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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Did this ever get started? If so, where are the trade hubs located? Thank you ~Samantha
  2. Any Trade Hubs On NA PVE? Any known high traffic trade areas to set up a shop? Thank you ~Samantha
  3. I can no longer respec after I level up. I have not hit max cap. This is also the same for my husbands toon as well as others I have spoken to in chat or seen chat about it in game. Thank you ~Samantha
  4. I may have misunderstood the OP. It sounded like he/she was asking for a way to respec (like ARK having a recipe) because the respec every level was taken away (a bug perhaps) from what now seems to be just some but not all people and didn't realize it was the last time they would be able to. "im made mistake from last reset and I don’t know that is last time i can" I myself figured the respec every level was to allow us to experience different skill lines and when I could no longer respec after the patch was disappointed there was no notice because I was exploring a skill tree that ended up being useless to my gameplay. Thank you for the heads up that its a bug! Everyone I have spoken to so far had the same happen to them so I figured it was meant to be that way. I'll report the bug. Thanks ~Samantha
  5. Since the last patch, I am no longer able to respec, even after a level up. This has happened to quite a few people.
  6. Wandering about the seas, and in G6, aside from about 8 or more SotD, I run into a green circle. Music notes start popping about the screen, and I cannot control my lady, as she is all over the place dancing, I think (really made me freak out because I was trying to dodge all the SotD). Anyone else seen this? Were these sirens? Someone else in the server square said the same was happening to him. Any idea what they fresh hell this is? What they do? Thanks ~Samantha
  7. Hello, So if I put a "main flag" down as my first flag, then expand out but go to sleep beside my main/first (with a hut), your main/first can be taken? Thanks so much for testing all this out! ~Samantha
  8. Anyone know the aggro distance of all the ships? Is there any ship that can outrun the SOD with speed sails equipped? Thanks `Samantha
  9. But are sugars sap as well? I have something called "Sugars/Resource-Sugar". It looks like the sap symbol in the top right. Anyone else seen this?
  10. I love the idea of weekend events. It helps the players who can only play on weekends have a chance at building/doing the same as everyone else. I would also love to see a taming boost for weekend events as well. ~Samantha ETA- They did boost breeding as well woohoo!
  11. Is sugar (not sugarcane) a sap?
  12. Thank you! I will go with 1 med speed for my next ship then. Unfortunately, I need to take the risk because by tundra base needs fibres lol. I noticed the patch they did overnight was supposed to reduce the damned. Is there still a ton out there? Thanks! ~Samantha
  13. Hi ARCHAEGEO, I was wondering if you have any info (or where I can find it) on the sails? I build sloops for my travels and have 1 small speed sail and another (can't remember the name) for steering I think? Is there a way to make my sloop faster? Would 1 medium speed sail be faster? 2 small speed sails etc? I man the sloop (mostly) on my own and have been able to avoid most of the damned. The times I get too close (transferred into new server right into one lol), I got my hubby to spawn in and help me by repairing damage while I dealt with sails/steering and managed to get away. Though if I can be faster to avoid these things, it would make my trade/cargo runs more pleasant :). Thanks! ~Samantha
  14. Sailing about I have seen this already starting to happen. I have run into a few "coming soon trading co" places etc. I have also been starting to keep track of what areas are looking for what and setting up my own place in the tundra for trade (with my husband in the tropical areas), to go back and forth with goods. Of course, this is only in my local area (maybe 5 servers approx) because I need/want to be able to make a trip in one day. I think there is also a trading forum? ~Samantha
  15. Where can you find gems? Certain biomes? Buried vs top of high cliffs etc? Thanks! ~Samantha
  16. I'm not sure the how and why of it but it seems to be a larger circle if the claim flag is in the water and not land.
  17. Sam

    PVE Ship Theft

    Thank you all for the replies! Crappy news though lol. Phoenix, when your boat was taken, was your body on the ship like Mizunami was saying? Thank all!! ~Samantha
  18. Evening all! I am only just finding out about flag claiming on PVE and also read that ships can also be stolen on PVE as well. Can anyone confirm this? Is there anywhere safe to store your stuff? After almost 3000 hours in ARK, I have every intention of giving ATLAS the same love (THANK YOU & MERRY HO HO DEVS!!), but I am in need of a carebear server, so I always go PVE. I'm worried that if your flag, buildings in the flags territory, and ships, can all be stolen on PVE, that I won't be able to give ATLAS the 3k hours of love, because I'll get too salty if everything goes poof! Thanks! Merry XMAS everyone! ~Samantha
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