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Winter Thorne

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Everything posted by Winter Thorne

  1. None of the inventory items will show tooltips now, ex. maps. Also, none of the crafting icons show the tooltip for their ingredients. I may also be missing crafting items in the list. Just learned preserving and no icon for crafting preserving salt or bag.
  2. I don't think anybody denies that servers and network should be the first priority. The problem is that there have been a number of other fixes going on, and a few communications about upcoming things, and none of them are the major problems people are seeing. Claiming, griefing in pve, etc. For a dev to come into the forums in this context and answer something about tarot is ridiculous. They need to say something about the major issues, even if it's just "We're aware, we'll update you on what we'll do about them", and half the upset people would be happy. Some people who have gone off the rails will never be happy, and aren't worth worrying about.
  3. I was finally able to die and respawn. Not sure how, but you might want to stay logged in and see if vitamins or something will do you in eventually. Funny thing, when I got back to my other raft, all the storage had lost its pin codes
  4. Your arguments are not at all logical. Re. censoring and where the line is - The owner sets the line. Not you. You don't get to define "Mature Content". The owner defines it like this for the forums in the section Articles of Agreement - Official Forum Articles of Agreement All sailors, swashbucklers, and landlubbers are invited to join the forums and participate in discussions (notwithstanding any VAC bans on Steam you may have). Though fair thee warned, you’ll need to abide by the following rules; 1. Respect all members of the community. Any behaviour that involves racism, discrimination, or personalized harassment (outlined further below under ‘Warnings’) will not be tolerated. You will quickly find yourself thrown overboard. It would be very odd if they cared about this in the forums but not in the game, so we are waiting to see what they plan to do about this kind of crap. So, considering you don't own the company, telling everybody else what the rules are and to "get over it" is pretty silly, especially considering the owner has already defined some rules.
  5. What the hell are you talking about? Nobody's talking about consenting people having sex in a game. Nobody cares about that, as long as we don't have to be involved in it. We're talking about people trying to play a game where random strangers can lock them up and force them to have sex to escape, or where random idiots can surround you shouting racist or otherwise nasty shit that gets broadcast over voice into your house. "Only a game" is a lame excuse for bringing in real-world issues and making it your main purpose just to harass and annoy other players. There is no other leisure concept besides online gaming where people argue that it's perfectly fine to ruin everyone else's time like this. A restaurant? You'd get thrown out. A basketball court? You'd get beat up or arrested. There's nothing special about online gaming that should make this ok. In the end it's not up to any of us anyway. If some game developer wants to make a game that is full of hate and rape and racism and the equivalent of a bunch of toddlers running around at a nice party yelling "poopy pants!" over and over, you know what? They can make that game, in the same way that you could CHOOSE to open a restaurant where the customers are allowed to come in and piss in the corners. But they need to own it, not go around pretending they've made some great mainstream online game for everyone to buy and play. So Grapeshit needs to either step up and do something about this, or they need to be made to own it, and all the baggage that goes along with that. (Reduced player base, bad press, etc.) And they'd need to stop pretending they care about stuff like that by making up some polite rules, but only for the forums.
  6. It's bizarre that they even have a special section in the forums with all the rules you have to follow to not get kicked out, but in the actual game it's 1000x worse than this and nobody at all policing that. They care more about the stupid forum than they do the game. They've even got a mod going around in here carefully moving misplaced threads into the right sections for things like crew recruitment, but people in the game trying to hold sex slaves and making character names with as many iterations of the word n**er as they can fit into it....crickets. Nada. This kind of shit was bad enough 10 years ago, but now with voice chat it comes right into the damn living room., and it's creepy as hell. I play with the sound off, but still, you can't avoid the morons.
  7. Hope your friend is low too. Good luck.
  8. Also, don't know if you get the option logging in to choose a different home server, but would that get you out of it?
