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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. I don’t, but it’s up for 7 days and it is improved very much.
  2. No I didn’t? I said this game is made to discover for yourself. Like literally every game is, sure there are people out there googling everything and wiki is on their second screen all the time but the game is not designed for that.
  3. Mate, if you come here unknown about core stuff, please read steam first. This game is designed for you to discover, then build a base, build ships and go on voyages. Trade/fight and all that stuff. No idea what you want to hear here.. feels like trolling to me.
  4. The official atlas discord? The meeting place for toxic people you mean?
  5. What you expect to hear? Details on where to sail, what islands have what? The game is made to discover. You want us to tell you everything?
  6. Build yourself a raft and some starting stuff, then leave and seek adventures!
  7. They’re not, that’s what all the people above are saying. Call of Duty had way worse connection problems than Atlas does now in it’s EA state.
  8. I hate the 2,5x and I hope it doesn’t stay. The 1X is perfectly fine. I understand that for solo/small groups it is better, but it’s making the gap between alpha’s and small groups hella worse. Talking about PVP.
  9. People think this game was starting to develop 3 weeks ago? The coding was given like what? 1,5-2 years ago and GS has been taken it from there. It’s not an excuse but this game doesn’t play on the latest ARK patch, but one from years ago.
  10. Yes I mean if it gets implemented it will be at 600-700 and then they nees to decide if they reset it or not.
  11. Yes if it is. Which I believe will be before day 700.. atleast I hope so.
  12. They didn’t thought that though, since the game is not designed for solo play.
  13. 1 per grid is fine. It wouldn’t be hard to code would it? I hope that they will focus on these problems more often now. Jat said that the server issues are solved for 95%..
  14. Yes they did but still not enough. Why does it need to be a spawn rate anyway... Why not 1 per grid; if it spawns it respawns after an hour somewhere on the map. Ofcourse within good distance from any ship.
  15. I don’t like the harvesting, as you said. But if they’re gonna make events better make it something as an ‘treasure bonus’ that gives 25% more coins or something. Or increase the treasure maps floating around..
  16. They are working on it. I find it to be weird they lower the damage instead of the spawn rate..
  17. Don’t get me wrong, you want it to be easier for small groups, I want it to not be for large companies, where the game is designed for. Atlas is stated as an Survival MMO on steam, bit weird.
  18. I used to be. Now I have a bit more time because of vacation but it should be fine. If I’m not around, a mate can take over the work. That is how it is designed to be. I’d rather have them tweak hatchet/pickaxe stats than the whole harvesting.
  19. 1. I like this 2. How do you see this? I mean lawful pirates.. 3. Decay is necessary to stop the raft spam/blockade.. To tackle that they could make all the ships in freeports ‘ghosted’. Then this could work out. 4. Agree, in my opinion if they pick the half of each skill cost it should be well balanced. 5. Or maybe make player saved ships? So you can build a ship at once the exact same it was before. I believe in the future we will see more customization for the ships. 6. Yes please 7. That is what it was like I believe, before they patched it. It was good before that but it made something bug so they reset the timers. 8. Agree, max 1 per grid. 9. You mean like the crate balloon in ARK, but then with ships? 10. Agreed.
  20. There are more people with the same idea, but I believe that it suits a server alone better.
  21. I believe they’re testing it, but I don’t think events belong on an MMO. Maybe the taming or maybe increase the treasure loot or increase the treasure map chances, but not the harvesting.
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