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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Hey girl, that is cool. I am doing what I am doing. Nobody has to agree with it. Just playing golf basically
  2. Well yeah, atlas is ark not like ark, it is ark
  3. Yes it is. Compared to the 1000 plus rep I had on ark forums(more for posting than bragging) and the battle o have been fighting on Twitter towards wildcard. this forum doesn’t show even 1/10 of my dedication. Some people on here actually think that arguing with me and who knows, even proving me wrong on a very occasional basis might stop me. oops for that try hards on ark forums did a better job
  4. Didn’t have time for the whole video man. Are you confirming or denying? I’ll check it later. Yeah I get you want that. It actually wasn’t intended lol. The reason they opened lawless zones in the first place was so people could actually enter the game is a different section from the free ports. they weren’t going to add more free ports since that would take away even more area for players. They aren’t going off of eve they added these areas so people could actually play when the game was released. Smh
  5. Because you are an idiot. i would be considered someone that is a whiner to others on here. i don’t care why he had a problem with me using the word whiner. Same thing with a black guy being accused of using a word that ends with a but then is being told he can’t say that. Doesn’t fly. i say what I want, when I want. You are really stressing these words man. Don’t worry I dont blame you.
  6. P.s. this world will revolve around ark. Not because of the devs but because of the players. This is ark
  7. Whoa dude! I don’t blame the whiners either! I used the word whiner because that is what the hardcore players say they are. It was a reference. I completely understand where they are coming from. already not a fan of your post since you totally misunderstood what I was saying. I hate wildcard. Realize that now! now go and read the thread again
  8. Ah yes, “tek tier/end game atlas” we all know that is coming. The unfortunate part of that is the “whiners”(I don’t see them as that) came here to get rid of the tek. Mark started as a Dino game and became something very different. You are right though, atlas will turn into something completely different. Don’t be surprised when they start bringing in dinos, because that is how they made money in the first place. you are also right. There is also always lawless. Most new comers won’t know they have to build a bed off land and support that bed. Once they find out they have to do that they will think it is ridiculous. What I see with this is that everntually lawless will become claimable. Only for a second will people be able to enjoy that land because by the time that happens, the Megas will definitely want that territory for their own(good way to get beginner resources close to their island) i totally get how you think more territory will become available with the mega wipes. That isn’t the case though. Megas will continue to claim land. They will actually allow people to take over the abandoned claim because they will know when it happens. All they have to do is wait for them to get blueprints and then it is time for a wipe. The next few months will prove to be entertaining
  9. I get that nobody sees it just yet. Completely cool. I am not even going to mention numbers or anything like that this time. we already know there isn’t an exact fix for claims. Sure people have ideas, every single one has a way to get around it. ark survived, and still survives because you can literally just build anywhere. The reason people complain about atlas is that they can’t find a spot. To all of the hardcore pvpers and wildcard fans, the complainers aren’t going away anytime soon. I know some of you need to ruffle your feathers and type a quit whining thread every once in awhile, but regardless of their hurt feelings, they will keep complaining. They will change your game. the days of “well join a company, or keep looking” wont last long. This type of player base will not be happy with that. Sure I know you want them gone but that is bad for the game in general, since a lot of players are these whiners. the whiners need to worry too. The minute you change the hardcore players game, they will retaliate with extreme prejudice. If you thought is was hard to sail or get land before, wait till they get fed up with you. the main problem of the game is actually the players themselves. Only horrible people play atlas. Why would I say that? Because the hardcore players and the whiners both moved to atlas from ark. Ark still has its steady player base. The worst of both sides came here. base building and land will be the ultimate downfall. The shorter timer will also create a bigger problem than in ark(7 days). once again, just sitting here and waiting
  10. Oh man. You think all those things are going to get patched in the next year, let alone the nearest patch. You might as well as for ark to be 100% optimized. not making funn of you or anything because all of those changes would be great but with all of that you are literally looking into a year and a half down the road
  11. Realist


    Wow they even brought the elevators from ark to atlas. If everyone hasn’t noticed by now, this is ark.
  12. Don’t worry man, this guy actually said floating around 50-60k never even reached 60k. Made it to 58k for one day. Already peaks at mid to low 40’s. the average is actually 35k which means for all 4 clusters there is only 10k on three and 5k on one of them. yeah there has been a slow but steady drop. Almost to the 10% mark which should happen in a couple of days.
  13. Yeah it won’t be getting better. I am sure they will start adding a lot of content pretty soon though. They don’t do optimizations
  14. Oh yeah. A lot of the ark Chinese hackers got banned multiple times. They will just keep making new accounts. There is no way to stop it
  15. Ok, so it is our job to put in the effort to make sure it’s playable. Makes sense with how this company is
  16. This yeah there is a reason they made anti cheat software. A lot of people get mad at the Chinese for being out played. your other point is good as well. Just because there are some cheaters that happen to be Chinese doesn’t mean you punish people because they are Chinese. That is just straight prejudice. Smh that other guy and others that think like him should really feel ashamed
  17. Except if it was a good game they wouldn’t be able to get away with it. There is a reason why almost every single review was bad and it isn’t shock factor.
  18. No, it means an ark player is an ark player. You’ll see. There will be a very distinct way things go.
  19. This war will be between ark players and players of atlas that have not played ark before. who will win? nobody knows that yet. What is important is to listen to the changes that have happened and will happen in the weeks to come. Look for changes. I have already seen them happening. Don’t take this lightly. ark players will notice it sooner. Some ark players that don’t think certain changes are bad won’t even recognize it.  this is atlas. This is your game. Pay attention before it is too late.
  20. This war will be between ark players and players of atlas that have not played ark before. who will win? nobody knows that yet. What is important is to listen to the changes that have happened and will happen in the weeks to come. dont even pay attention to what is happening around you. Look for changes. I have already seen them. ark players will notice it sooner. Some ark players that don’t think certain changes are bad won’t even recognize it. this is atlas. This is your game. Pay attention before it is too late.
  21. Prejudice is the premise for racism. Prejudice against someone’s race religion sexual orientation and so on is the exact same thing. i get that you point out their flaw in wording but it is the same thing. but yes I get what you were trying to say
  22. Here is where we get tagged/warned(me) for going off topic. I already know how it goes with these guys. They said they learned from their mistakes. Let’s see if it actually happened
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