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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. That's no reason to restrict it so much though. Good landlords can get rid of spam in 24 hours. I go on holiday for 11 or 12 days and lose everything?
  2. First of all thank you for increasing PvE structure decay on settlements from 4 days to 10 days. However, @Dollie @Jatheish we have been here before with the issue of holidays. The average holiday in the EU is 2 weeks. 10 days will be fine for the majority of the time, but when I chose to take some 'me' time on holiday i'll likely return to no base or structures. I don't understand why these decisions are constantly being made that pretty much screw over solo players. The resource structure that you were going to introduce would have solved this entire problem, yet you decided not to implement it for some reason. Can the structure decay be increased to cover the average holiday that EU takes?
  3. In the latest patch? 10 days is still too short, should be at least a 2 week holiday.
  4. Not same taxes, max tax is now 50% so even worse.
  5. This vote has been done a long time ago. What's the point in creating a new one on the day that 1.5 is launching.
  6. There's no signs that NA PvE community is even at 6k anymore. Hardly anyone came back for the PTR. I'd be surprised if overall player count across all 4 servers hits 6k tbh.
  7. The 4 servers they had before are all coming online today, the NA PvE is new hardware that needs setting up, don't think it's about more testing. People will play on EU PvE, mess about and then move over to NA PvE when it is up leaving their mess behind on EU PvE, guaranteed.
  8. The 4 servers are shown in the Captain's Log, the answer is there for you.
  9. Most likely there will be quite a few who join EU PvE just to get back into playing, mess about, then when NA PvE boots up they leave EU PvE and the mess they've made behind and go join NA PvE. We all know that is what will happen.
  10. Of course not. Just opt out of the beta. Why would anyone think deleting the game and reinstalling is necessary?
  11. Doesn't really matter what I think. All we need to know is the 4 servers that are going up today -/+ and the NA PvE going up in 2 weeks -/+.
  12. It's going, all 4 servers are wiping and coming back up.
  13. Try continuing to read the log first, the answer to your question is already there.
  14. So everyone jumps on at launch, people choose their island, therefore no way to know what future taxes are going to be on that island. People start building before anyone is able to claim the island, which will be quite a few because people gotta go grab gold first. You get your little base built and someone claims the island sets 50% tax. So how was checking the map first any way useful?
  15. Yes you'll need to opt out of beta and revert to normal branch to get the 1.5 patch update.
  16. That wasn't the point I was making though was it?
  17. It will happen, i'm rather confident this time round (not sure why). But I don't think PvE was really tested at all tbh. I asked about the 4 day decay timer on structures on settlements. I asked if it was 4 days for the PTR only or if it will be 4 days going live. I tweeted the thread to Dollie and Jat asking for some clarification. Dollie read the tweet and read the thread almost straight away but kept silent ever since. Silence on questions like that only mean one thing.... the answer won't be a good one. So yeah i'm sure it will release on 11th.. after a few hours delay, but PvE wasn't really tested, and if it was, then questions relating to it got ignored.
  18. I was expecting a high count during PTR phase because I would have though people would be interested enough to help test things out, but clearly it is either because not as many people are returning as hoped, or not as many people care about testing and just want to play the game, and then complain because somethings broken when they could have helped identify issues if they bothered to join in on the PTR. Then again the PTR delays and short periods for some of the PTRs could have just put people off. We'll see soon enough the real counts, and this weekend will be interesting. Lets not forget though some NA PvE players may not play for a few weeks yet.
  19. No they aren't, it literally listed in bullet point which servers are releasing today, how is that in anyway interpretable?
  20. Don't be silly, that just means an additional network that will be NA PvE. It doesn't mean 2 NA PvE networks.
  21. When you click play, select the first option on the list as you would normally do when you play Atlas.
  22. Just run the game normally, i.e. pick the first option in the list to play Atlas not the last.
  23. I hope so too, but the silence tells me otherwise. But yeah will wait till 1.5 release and see.
  24. Cobras hit box is pretty much its head not its long body. Much harder to kill than rattle snakes.
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