  9. Someone on my server just said changing home server fixed it for them.
  10. Here's what you do. Get all the screenshots, names, chat, everything else. Make one more post to the devs to prove you asked them to fix it, then take all that stuff you collected and start sending it to every news outlet you can think of, and all the social media you use. Forget the gaming sites, they're toxic anyway. Write it up like - Here's this new popular game made by Grapeshot and available through Steam (send it to steam support too), and they are promoting this garbage. They'll either take action or it'll ruin them. There's enough people down on online gaming anyway, and when they see this shit they'll go ballistic. Tell Grapeshot and Steam what you are going to do next if they don't fix it. Don't know if you're US or not, but if it were me, I'd send it to all the local news outlets as well as every congressman who hates games, all the facebook groups I belong to, especially the political action groups, and all the prominent game bloggers who have a brain and aren't bros. Make it more painful for them NOT to fix it than it would be to fix it.
  11. Ummm, no. Think again, Sparky.
  12. I have a raft stuck in rocks that's actually a graphics glitch. (Like being stuck in a wild pig when you're fighting the pig, if you've ever had that happen). Can't access the sails to raise or lower them, because the anchor is down and will only raise for about 6 seconds and then lower again. I'm hoping the next server restart shakes it free. If not, it's a goner.
  13. Build a sloop. Don't build a sloop. I get better advice from a magic 8 ball. The devs have totally borked the game design, that's the problem. They got so excited about their game, they figured everyone would quit everything else they do and just play Atlas. You get just about enough time to sleep before you gotta get back in and rescue your ship from decay. You don't show up at your claim every 3 days and it's gone. (IF you can get a claim, and weren't some poor slob with a life or a bad connection problem on day 1) So quit your jobs, drop out of school, tell your family to take a hike, cause ARK is not a game, it's a CALLING. And yer gonna work work work at it until you drop, or need a shower, whichever comes first.
  14. If this is what they think, they're crazy. Using a broken game mechanic is not "being a pirate". It's being an ass. The mechanic is either broken or so poorly designed my cat could have done better. If you can't retaliate against another player, you shouldn't have a mechanic (broken or otherwise) that lets you sink someone's ship. In PvE, the competition against other players needs to be economic and social, not physical.
  15. I agree. Some of the issues (performance and bugs) fall under EA, some are just incomprehensible design decisions. I don't have any problem with them working through things like server and network tuning, but things like obvious overspawns and the bizarre rules for claiming, especially on PvE aren't EA type issues. Some of those even continue to be made. They DID make a change to claims - now you can still hold as many as you want, but there's a 3 hour timer. Sheesh, bad decision with the number you can claim AND a bad decision on the timer. They deserve all the rants they can get about that. Some people are justified in yelling about some of the EA issues too though. When your server has been down for 8 hours and some dev posts, "Ok, the maintenance is done, all the servers are back up!", people have to get their attention somehow.
  16. Apparently the 3 day limit is bugged. People are reporting claims gone after logging out overnight or even for 4 hours. Feels too mean to take advantage of that against someone going through all the same crap we are.
  17. For my part, I WAS talking about the pve server. The way things work right now, there's not much chance of it working for solo/small crews. You say "once they get it figured out", but this is us helping them figure it out, if you know what I mean. The devs don't seem aware that claiming and being able to destroy other player's stuff is a problem in the pve server. At least they haven't said so, and seem to be saying the opposite. They haven't even acknowledged the problems in any way that makes sense. They really need to come out and post how they want this to work on the pve servers, so people can decide if they want to play the game and how they want to play it.
  18. Uh, Flint, unless I've got the wrong guy, you're the one I was looking for on NA PVE to tell him he set no pin codes on his storage chests. If that's not you, then NM. If that is you, and you continue to lecture and scold the people who are unfortunate and utterly frustrated, then kiss your stuff goodbye. Also, be aware that all the threads here aren't just people who don't understand testing phases. For some people the game is an unplayable exercise in frustration. To have a Dev post in the forums about how wonderful it is all the land is being claimed, and look! here's a top hat for you to get better treasure,...honestly..it's like poking those people with a pointy stick. Here's everything you can't have, most of which will be gone by the time the game works for you, isn't it great? You'd be seeing a lot fewer upset people if the Devs showed the least little bit of understanding what the player experience is like for many people right now.
