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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. Ah, let's see... the nearest freeport to me is 2 grids away. Nice. In a tundra. Oh snap... no paste. Oh I see... half way across the map. Got it. You are absolutely correct. Let me tell you what isn't outside my front door. Saps Honey, Gum, Nectar, Sugars, Sugar Cane, Syrup Group Usable Resources Coal Anthracite, Graphite, Lignite, Nitre, Peat, Sulfur Metal Cobalt, Copper, Iridium, Iron, Silver, Tin Crystal 20x20px Amethyst, Calcite, Herkimer, Pearl, Quartz, Tellurite Gem Diamond, Emerald, 20x20px Garnet, Opal, Ruby, Sunstone Salt Flake Salt, Iodine, Kala Namak, Pink Salt, 20x20px Rock Salt, Sea Salt Group Usable Resources Coral Brain Coral, Fire Coral Group Consumable Vitamin A Aloe, Basil, Beans, Beet, Carrot, Celery, Chamomile, Chili, Cilantro, Coconut, 20x20px Egg, Garlic, Maize, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Poppy, Potato, Rice, Thyme, Turmeric, Turnip, Wheatgrass, Wild Onion, Wild Pepper Do you get the picture? I have trees. I have rocks. I have berries out the ass and a miniscule amount of cotton. I have no tradable RESOURCE on my island. Since I have nothing to trade for paste or metals, the grind just became worse by a factor of 10, because now, I'm going to not only have to grind the basics on my island (of which fiber is damn near non-existent), now I'm going to have to sail somewhere and grind there too. And let's not forget that I'm going to have to *GASP* play the SotD/Whale/Hurricane obstacle course game the entire way. MEANWHILE... all you sun loving bastards in the tropics have all the materials to build... wait for it... right outside your front door. Come to the tundra and try to survive before you come up with some asinine 'gid gud' post.
  2. Gold? No, that's silly. PASTE. 2000 paste per day! and 500 metal.
  3. You know what's really sad. Not only is that scene very fitting, so is the title of the movie. 'Dumb and Dumber' for those of you not familiar with it.
  4. Forgive me for quoting myself but I feel like I deserve this.
  5. Well, I didn't see your post otherwise I would have laughed at them. For the moment, I'm OK on paste and sap but that's because I did some trading a week ago for it. Right now, I've suspended all of my building projects and I've suspended building fire arrows so that I can have that resource to keep my furs from disintegrating. My fortitude is high enough now that I can survive most of the day outdoors in hides. Night time, I still have to either use furs or wait it out inside. And even then, there are times when my ass is sitting on the grill to keep from freezing to death. So that should give everyone an idea of just how valuable a commodity paste is to those of us in the tundra. And I'm lvl 49. Just imagine what some noob on a raft would have to go through now. It took me a good 2 weeks of levelling up and dumping into fortitude before I could safely remove my furs. They would have to choose between repeatedly freezing to death and building something that won't get eaten or wearing furs and living in a wooden shack that every alpha is going to chew on. If the devs want metal and paste to be used to build stone, fine. I can live with that. Provided they put both on my island just as they have for those in the middle of the map or they give us something that the middle of the map doesn't have that's just as valuable as paste. Nerfed? You're lucky. I HAD elephants on my island (do note the word had).
  6. I just read the patch notes for upcoming v16. Reducing metal and pastes costs is NOT a fix. I live in the tundra. There are 0 metal nodes on my island. There are 0 sources of sap and there are 0 sources of paste. That includes bugs and coral. As a matter of fact, there are 0 gems, 0 salt, 0 crystals, 0 honey, 0 sugarcane, 0 turnips, 0 vegetables, 0 of anything that anyone would trade for except bears, horses and a few wolves (which have been nerfed to hell and back) and all of those are common enough in the warm regions and do not even begin to resemble a consumable resource. If you INSIST on forcing this BS down my neck, at least have the courtesy to put a resource on my island that I can at least hope to trade for paste. If you look on the maps on the wiki (which I realize aren't perfect), the VAST majority of unique resources are somewhere in the center of the map. The ONLY true unique resource the tundra has is penguins and other than looking like a moron when you hug one, the only purpose they serve has is little use outside of the tundra and can be offset with parrots. I do not count yeti because they are not on my island and for that matter, neither are penguins. Please stop turning those of us in the tundra into your bastard step-children. I've already had to dump the vast majority of my skill points into fortitude just to survive here. I should not have to be shackled because I want to build a house that a snake won't eat. At least have some decency and move all metal to the tundra. Give those of us in the tundra SOMETHING of value that your sun worshipers don't have that we can use to trade for sap/paste. Thank you.
