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Everything posted by Rando

  1. He means how to get an image to look correctly on sails, whenever I try the picture is off center and bigger than I wanted, anyone have a guide to customizing sails?
  2. Anyone have luck with getting this onto sails without it looking super blown up?
  3. You can turn wood ceiling into regular stairs.
  4. Like is it so hard to restart the severs every few hours so they stay fresh and people can still connect? like, please?
  5. EVE and WOW sever channels can also fit more than 150 fucking people?????????????
  6. Oh no I fully understand you're just a forum moderator trying to do your job but I highly doubt the devs even read the suggestion section now after someone posted a screen shot of a dev in discord that didn't understand why everyone was complaining about ships of the damned being broken.
  7. Because its not an MMOrpg, its not even really an MMO, youre in separate shards on a sever, each shard can hold at max 150 players or they get random moved to a different shard.
  8. A lot of issues would be fixed if you got rid of the vitamin system, or just made it so we had to eat our fruit and veggies.
  9. Is this person retarded or just ignorant of the whole ships of the damned being in free ports/attacking docked ships.
  10. Probably a way for us to just vent, honestly haven't seen any community manager or admin or nothing from the dev team in the forums, dont even think they read what we are saying honestly because they could fix the game in one patch if they did.
  11. No, absolutely pointless, like Boredaholic said each grid is a sever, every time you hop grids you hop severs, there is no way they can support a larger grid, they would be much better off making more main severs to cut down on all the connections trying to get into a single sever.
  12. there is just no point for a larger grid regardless.
  13. Game is made for children to teach them just how important a proper diet is, or youll start coughing and shitting all over the place the second you forgot your damn fish oil pill.
  14. If they made a larger grid they would still need to wipe the sever so the spawns in the center of the map are gone and people can actually explore, multiple severs would be better so they can just have random free town spawns much more spaced out and people can actually go out and claim lands. HOWEVER, they cant even manage 4 severs and implement a simple sever restart every few hours in case a sever node dies and your character gets stuck in limbo so god help us if they try to make more fucking severs.
  15. Rub it in our faces why dont you.
  16. right now you shouldnt build anything, just focus on mat gathering until the devs fix the ghost ship issue, a boat load of people(LOL) have the same issue you are, myself included.
  17. I think you meant to say, "able to get all the skills required to actually do everything", but until today you could easily be a solo player, in fact that's the WHOLE POINT of their NPC system man. You could easily get a schooner and be perfectly fine sailing it alone if the game wasn't fucked and you could actually get gold to hire crew, you would have to put in more work but it was very much possible. NOW? There is no way. The whole point of grouping up was to just get things faster so you could focus on one tree and someone else could focus on another. Solo and small groups might as well quit the game now if you dont want to join one of the large guild and be a worker drone.
  18. Are you just bad at videogames? Soloing traditional MMOs can be hard but, "extremely"? Maybe if you're trying to solo world bosses, again this game just has MMO slapped onto it, you should stop thinking of it as an MMO. This game is basically trying to be EVE online where you can have large corps or in this game, companies, control certain zones, which is fine, but the map isnt big enough for 40k people. Soloing or small groups was very much possible until the new stat rework they just added in Atlas.
  19. Thats the issue with this game, people think of it like a traditional MMO because it has MMO slapped onto it, its not an MMO in that sense, its ARK, with a shit ton more players in one sever. Its massively multi player but I would never call this game an MMO
  20. im not calling him an idiot to make myself feep superior im calling him an idiot for stating the obvious and youre an idiot too if you think the point of the game is to be stuck on the lawless hell holes and make a baby base out of thatch. Lawless was never meant to be a spawn point, you make a raft and you get out, but apparently you cant read the, "WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO BUILD ACTUAL BASSES IF EVERYWHERE REACHABLE BY RAFT IS ALREADY CLAIMED", part of my post.
  21. We all knew what we would be getting into when we bought this ARK DLC, we just didnt think the Devs would be this incompetent. Easy fixes they refuse to do, they need to have two of every sever, PvP, PvE, stop this retarded "WE HAVE HAVE 40K players WE SWEAR", who even wants 40k players on a sever, most mmos only have like what 6k tops per sever? They literally gave us the bait and switch when they had all the streamers and youtubers play the day before launch.
  22. what magical place did you find that only had 2 wolves? Everywhere ive been as been roving packs of wolves, a cluster ball of snakes, and a crate of crocs all wanting to kill players.
  23. build a base where idiot? everywhere actually reachable by raft is claimed already, how are we suppose to level up if all the islands are covered in hundreds of hyper aggressive predators that see you from 300 feet away and just gun straight at you, how are we suppose to even FIND gold to buy npc crews to man out ships if we cant even GET anywhere? You sound like youre in a big guild and are just spouting the fucking obvious.
  24. Well YEAH, OBVIOUSLY, but the devs are so incompetent that they made the middle of the map spawn zones and now with the new skill tree added everyone from big guilds will still have guns and solo or small groups will be shafted, the only way to fix this literal titanic of a game is to have full sever resets.
  25. It like the devs want to kill their own fucking game
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