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Poot Pootington

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Everything posted by Poot Pootington

  1. Thanks everyone. If I was to build a gun tower with medium cannons and npc's, can they shoot over half walls? Would doorways or windows work better? I'm assuming the SotD will fire back; so I'm thinking the npc's would need to be behind something for protection.
  2. My new Chinese neighbor on PVE has a fondness for aggro'ing SotD into my bank, ships, and shipyard to salvage their mats; so I'm considering some home improvements to keep my ride in the driveway longer than a few hours. I can wall off the deep water access and rebuild my shipyard behind it, but I want to be sure I'd be able to get a schooner out of a large gate before I go through the trouble. Also, anyone have experience setting an NPC crew on a mortar up on top of a cliff to blast SotD if they come close? Do resource boxes and larders work outside of a ship? Any other suggestions for offline harbor defense? (I miss gen X plants...) I figure I can keep NPC's on s Schooner's cannons, but I'm worried they won't be able to defend themselves very well while anchored while I'm sleeping and the Chinese are doing their thing... (Yay PVE!) I'm hoping I have some options to actually sail in a sailing game since my new neighbors don't appear to be moving out anytime soon. Thanks!
  3. So people can still board when the ship is not anchored? Seems reasonable. Just raise the anchor if you want to give someone a ride. I'd rather have to figure out how to grapple or jump over a raft then lose another ship to a weight bomb. Did players being able to carry infinite weight by picking up dropped items get fixed?
  4. I'm dumb and don't understand the patch notes. What exactly does it do? I get the sense from your post that players can't get in ships that are not in your alliance or company, but how could they possibly prevent players from jumping onto another players ship?
  5. I think Gamespot or some other major media outlet posted an article on the racism and issue with Chinese players in Atlas. Forward that link
  6. Chinese company 'Predator' just bombed everything on Southern island in O4 by aggroing SotD. How do you report players? If that will even do anything... Even Bethesda can handle banning toxic players. Get your shit together WC/GS.
  7. This. I actually assumed this was how the system worked until I couldn't figure out why my cannon crew was more expensive then those on sails... Which also makes no sense.
  8. My NPC crew goes from 1 gold every 1.7 hours to 1 gold every .9 hours when they're on cannons. Seems to be completely unnecessary maintenance to have to manually unseat/assign them every time I sail. To make it worse, when I unseat them, they glitch/clip through the mast and floor. I literally watched one clip through my floor and fly off into the sky.
  9. I noticed the upkeep expired, and I'm 99% positive there is no one in the radius to contest, but it still says my steal is contested. The press e to see all contesting players works too show sleepers, but shows nothing for the phantom contesting issues.
  10. I have 90 potato seeds left from a trade. O4 PVE if that helps.
  11. You're doing it wrong. I've held onto my 2 claims since day 2. If you don't want land to get stolen, log off safely within the claim. If you're company isn't large enough to have a sleeper in every claim, then someone can and should steal them so 1 person can't claim an entire island.
  12. Regular arrow headshots for low level mobs, shooting the ground in front of alpha's with for arrows is the way to go. It'd be neat to use a pirate's Cutlass and pistol in a pirate game, but right now, the stone age is the way to play.
  13. Regardless of what's done with claims, there will never be enough land for everyone. The fact that you need land claims to progress is what needs to change. There needs to be a way to acquire ships without land claims. Then you don't need land to call home, because you have a floating home base. (The fact it's more worthwhile to sink a ship vs disabling it in a damn pirate game is another topic) Why aren't land owners able to sell ships, or allow access to their shipyards? I have zero incentive to let the dozens of folks in chat everyday asking for claims use my small shipyard that's collecting dust. Only way to let that happen is to invite them into my company. But the bank doesn't tax company members; so all I'd be doing is inviting people to take my resource spawns. No thanks. Keep sailing you miserable retches. (And we only have two land claims btw; one with our base and one with resources) Pirates weren't land Baron's while their 3rd Galleon sat in their harbor. They lived on their ships. Make it easier for players to actually use all the ocean space on this ridiculously empty waterworld map.
  14. Would love this. I have all the workstations set up and public for landless players to use. I'm trying to figure out a safe way to allow people to use my small shipyard that's collecting dust, but only way is to invite them into our company. Then we lose the tax on resources though; so there's no incentive to go through the trouble.
  15. I assume it'll have the same contesting mechanic as stealing a claim. So, if there's a sleeper or recent upkeep, the owner won't be able to switch it back to private.
  16. They should make it so you're able to use the grapple hook to pull or tow your ship. Actually... Has anyone tried using a grapple hook to pull or tow a ship?
  17. Medium speed sail is fast as hell, but I can't get over how stupid it looks on asloop; so I'm rocking a handling sail. But it's slow... Real slow. The gaff rigged weight sail would look ok on a sloop, but I can't tolerate if it's even slower. Anyone try out a medium weight sail on a sloop with any success?
  18. On PVE? I had a guy sleeping on his boat for days that was blocking a claim, and I couldn't pick him up to move him. I've found I can only move dead bodies; not sleeping ones.
  19. There's a weight limit for characters inventories. Try pulling everything out of your smithy and it caps out. I assume it's a glitch that a character can then continue to pick up weight that's been dropped from another character. Prevent that, and there's one way to make it harder for griefers. With that, also don't put open containers on your ship deck. Make dropped items not count towards weight. I can't think of downside to that, but feel free for feedback. Finally, I don't understand why characters that are not in your company or alliance count towards crew in the first place. Fix that and fix that problem. I don't like the "make the ship not be able to move" solution, because I'm sure some asshat would load up a character and then just log off for weeks.
  20. There's a lot of skill points to invest in something that only gives you a compass and mini map in your UI...
  21. I overheard my wife's character groaning as she was dying from an injury, and I seriously asked if she was watching porn. Seriously over the top with the female character sound affects lol
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