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Captain Jack Shadow

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Everything posted by Captain Jack Shadow

  1. I assumed that the issue was the hiding of crafting stations and storage boxes, mostly embedded in the terrain. But, it would make sense that this would be a temp fix for keeping people from living under the mesh. However, if there is a more permanent fix, as you suggest, then they should use that. I will say it again, Meta gamers and cheaters, ruin games. It is up to the Devs to keep them from doing so.
  2. OK guys, use some logic for a change. You don't actually have to play a game to comment on it. YouTube with the aid of content creators, allows you to experience the game without actually playing it.
  3. Next time I tame one, I will record it, and show how I can do this, and it works, and the elephant sometimes doesn't even lash out, and I just use S and W, to move in and out, but the elephant does not react the same each time. Sometimes it lashes out, and sometimes not. But the good news is that this is being fixed.
  4. Yes, this is a step in the right direction. Hopefully this is just a placeholder for something more immersive in the future. But yes, this is a great first step.
  5. Ballista to the eye, should kill them, or at a minimum, it should blind them If not, that is a problem.
  6. If this is a feature, a permanent (no timer) should pop up in its place, with all of the gold, and resources in it. I naturally assumed that our possession of our island in i5 would transfer to Red Hand, when I merged the company, while at Red Hand's island in B12. Why wouldn't it? It is an asset of the company, same as a ship, or base. Why wouldn't it transfer? If it won't transfer, a warning should pop up warning you of this, an warning that the flag, where the gold and resources are, will be lost. As it is, we lost 3K+ gold, plus a lot of resources. Why is it so hard to understand that with the effort that it takes to gather things, or build things, it is unacceptable to lose these things simply because the mechanics are not clear. You shouldn't lose your assets simply because it drops into a satchel with a short timer, when you are many grids away, in a meeting. If that is going to happen, you should get a warning.
  7. For us, this is a huge problem, because a merchant ship literally goes right in front of our port in i5, SW island. It is causing us to lose a lot of cannon balls. Being a small company, this hurts.
  8. Not true all the time. Science fiction can have fantasy elements in the story, and Fantasy can have science fiction elements. In other words, you can have some serious tech items in a fantasy story, so long as it is a smaller aspect of the lore. If it is a the focus of the story, with much less fantasy elements, then no, it would be a science fiction story, with fantasy elements.
  9. The problem is weight of materials. The resources you carry, can be used to repair your ship. Repair is in competition with damage. If you can carry tons of supplies, you would always win the battle using repair. Nobody would get sunk, if they loaded up on enough supplies. A work around is a supply crate that cannot be opened while at sea. Only when anchored could it be opened. The crate would reduce the weight of resources, dramatically, thus making supply runs make more sense. It would also allow other side benefits. We could have a player shop at a Freeport, but we would need to manually stock it, meaning we have to take the supplies to the Freeport, and load them into that booth. This would also ensure that there is good loot available when you sink somebody, since they would need to be loaded onto a ship, and then that ship would need to be anchored, to open it. They could also be opened on land. As it stands, people often popcorn their stuff if they get sunk, to deny everybody else, the opportunity to get the loot. Weight could be added back to gold, such that people would be encouraged to add it to these crates. Thus when they get sunk, somebody gets a payday, if they recover the crates. Add a winch to the diving platform for bringing them up to your ship. Once at the top, they are placed in a special area you set aside for these crates. Maybe special foundations that can snap onto the decks, or snap into holes in the decks, could be used for this purpose. When a crate is added to your ship, it snaps to an open spot on one of those special structures. Wouldn't it be nice to see actual cargo in your ship? Oh, and maybe different containers can be used for different resources. Like a treasure chest for gold, and a crate for crafted items, and burlap and rope packages for fiber, bushel baskets for food, and pallets for stacked wood, etc...
  10. LULz, the last post was a week and a half ago. You just kept it going. It was now being ignored, until you posted in it.
  11. We have a bear that glitched below the mesh, under stairs going up to ruins. I would like to give the coordinates so the bear can be brought to the surface.
