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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Nobody wants to build in lawless regions but guess what, people have no choice when there's no space anywhere else to be found because there's more ocean than land and people spam claim flags all over islands which is silly on PvE. You can spend days and days at sea looking for somewhere to try and settle and the only way you can do that right now is by using a raft because you stand no chance in hell with the ghost ships. So when trying to advise where people shouldn't build try to keep in mind that there is nowhere else for people to build. P.S. My shipyard disappeared the day I placed it, it had not been 4 days and the company log gave no record of it, the only record was that my ship was removed and that's because it had a sloop construction in it, so there was no record of the actual shipyard.
  2. What confuses me is how someone has the option to demolish. I placed my shipyard down earlier today, then later started to build a sloop. Tonight I went out, I was offline for about 4 hours and when i log back on my shipyard was gone. No-one elses shipyards was gone. I assumed it was a ghost ship issue.
  3. I had my shipyard disappear too when i was building a sloop. But how can you be sure it was destroyed by another player?
  4. Your client should be on v7.32 now. Can you confirm? Also, client version can be different from server version. So just because your client may be on something like v7.0 and server is v7.1 doesn't mean you are missing a client update.
  5. I believe the Patch Notes might be wrong. I don't think it is meant to be v7.4 I think it is meant to be v7.32. The increase of 1 skill point per level beyond 10 is certainly ingame now which makes me think it is meant to be v7.32.
  6. This certainly is an issue. I don't see the point in mass claiming on PvE. I'm stuck in lawless area for now, at least I can last for 4 days before i lose everything and i'm currently on daily anyway. But it will be no good if I go on holiday and have not found an island to settle on. I'd be interested to know your area. You can PM me if you want.
  7. It's 10+ not 12. Which is pretty easy to get to as you can get upto 8 in freeport areas to begin with.
  8. Yeah it's in the patch notes. - Rebalanced Skill Point requirements as originally intended, where higher tier skills cost more SP. Forced a one-time 'free' respec to use these new values. - Added one more Skill Point earned by all level-ups above 10 (recommend players Respec)
  9. Is anyone else experiencing issues upgrading floor tiles that have certain structures on them? When trying to upgrade thatch floor with wood I am able to do it as normal on empty floor tiles and ones with a storage box and campfire on, but when I try to replace the ones with a smithy on or at the doorway it says obstructed? This is an issue upgrading floors when you have stuff already on them.
  10. It's not in the Patch Notes for 6.5. It's in the upcoming patch notes, have another read...
  11. When its a death that you know is coming, i.e. you didn't have food, or you had vitamin d problems i found the best way to deal with it is to find any area and drop all your stuff in a bag, then go pick it up when you respawn. That's what I did in the freeport area at least until i got my feet on the ground.
  12. In the starter areas, i.e. the Freeport you can only build on your raft, you cannot build structures or anything on land, with the exception of placing campfires. On your raft it is best to store things in pin-locked storage boxes as other things like campfire and smithy can be accessed by other people even on PvE servers.
  13. The slider is called "Hair Preview Length".
  14. It is very interesting to see how unofficial servers will fare. I think there will be a lot of interest in joining unofficials, but you're right, whoever sets up unofficials will be paying quite a bit to have a decent sized playing area.
  15. Steam file validation always has 1 or 2 files, you can pretty much ignore that. If you run validation and it says 1 file it will say the same each and every time you run it. The game crashing isn't related to validation, it's another issue, pin pointing it isn't easy though.
  16. Well deletion of characters wouldn't solve the problem anyway because the bodies would just pile up again.
  17. Jat has been keeping people regularly updated, but it's worth watching his Twitter. https://twitter.com/Jatheish
  18. Yes pretty much. The Freeports are just the starting area which is level capped. People won't stay in Freeport areas for long, then they'll make rafts and head off to other areas, which would include lawless.
  19. Server maintenance will be taking place soon.
  20. Many people are having those issues, I can assure you it is not the version issue. Things are not stable right now, best thing to do is just give the devs some time to resolve the issues. I'm personally not playing currently until there's at least new patches to fix server performance hopefully in the next day or two.
  21. Client is meant to be on 4.0 and server on 4.1. Your two guildmates are probably confusing themselves with what is the client version and what is the server version.
  22. It is an issue at freeports which is basically the starting area. I've heard reports that one you get out of the area it is much smoother. I'm trying to make my way out of the freeport currently, but not easy.
  23. Guybrush Threepwood training to combat the pesky seagulls!
  24. Yup, I had the complete opposite, I was in the water trying to get out, every time I reached the shore I bounced back.
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