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Everything posted by Malfunktion

  1. Lol What BS. Not everyone is trying to solo it. And the game will die. Its like Ark where servers are abandoned because of Alpha tribes eventually it was just the alpha tribes left on the server. I was in one of them lol. 4500 hours and many server take overs later in ark begs to differ with you. At the end was just us no one to play with.
  2. my bad two small Speed sails.....
  3. We had to lay foundations down we had a company trying to build Behemoth gates around entire Island,
  4. Game will die. No ones going to pay you a tax to play the game. Not when the start was so fucked up and no one could leave and the few streamer companys that did own all the land. Thats just not going to happen. Not in PVE. Soon it will be 20 people playing by themselves
  5. Not seeing how to fill these Ive tried all the usual ark things.. Anyone figured this out?
  6. Cant play the game with sound... The fraking starving hot Moaning porn irritating as frak starving shit. Add option to turn it the Frak off lol.
  7. Biggest Issue is 95% of people never got off Island cause of bugs now you expect us to pay players a tax that could leave .... Pfft.
  8. Oh lord... you didnt play ark i take it....
  9. Never sen a croc take out a ship
  10. True i do use 2 though personally
  11. Sloop i have 2 speed sails can out run anything. Majority use those cause of aod
  12. You do realize my npc’s on my galleon fire my guns and do my sails i can pilot it by myself giving them commands... ? So you can solo the shit out of the undead ect
  13. We had this happen as well good on you for helping fix it
  14. You can turn it to low on everything and fps doesnt change its all broken. Can really tell how broken as you cant turn off motion blur
  15. What this good for is maneuvering through 50 ships on lawless regions parked in the bay
  16. Played ark since its realesse no complaining from me
  17. So in a game about sailing people got boats ? Horrors
  18. Do you know the cost of maintaining s galleon npc crew ect?
  19. Um none of this is perm this game will not be even remotely the same in 3 years
  20. The in thirsty hungry crap is sooooo annoying lol
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