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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Looks to me like you are putting them on different snap points. Take the first two images for example. In that image you do not have the walls on the one square floor, you actually have them on edge of the surrounding square floors, which is why there is a gap between the 2 walls. In the second image you have them both on the one square floor in the middle, which is how it is meant to be and hence why there is no gap. However, note that the side of the wall with the central pillar design is meant to be on the inside of the building, according to the directional arrows. It's the same with the 3rd and 4th image. You don't have both walls on the same square floor, you have them on differing floors. The 4th picture I believe is how it is meant to be. To see how it is meant to be it is easier if you place one floor then put the walls on it as there will be no mistake in which floor you are placing the walls on.
  2. Yeah that's going to have to be fixed, can't have issues like that. What they should do is get the Pathfinder to slide off the raft so that they don't get stuck floating.
  3. I know it's on PvE, in fact i'm also in K10, but i definitely claimed and destroyed 2 rafts in the area on Monday this week. As far as i'm aware there was no patch yesterday to change that.
  4. When was this stopped? I ask because I claimed and demolished 2 rafts around my area on Monday this week.
  5. With the land claim timers now upto 6 hours depending on number of claims, would you consider restricting 'contesting' to only company members and allies rather than random players? It is pretty impossible, in many cases, maybe not all, to hope that over the course of 6 hours that not one random player will enter the area and pause the claim process and add time to it. This is also a griefing tactic on PvE. It makes sense that company members and allies should be able to block someone claiming by entering the area, but having random players enter the area to farm resources or whatever and have it pause the claim is frustrating and unnecessary imo.
  6. Yeah with rafts on PvE you can claim them after a while. Once you claim them you can't do anything with them besides demolish them as the sail itself is still owned by the original owner, also any structures built on the raft are also owned still by the previous owner. If you have an issue of people getting stuck floating on them due to the clipping I assume, try going up to it at the side and seeing if you can claim it, then destroy it. As for the dock, no idea on that one, maybe they have a longer claim/demo time than rafts, if they have one at all.
  7. Not far fetched at all. People were doing it before the weight griefing fix. Albeit this was not related to blocking people but more for making a bridge, but still it just goes to show it is not far fetched in the slightest. Never underestimate what people will think of and do to grief others.
  8. This has been addressed in v11.4 released a short while ago. Hopefully this resolves all the ship sinking griefing issues on PvE.
  9. No, you can salvage from them, but you can't resurrect. You'll have to start building a new one from your shipyard.
  10. He wasn't saying you were off topic, he was saying what he was going to say was off topic.
  11. I used to always prefer to kill myself when deficiencies hit early game. Now however I replenish my vitamins easily. I've always got a large stash of Acai and also Coconuts. That covers two. Then i've always got meat as i generally kill stuff when i'm out and about, and then as for Vitamin D which used to be the most annoying one i've got a cow now so just go to her for milk.
  12. Was this in a claimed land or in lawless?
  13. For those that don't have beta/insider operating system, I know of someone that had issues today being kicked from servers due to battleye. This is what they did to resolve the problem, although please note that I am not telling people to do this, i'm just saying this fixed it for that person and may or may not help others. It may infact be due to the person possible selecting no when the original prompt came up, but if people weren't expecting a battleye update in the Atlas patch then some may have done the same, along with selecting the "don't show me again" option. They ran uninstall_battlEye.bat, (located in Steam > steamapps > common > ATLAS > ShooterGame > Binaries > Win64 > BattlEye) then after that ran install_battlEye.bat. Then when it's finished, run Atlas from Steam, and it should ask you if you want to give battleye access. Select yes and then they could join the server without being kicked. He may not have needed to run uninstall first as the issue my be that he decline access originally so he may have just needed to run the install_battlEye.bat again. As I said i'm not recommending anything, just stating what i know from someone that had the an issue of being kicked from servers after the battleye update.
  14. I'm sure alphas and other animals will get balanced in due course, it's still really early days. With the team focused a lot on server performance and connection issues I would think they'll get around to balancing and spawn issues once those other issues have been improved. Just keep an eye on Atlas news, particularly the Patch Notes to get some indication when they do work on alpha spawns etc to judge when you might return. I have confidence that the alpha issue won't remain as it is forever.
  15. Ok, as I said earlier there is nothing to fix. As of now your Client should be on v11.0 and the server should be on v11.3. Are you actually having problems connecting to a server? If so then that is an unrelated issue to version numbers. If you are having no problems connecting to a server or launching the game then there is nothing to fix as everything is as it should be.
  16. As per the Patch Notes the client is meant to be on v11.0 and server v11.1. So there is no v11.1 for client.
  17. Yeah I like this idea too. Even if it doesn't give loads of salt it would still be good to get some from salt water. I guess the only reason they may not consider it is that there is salt water all around which would make the salt resource less of a requirement.
  18. I don't think it resets to full, it just adds extra time back on to it, but not sure if the length of time someone is in the area affects the amount of time added back.
  19. You need olives, that is all. If you read my response you will see that is all you need. Olive is classed in the Oil group. I don't think you need to make Olive Oil from anything, you just harvest Olives from olive trees.
  20. Well I was going on what the OP said: To me that sounds like when he runs Atlas with No Battleye he still gets the error.
  21. The OP stated they get that even when they load with no battleye.
  22. I believe you just harvest the olive trees with a pick to get olives and then you have your olive oil. Olives are a substitute for oil I think.
  23. I agree that SOTD should not spawn on grid borders. After all every time you cross into a new grid your ship takes damage from that alone, but to spawn right by a SOTD, well it's not well planned. They should be further away if possible.
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