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Harold Godwinson

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Everything posted by Harold Godwinson

  1. fair enough even with 5+ people taking down an Alpha is hard, yet with fire arrows it was too easy. Alphas are supposed to be hard to kill.
  2. ive had reports of several guilds using aimbot Im at war with Leave no Survivors & Unity & i think Unity has been seen using aimbot several times.
  3. i have very little experience with Ark, yet i have noticed the Ark guilds/tribes have a advantage in play style.
  4. Bows are not worthless they are just more realistic now. Before bows & fire arrows were way too over powered. Now guns finally have a purpose.
  5. my advice wait a few days then go find the fountain of youth. Poor idea for you guys to try now. over 10000 players going to the fountain daily, wait for it to burn out.
  6. handy advice, so generally its NPCs or Diplomacy which are the best defenses atm.
  7. this is a great idea, hope it works. I have seen too many guilds sailing around landless hoping for a break.
  8. The Chinese control majority of the desert islands, but that's it. They strong but can be taken out. My guild has a policy of all English speaking guilds are welcome to open diplomacy as long as they are not dead weight. Anyone interested in diplomatic talks with the Knights Templars you are welcome to message our diplomat. on steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053586737/ or discord: [Templar] Zyklez#9227 Currently we have over 8 guilds already working together. Always looking for more.
  9. for anyone running a small crew of under 10 players they need to find other allys to work with and begin work on diplomacy. Otherwise they have no reason to complain when a 50+ man guild runs in with a much larger fleet.
  10. From what i have seen in this game so far its almost impossible to solo play. I think if you going to plan on playing solo then go onto the PvE server (atleast you are more protected). That being said the PvP server's are dedicated for the strongest to survive and the weak to get eaten. I joined this game with 15 of my friends the day before launch. By Launch we had about 45. Now just over 2 weeks in we close to 200 people. You can easily play this game with 3-8 friends as long as you are active, but you must limit yourself to smaller ships. If you use the bigger ships then bigger guilds will see you as a threat and treat you as such. I would say about 50% of guilds use a 100% kill on sight tactic for all ships coming near there territory. So for small groups just be careful out there.
  11. You guys are all welcome to become Templars. or make a PvP guild and dont worry about taking over an island. Just make a ship then get out to sea and go raiding.
  12. ●▬▬▬|☩|Knights Templar|☩|▬▬▬● [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gonZpVHHMjc&t=172s[/youtube] Order Information Templar Ranks Grand Commandery Grand Master Harold Godwinson Seneschal Zyklez Vorkor Commander of Knights Kowlix Templar Roster Contact Information Teamspeak: Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/The_Knights_VI Steam Recruitment Discussion: https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742229167175798127/ Please follow the following format for any applications to join ●▬▬▬▬▬|☩| Application Format |☩|▬▬▬▬▬● [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAkQmdTevNk[/youtube]
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