  7. Here, this should tell you what you want to know. I stepped out and looked at the terrain. The memory shot up to 3.6g. Again, high, not elite. Which is why I suggest the 8gb version if you want to run elite textures.
  8. Ah, you're right, I have the 4gb version. For some reason I thot it was only 2. Sitting in my in-game house with high textures, not elite, and everything else on max it's using 2.4gb video ram with the game running and the temp is hovering around 60 C and the fan runs around 40-50%. I only paid like $150 for it so, for the money, I'm quite happy. With elite textures, it was maxing out the ram. This one is the one I have. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126196&Description=580&cm_re=580-_-14-126-196-_-Product I honestly couldn't see paying over $300 for 4 more gb of ram. And since there's not a huge difference between elite and high textures the card is well worth it. I got it about $30 cheaper than that price though.
  9. If you get the 580, get more than 2gb. I'm running the 2gb and had to take the graphics down from epic to high because of texture sizes. It kept lagging whenever I was near another player. Otherwise the 580 does a pretty decent job. Everything else is on highest settings and I normally don't see any low fps. I don't use a fps counter so I can't give you exact numbers but I'm pretty confident it's in the 50+ range. A lot depends on how much stuff it's trying to render though. I'm running an 8 core AMD at 4.0 ghz with 32 gigs and it's pretty smooth. The thing I SERIOUSLY recommend, an SSD large enough for the OS and Atlas. Putting it on the SSD made a HUGE difference in performance.
  10. Pillars. Already implemented. But, people have gotten banned for using them that way.
  11. The difference is, in EVE what players collect belongs to them. In Atlas, what players collect already belongs to the company. If you are going to do this, the only way it makes sense is to let players have their own structures, their own ships and the resources they gather and not give it all to the company.
  12. I think the problem with PVP'ers is they lack intelligence. They think the only way to solve a problem is by bashing on it with a hammer. Go to any thread where a player is whining and you'll find it was because some PVP'er got their ass kicked and don't have the mental capacity to accept defeat. Waaa... He shot me with arrows, nerf them. Waaa... I was naked and I couldn't kill that guy in armor, nerf armor. Waaa... I was naked and couldn't kill that guy on the bear. Nerf tames. Waaa... He shot me with guns, nerf guns. Waaa... My puckle gun can't destroy stone, nerf stone. If PVP'ers had their way, we'd all be sailing battleships, driving tanks, wearing kevlar, packing AK's... hey... wait a minute...
  13. Well, my response would be No Man's Sky. I think most of us know the story. How the hype train went racing across the planet then suddenly dove off a cliff after release. The thing to take note of here are the Steam reviews. Those initial negative reviews. I decided not to buy NMS on day one and see what those reviews were like. I patted myself on the back when they all plummeted. Now though, just over a year later, Hello Games has done an amazing turnaround. It's reviews are mostly positive (71%). Steam does things in a very intelligent manner. Not only does it compare all reviews, it also compares reviews for the past 30 days. NMS is currently sitting with all reviews being mixed. While Atlas has definitely gotten off to a rocky start, and should the dev's be able to turn it around as well as Hello Games did with NMS, it too will likely have an overall rating of mixed. Before I decide to buy a game (Atlas being a big exception) I look hard at reviews. The ones that interest me most are those in the past 30 days. While a review from a year ago may still carry some weight, I realize that what the game was a year ago could be vastly different from what it is today. Everything that reviewer a year ago complained about could have been fixed in that time. So the bad Atlas reviews now? I'm not too worried. As a matter of fact, the population that is here now is still more than adequate for doing EA and had all those 58,000+ people kept playing, we'd all be bitching about the lag instead of stone walls. My Steam review for now is thumbs down. Will I change that when I think this game is something someone else should buy? You bet I will, and be happy to do it. While there may be some circumstantial evidence of internal issues at GS, the fact is, they know and we don't. Until such time as they announce something or some media outlet drops a bombshell, we won't know anything for certain. While it may be amusing to speculate on such things and I too have been juggling around some thoughts on it, it's nothing but speculation and I am not going to change the way I play based on that. Nor, should we be making any demands or suggestions on how they run their company based on that speculation. As for the steam charts, twitch feed and reddit, that's to be expected. