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Everything posted by Coldpaws

  1. all I see is something blue clip through it last one second gotta pay attention to it its at like 3:47 its really hard to spot as its super quick, not sure what it was
  2. I seen something clip through the walls then go through the other side...
  3. its a graphical glitch, I have them several times
  4. just some of my adventures, from trying to get past a drake for treasure to get a rock to the face and sailing
  5. maybe we need nvme aka m.2 ssds lol those puppy read up to 3500MB/S and write up to 2500MB/S
  6. I never had any trouble while in a brig running 2 large speed sails, and one large handling sail set up, I rarely had to fight one, only time I fought one was when I went looking for them to sink, I always had a full npc crew tho, incase I did ever get into a fight
  7. you guys got any cobras on that island? if you get them to knock her out then hand cuff and cage, teach them a leason
  8. but it didn't stop me from getting in on the unofficial server I play on, but the admin was willing to restart the server for me
  9. that's why I prefer private over official, cause if something like this does happen 9/10 server admins give stuff back
  10. where did this 9gb patch come from
  11. i had that 270 now I got a 9gb patch???
  12. got the fountain of youth(FOY) had the buff, I keep losing it at random, the icon and the stats increase, a bit annoying to say the least, I gotta keep killing myself to get the stats back, weight goes from 704 down to like 640. stays that way until I die
  13. everyone who cheats should be banned regardless
  14. you know there is blue prints for fine and higher bows right?
  15. I used both last night most of my kills was with the fire arrows
  16. the bows work fine...killed about 10 people with it in pvp last night, aim for the head, not hard, also its not hard to hit people either with guns, like others said you need a team to kill stuff
  17. found a few typos in the piracy skill tree line for plunder, and gives a buff for looting ship wrecks, but it says swipwrecks,
  18. I played ark EA and now atlas EA I gotta say atlas was better then ark for getting stuff fixed with in days
  19. love how ign made it sound like the rapid fire bug is still exsistent and not fixed, this is early access
  20. record it, next time so the devs can patch it
  21. and they are allied with dynasty....seen it on stream, and did you guys record it
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