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Kow cow

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Everything posted by Kow cow

  1. Some company have planning to claim 10+ island and 2+ gird server in discord they never respond how to solve the greedy issue , and keep repeat loop pillar / foundation spam most reason for building spamming are target to them or make from them to boot out other player
  2. We dont need claim, becos never fair for new comer and casual player most big company will spin off to many small company to prevent claim limit, and monopoly everyything
  3. we dont need claim flag ,you still can build anywhere 1. foundation spam? claim flag never solve the problem, and make griefer landlord easy block all build in there new system required resoure to maintence the decay timer 2. Limit on claim are joking, greedy company example: LotuX can spin off to LotuX-1,LotuX-2 ..... to claim every island / server to prevent limit on cap So you want build / on claim , just move to tundar / polar
  4. Just only change tundar / Polar can be claimed and other server keep in lawless rule
  5. After the 12 hour period has passed, they will not be able to demolish the structures using the pinwheel, and must manually destroy it Landlord still can demo everything after 12HR,
  6. who not win land rush after reborn, and will be keep underdog in pve we dont need landlord in pve,. this worst than old claim system alot and this still cannot solve the pillar abuse issue, and make new landlord expliot 1200 island are joke , not much player will claim polar / tundar island ,and old system still can over 1200 player to claim,
  7. yes, i chosen pillar spam and prevent revamp better than this alot, because i still can build and not control by anyone
  8. this cannot solve spamming problem, owner cant keep online to pervent pillar exploit , or owner keep online to demo everyone on his island . this only make some player got adsvantage only,
  9. new claim system make benefits on some player only and, casual player ,solo and ,small company cant claimed island will be all goto underdog / salve for island owner?
  10. Build shipyard overlap other ship at unclaimed land and sink them https://imgur.com/a/1Uh6eEV
  11. Hire npc crew and place ghostship in your land .and your land never got claimed
  12. they add another hole for protect their claim
  13. Use "E" control tame transfer to ship, tame instant missing and no death log I lost 3 bears and 1 elephant by the bug PLZ read and FIX ASAP, thank
  14. respawn in wrong postion plz fix
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