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised that the numbers are as good as they are. No Man's Sky went from a peak of 212,000+ to only 9,200 in less than a month. A few months later it was lucky to have 1,000 players. Now, they're back into the 6-9,000 player range. So every time I see a doomsayer talking about the Steam charts for Atlas, I take it with a grain of salt. Atlas is doing MUCH better than NMS did. As for who should be in charge... I never played Ark. And I'm kinda glad, it would have severely jaded my opinion about Atlas and WC/GS. What I do know is that Ark is pretty consistently in Steam's top 10 games based on player numbers. And to me, that's no easy feat to achieve, whether they're on private or official servers. Atlas has been in the top 20. That means to me that the same creative minds that are behind Ark are also behind Atlas. While everything about Ark may not be what everyone wanted or expected, that top #10 position tells me that it must still be a pretty good game. Atlas also sucked up a bunch of Ark players, and I'm assuming Ark modders a well. And, the dev kit is out and being actively developed. In the near future, those modders are going to be working on Atlas mods giving even more choices to private servers. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter which genius is at the helm, as long as it's the same creative genius who worked on Ark. So as for the solution, my thoughts for now are, let's see where this boat is going. If I see some dumb shit, like paste for stone, I'm gonna start waving my shuffleboard stick around like a lunatic geriatric. I may not like all the ports of call we stop at and I'm pretty sure we're gonna hit some rough seas along the way and I may need some Dramamine. But I am excited to see where this boat is going. And who wants to always sail on calm seas anyway. How boring. tldr: chill.
  14. my favorite response to this mess on Jat's twitter. Thrasyllus @CynicThrasyllus 3h3 hours ago Replying to @Jatheish "Discussing feedback".. @Jatheish , here's my tip for passing on the feedback. Pick a heavy office chair, aim, and start beating on whoever designs the crafting and game mechanics, followed by the manager who signed off on it. Continue till Organic Paste is all that's left.
  15. You know what's really hilarious about tomorrow's 2x event. The 2x training. I'd need a bigger stable to put those tames in and guess what. That would cost me metal and paste that I don't even have on my island.
  16. Well, let's break this down, shall we? Machiavellianism... focus on self-interest and deception. You are trying to deceive people in to believing that WC is evil by using worthless statistics and opinions. The motivation for doing so is something you haven't revealed so it's for your own self-interest. Psychopathy... selfishness, callousness and remorselessness. You are trying to sabotage WC/GS for your own selfish reasons and you don't care about the fact that a lot of people depend on that company to feed their families and pay the bills. Sadism - Again, I don't want to know what kind of pleasure you get out of doing this but you obviously do otherwise you wouldn't have been doing it both here and on the Ark forms. However, you have consistently made efforts to humiliate WC/GS by posting hearsay and by over inflating the importance of a declining playerbase. So I give that a maybe. Since you agreed on most of Narcissism, let's look at anti-social. Anti-social behaviours are actions that harm or lack consideration for the well-being of others. It has also been defined as any type of conduct that violates the basic rights of another person and any behaviour that is considered to be disruptive to others in society. You've been nothing but disruptive on these forums. You even invaded this thread which was an attempt to praise GS for doing a good job. You have made extreme efforts to try to crucify GS and therefore have no consideration for the well-being of their employees. Trying to interfere with their right to sell a perfectly legitimate product? Yea. Anti-social? I'd have to say - Check.
  17. Well let's see then. Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. - Check Machiavellianism is characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and deception. - Check Psychopathy is characterized by continuing antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, and remorselessness. - And Check. Sadism is characterized by the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others. - Well, I'm not sure if I really want to know if this is true or not. But hey, there's good news. 3 out of 4 is not too shabby. I mean that's probably a better score than you'd give WC right now for their game... right? Troll.
  18. Dark tetrad Several researchers have suggested expanding the dark triad to contain a fourth dark trait. Everyday sadism, defined as the enjoyment of cruelty, is the most common addition. While sadism is highly correlated with the dark triad, researchers have shown that sadism predicts anti-social behavior beyond the dark triad. Borderline personality disorder and status-driven risk-taking have also been proposed as additions.
  19. The dark triad in psychology refers to the personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, which are called "dark" because of their malevolent qualities. People scoring high on these traits are more likely to commit crimes, cause social distress and create severe problems for an organization, especially if they are in leadership positions. All three dark triad traits are conceptually distinct although empirical evidence shows them to be overlapping. They are associated with a callous-manipulative interpersonal style. Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. Machiavellianism is characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and deception. Psychopathy is characterized by continuing antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, and remorselessness.
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