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Everything posted by Stabby

  1. Thanks guys. In the process of contesting a flag. Was pretty sure I'd be 100 by the time it is/was done. If we're getting deleted at a certain age then why continue gameplay? I don't know if I should do anything anymore. Can't harvest, can't build, can't tame, can't claim, etc if it's all coming to an end. I will lose everything. All of my hard work would be gone. I'm hesitant to even play the game now. In the meantime I made a raft and lined it wait storage crates that I can access from the water. I made a couple shipyards, tools, etc and pin coded them so that I'll have access to them in case of reset. So it wouldn't be a complete loss. But with no land available it would still be a complete loss. Frustrated.
  2. Ship of the damned are too smart, too fast and too close together. If our visibility range was unlimited then it would be fine. Adjusting for wind makes these shitty things just a nuisance that needs to be nerfed. Something has to change with them. But back to the breeding system, yes the mini game sucks. I have no understanding or comprehension as to why the devs are intentionally making this game so difficult and trying to steer us toward THEIR idea of how we should play Atlas. I want to just go play private server and set all my own rules. But due to the size I cannot. Sucks. Plus I enjoy trading with other players and cooperative gameplay. I can't get that on my own private server. I just don't know that many people.
  3. I'm currently level 99. Am I going to lose my guild, my land, my tames, my boats, my countless hours building when I turn 100?
  4. The best thing about ARK was the breeding system. That and the potential to build anywhere in the world. Well, nearly anywhere. They say they don't want to focus as much on taming in this game but that's what made ARK fun. I think they're making a big mistake there. And all the limitations on building (boats in particular) really take a lot of fun factor out of the game. That saddens me.
  5. Nothing except storage chests are salvageable on Freeeport and Lawless servers right now.
  6. I miss my Raft castle in ARK. I just wanna build and have fun doing it. It's 99% of the reason I'm playing Atlas.
  7. Intent on ruining, hindering, destroying and evil are ageless. Intent is intent. Counter it ten fold and teach people that they also can lose. I'm only saying that because noone should be a victim on PVE servers. But if someone insists on being hostile I can treat them the same way. I can use the same methods and some they may not know about to counter their attack. It's simple really, don't let other players get away with stuff like this. Retaliate and hit them HARD so they will learn a lesson in greifing! The way I see it these Chinese guilds have more to lose than I do. Hint hint.
  8. The problem is that it's an in game mechanic. If you're capable of doing it, it's intended. That's how I look at things like this. If they wanted it solved they could solve it. Sure, there's no easy fix that will appease everyone, but leaving it in place is the same as saying "it's okay". As a soldier of 12 years I am of an offensive mindset. If you mess with me I will get you back ten fold. So I said it correct when I said "eyes for an eye and teeth for a tooth".
  9. Eyes for an eye and teeth for a tooth! As a simple solution why don't the devs just remove weight limits on ships for the time being? There, fixed until something better comes along.
  10. SoTD's are coming back to land again. Seen two today less than 100 feet from shore. One was stuck inside of a lighthouse for a few mins.
  11. I mean, their too OP, there are too many of them, they destroy property, glitch thru walls and into house and they kill every tamed creature they can/cant access. They are the fucking nemesis of my gameplay everywhere I go in this game. Just add 5000 cobras more per square inch and maybe you devs will achieve greatness. We love that. It is the best thing for player retention, trust me. I would post of screenshot of 50+ cobras chasing a bird but my one and only screenshot in these forums has me capped.
  12. Regardless of what ship you're on the SoTD's are too many, too fast and their visibility range is too low. Their routes are intended to fuck us.
  13. Too many! Lost another schooner yesterday. Spent 3 days taming, loaded boat and was heading home. All lost. They just had the perfect picket line. I couldn't cross it due to wind conditions. This game is 75% loss and 25% gameplay. It is by far WAY too hard for an official launch.
  14. Can you please slow them down? Unless wind is perfect and stars are aligned it's very difficult to navigate their picketlines due to short visibility.
  15. The fountain of youth(s) need to be spread out all over the world. Identify them with a large glowing light (like a player death). Place 50 of them at random fresh water supplies and have them move every 2 hours or so. Most of us don't have a single powerstone because you made them ridiculously hard to obtain. How can you expect us to get to this fountain of youth? If you delete my character when it hits 100 I will leave this game and never return. Give me a better option. Please.
  16. They are WAY too much! They were already our nemesis. Now they have substantially increased agro range and they're completely unkillable unless you have a ranged weapon. Please nerf bat these things or make melee something that's actually meaningful in this game. Edit: Please nerf their global population by 50% too. It's ridiculous and out of hand. They're destroying everything, killing everything and constantly ruining our gameplay.
  17. It makes me feel... like... laughing at your stupid guild name and pointing out the fact that you only have one member. Kthanksbye.
  18. I can't make it 100 feet from the boat at Golden Age Ruins. How the hell am I supposed to get this update? I'm really hating this.
  19. "- Fixed rapid unclaiming, now if your contested flag is unclaimed it will unclaim at the same rate that it took to claim!" Does anyone understand that sentence?
  20. As of right now a player can link a chain of claims all the way around the Atlas. All they need to do is log in on one single claim to reset the timer for ALL of them. Please make it so that the claim owner has to physically go to that claim and click the flag or something. Some guys are logging in once every three days and immediately logging out. Somehow that is holding 100+ claims for them. Fast travel beds are being used to quickly reset timers, something that should also require more effort. Put some kind of weight on owning and maintaining large chunks of land! Please.
  21. Agreed! It's WAY too long to stand on one claim.
  22. It is super difficult to stay inside of that claim for that specified amount of time. If you devs are going to keep it that long at least let us leave the claim!
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