  19. Pffffft. It's not up to you guys to say what kind of game this is, who it's for or how it has to be played. Let the devs say that. Once they do, maybe some of us will decide it isn't the game for us after all. Or maybe not. Try saying "I HOPE this is not a solo or small group game" instead of pretending you have some secret access to the design spec (if there even is one), because we all know that's what you really mean.
  20. We must be playing 2 completely different games. It would be fun to play yours, where people are happy to see all the crews taking land and where a fix to vultures, lighthouses, and flotsam are good news. And those ships of the damned..well, good thing they got fixed if you've made a huge ship and don't want it destroyed, I guess. I hear there's a crew out there with an entire armada of galleons, although we don't know what they're up to because , although they talk a LOT, we can't understand them. Unfortunately, some of us are playing the game where, after laggedy laggedy rubberbanding, character disappearing, disconnecting, gold-farmer griefing, we are finally making it out of Freeport, except we have nowhere to go because all the land is already claimed. Oh sure, we're considering stealing all of some guy's stuff and his claim (on a pve server) if he has some issue where he can't get into the game for a couple days, but it seems a crappy thing to do. (And we know we won't benefit anyway, because someone else will just take all OUR work before we accomplish anything there.) Seems a disappointing exercise in futility, after working so hard to get out of the n00b zone. And that tweak to skills made all of us laggards so very happy too. Make no mistake, this is not a post about EA tech issues. It's about game design, and about what seems to be a complete disconnect between what you think is the current gameplay, and what many of the players are actually experiencing. Given what many of us have experienced so far, some of your comments seem to freakishly off-base. Lauding crews that are grabbing up all the land on the servers before many players can even get out of the gate. Not recognizing the distinction between goals and playstyles between PvP and PvE servers. (Dominate the map? Sure, for PvP. Not necessarily a goal on PvE) Not providing any sort of "vision" of how you see players actually playing the game. What's the gameplay for a group of 4 friends wanting to start a crew and join the game in 3 months time, for example? Maybe one wants to be the best boatbuilder on the map, one wants to be the best cook, one wants to be a trader, etc....They enter Freeport, start a crew, sail out..and then what? How do they accomplish that with no land, or 3 day chunks of time with land? Do you have in mind a more ephemeral existence for the players, with no real base of operations? Do you see people building structures on ships and just living on them? Is the game designed specifically to exclude more casual players, single or small group players, adults with lives? Some explanation of what you're going for here would be helpful. Again, the focus on performance and server stability is spot on at the moment, and this is not a complaint about that. But it would help to know if there's a point to enduring it, and if restarting from zero 20 times will eventually become a fond memory, or an unhappy experience of time wasted when there's no prize at the end of it. I was fairly confident of the former until this post and especially until this tweet - If it continues to run smoothly, we're going to be looking at doing a wider release to see how it fairs against a large horde of players. Have another look at the game experience many of us are having, and you tell me if this sounds like good news. it·er·ate /ˈidəˌrāt/ verb 1. perform or utter repeatedly. Maybe it's time to stop "iterating" and do something different.
  21. If you can't win people over to your point, lying won't help you. I said earlier I planned to join or start a crew.
  22. "Hello, Boss? You know that sales trip you wanted me to go on? It's longer than 3 days so I can't go or I'll lose my claim in this pirate game I'm playing." "Sorry Mom, that cruise I was going to take you on is a whole week..can we find one that lasts 2 days?" "What do you mean there are 200,000 without power and you'll get back to me when you can? I'll lose my claim!" So many stupid mechanics in this game. I can't imagine what these guys are thinking.
  23. You've missed the entire point. I didn't say anything about another server. What happens to the next 1000 players who buy the game? If you're not a mega crew, you better plan on being one, because all those players gotta go somewhere. What happens if these crews don't WANT more players? Better figure it out quick, because Jat is tweeting out that they are talking about a wider release next to get hordes more players onto the servers. Hope they tell them they can't start their own crews or stake their own claims before they let them plunk down their cash. Your answer is neither true nor false. It's just your opinion on game design. People are free to disagree with it and I do. It makes no accommodation for future players, making the future of the game ridiculous.
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