  12. That's a good start. After that, they should use my suggestion for imprinting. Allow 24 hours to imprint. Once the "wants care in..." timer has expired, allowing you to imprint, maturation should stop, until you imprint, or the imprinting allowed, timer expires, and then it resumes as the timer until next imprint allowed, expires. In this way, those who have the people to stay up, and imprint as soon as it is allowed, still have their advantage. They get their imprinting done in 30 hours. Those who do not have that ability, don't lose out on the ability to imprint, but it takes them a whole lot longer to get the baby imprinted, and to full maturity. After that, stop with the Polar, or Tundra only, for breeding and raising of babies. Babies don't need to be kept cool as much as the need to be kept warm. Warm climates should not be impossible for raising babies. If they want to go this route, of for instance, bears not being able to breed, and raise babies in tropical...fine, but make it impossible to raise tigers, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, etc..in Tundra and Polar. Those should only be raised in warm and hot climates. The game needs balance. You shouldn't be at a disadvantage if your base is in a hot climate. At the same time, you should not be at a disadvantage if your base is in a cold, or temperate climate. That may be fine for PvE, but not for PvP.
  13. And you just showed that you have not one clue about WHY you breed. Did you play ARK? I assume not because your post shows you to not have a clue. You breed to IMPRINT. Imprinting makes a huge difference in how well the tame performs. If you are not going to imprint, save yourself the trouble and just tame wild animals.
  14. That's obvious griefing, and should get a time out, a wipe, or a ban. PvE types seem to be especially toxic and trollish.
  15. I don't have a problem with torpedoes. Read the lore...this is not Earth, and there was existing technology in the lore, that has been lost, and is being rediscovered. Heck, are you aware that they just figured out how Roman Concrete was made, and why it was so superior to our concrete? Ours erodes away in the ocean, after about 30 years tops. Theirs is still around over 2,000 years later. We finally figured out the secret ingredient. What I have a problem with is this...there is no counter to a submarine, except maybe another submarine with torps. Unacceptable with the submarine locked behind the Kraken.
  16. You know that you can make polls, right? This should have been a poll.
  17. Breeding is not hard. Having to hit a moving bird with an arrow...that's challenging. Hitting bees, that are chasing me, with an arrow...that's hard, but I do it. Breeding such that you have to stay up all night, or have people get up at night so you can take a break...that's absurd. Everything does not have to be hard. Do walls bite you if you don't approach them at the right angle, when placing a new one on them? No. Do rocks run away when you hit them with a pick? No. The difficulty in this game, when playing PvP, is provided by the other players. PvP games need balance, and this game has none.
  18. Pointless to put there. They know about this issue. It is a relic from ARK, and is not a secret. The issue isn't that they need to be made aware that it is a problem...the issue is that they need to understand that it is a problem that can no longer be ignored.
  19. Red seems to work better in Atlas, but a lot of colors seem to look washed out. Wouldn't it be better for the colors to appear NEW when applied, and then start looking washed out over time, and need to be reapplied later, to make it look new again? Or at least, give the option for a thick and thin coat, to create a new or weathered look?
  20. Like a part of the game engine that will never be fixed. ARK has the same problem. Some colors work great, and others just don't. For instance, RED on some items, looked more like pink coral. With red being my favorite color, this was maddening. I should note that in ARK, most colors did not actually look good.
  21. The most I got was a little over 100. In the 130s. Have only had 2 that were over 100. Like Flotsam, there seems to be a very heavy tilt towards lower end. I think they push this too far. You have to spend an inordinate amount of time doing these, to get anything useful. Most of the BPs we get, are useless. Thatch, way too many platforms, stone tools, etc... Makes it such that we often don't stop for flotsam, or wrecks. Time is simply more valuable than one more stone gateway BP. At least with the flotsam, you know whether it is worth stopping. With wrecks, you simply don't know until you have already wasted your time. We are talking about just going to a boosted PvE server, and doing all of the end game stuff, and then moving on to a new game.
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