo ships. This is a pretty easy fix, so I don't quite need to go into the details with this one. Part 3: Midgame and Lategame: Power Stone Hunting and Ships Right now, I want to say level 51 feels like a very poor early-game level cap. It should be much higher, maybe 70 or so. This would let people invest more points and head out once they feel that they are ready. Power Stones are dangerous, and pretty much endgame raids. However, as it is right now, the creatures guarding them overspawn, and also cause a lot of havoc otherwise. So, now we go into the next set of problems. Problem 1: Power Stone Creature Overspawning This ties with the Creature problem in Part 1. These beasts need tweaking; if the only real way to get a power stone is by doing a naked run into the depths of the cave, then there's something very, very wrong. Problem 1 Solution: Stronger Weaponry Currently, weapons (Especially guns) are a total sham. They don't deal nearly enough damage for their investment. A good rifle or pistol should be killing things in 1 hit for a rifle and MAYBE 2 for a pistol. As it is right now, creatures are much too strong against all forms of damage that a player can do. And because the Power Stone Caves are caves, and enclosed, ships can't support with harpoons, either. This is a large issue, and hopefully, will be fixed eventually. Problem 2: Lack of Ship Options So this is more of a personal preference thing. But right now we have 4 sizes of ship. Sloop, Schooner, Brig, and Galleon. However, there's so many more ship types that can be used! Of course, this would be a huge amount of work for the devs, so I am a bit adverse to saying. Problem 2 Solution: 2 New Ship Types I feel that 2 new ship types would be perfect. 1 between Brig and Galleon, the Frigate, modeled after the Ship of the Line used by the English in the 16th century and would be between the Brig and Galleon. And finally, the Caravel, which would be a stop between the Schooner and Brig, and would handle more cargo than the others, but have less masts. It'd be a good build for those not wanting combat, but instead more of a merchant or cargo vessel, perfect for supporting ships. Problem 3: Risk and Reward for SOTD Piracy Right now, Ships of the Damned drop some blueprints, and 10-20 coins. This is absolutely, positively ridiculously stupid. Even a level 1 Ship of the Damned can deal 500 wood, 500 Thatch, 500 Fiber, and 100 Metal worth of damage to a ship in the course of a single combat. The payout you MIGHT get is absolutely foolish. There is no reward to sinking Ships of the Damned other than a RNG-based blueprint set. Problem 3 Solution: Increase Rewards Level 1-10 should give Fine and Journeyman blueprints, and 200-400 gold. Level 11-20 should give Legendary and Masterwork Blueprints, and 800-1000 Gold. And finally, level 21+ SOTD NEED to give 1100+ gold and Legendary and Mythic Quality blueprints. The reward for sinking these ships needs to be increased by a factor of 10. And so that's my views currently on several of the most common problems i have experienced, and how to fix them. I know it's not a comprehensive list or even really including a lot of the bugs out there, but this was mostly to post my views on the game as I have played so far. I have 250 hours in this game, and plan on just as much in the future, so I eagerly await the next changes and patches that will be coming down the pipeline! Thanks for all your hard work, ATLAS dev team!
  14. Harpoon is king against wildlife. It deals 500 damage a shot.
  15. All I see is "Waaah waaah waaah pay attention to me. Visit my website."
  16. For me, I can get in fine, but the game times me out as I log in every single time. I todesn't matter where I am, it just... times me out. Sometimes before I even finish loading.
  17. No one seems to be having the same problems as me/us, maybe we're outliers? I don't know what to do, 230 hours and counting, I want to play more of this game. It's like crack, lol.
  18. I have even tried verifying files, but nothing works! I checked my internet, and it's working fine... what do I do?
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