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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Wooooo it's here! Can't wait to check it out!
  2. I bought my very first NPC yesterday and it was 1 gold per 5.2hrs. I increased accommodation a few times on my ship and it now sits at 1 gold per 5.8hrs. That's 4 gold per day for one NPC.
  3. I've never tried root beer, never had an interest.
  4. Yeah, fog and cold fronts are horrible too, they can just appear, although not happened to me yet but I half expect them too. I did make a journey across 2 grids yesterday where I went along the grid edge and found that no SoD's appeared. There was one point on my way to the grid edge that I saw a few, but going along the edge none appeared. I assume that's because they are designed not to spawn right along the edge as that's pretty bad if you cross the border right into them. But I also found that going along the grid edge means you only have to pay attention to one side when watching out for SoD's. It made my journey somewhat less nail biting!
  5. Yeah I'm not planning on Kraken any time soon, so i think i'll stick to food.
  6. Haha yep he was the shipyard guy. Seems rather apt that he's swabbing the decks on my ship! I've also named my first bear Otis. I was also about 10 when it first came out, the first proper game that I played.
  7. So I decided to finally go out and get my first NPC crew mate! Yes he looks like a bit of a goof. Staying in the theme of Monkey Island i've named him Stan. Not quite the vibrant representation of the original Stan yet though...... Hope this brings back memories for Monkey Island fans! Anyway, I was wondering, what do people put into their NPC levels? I'm not really sure myself what's necessary, but then again maybe it depends on what you've got them for. So to give a little context, my game play right now is basically me on my lonesome on PvE. I like just hanging around holding on to my treasure.... Jokes aside, so I'm going to mainly be using Stan to man the sails and swab the deck. That's pretty much it. Is there any important stats I should focus on?
  8. The PTR has just gone up today, so i'd expect the mega update to drop early June.
  9. Because the setting for who can build is for the PvP system. As PvE is meant to be anyone can build anywhere the option has no affect on anything, it just remains there.
  10. The debuff was temporarily removed because of the complaints. I'm sure once they've made changes and human breeding is implemented the old age debuff will return. I think the location where it is now is fine, i've never experienced any issues with the entrance. But that can depend on how busy it is at the time with other players.
  11. @seranade I was wrong, they are up now, can you see them since your post an hour ago?
  12. Yeah they said that they are planning to make some changes to the FoY, but don't think it will come yet. I'm sure though that by the time the game is released it will be different from what it is like now.
  13. Don't think it's live yet, think it will go live a bit later when the Captain's Log goes up, but don't quote me on that. There's not one planned, so there could be at some point, but for now no.
  14. Are you sure you didn't opt-in to download the content for the PTR?
  15. I'd be surprised if they made a statement on the subject, because we all know what a lot of the community are like. They make a statement today saying they don't intend to purposely wipe servers during EA but will do so if it becomes necessary. Then in August it becomes necessary like it was in February, then people scream that they lied. It's the same thing over and over again that we've seen many times before based on people's opinions of what was previously said by Devs and what happens later on. So again, any kind of statement will do little so there's no point in making one because it will only cause more issues later on.
  16. Forum spam has nothing to do with DDoS on game servers. You are seeing what you want to see. The spam occurs throughout the day, definitely no connection.
  17. I don't believe their intention is to wipe unless necessary, which is the equivalent of your "try not to wipe until release". The last wipe was never planned, but it became necessary. I'm not sure what a statement from them saying we'll try not to wipe will actually achieve.
  18. No beds on ships? You trying to kill the game further? People die whilst sailing in another grid, they have to spawn back at base and use another ship to go get their other ship, yet won't be able to sail both ships back together? Therefore resulting in abandoned ships increasing. People sail to Golden Age Ruins to use the FoY, they die during a FoY attempt and have to spawn back at base. I don't think you've though that idea through.
  19. Here's one example of an interview with Grapeshot in December, before the game even released where they mention the Fountain of Youth as one method of avoiding old age death. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/12/19/atlas-pirate-mmo-developer-interview/ As I said, it has always been planned. Human breeding hasn't been implemented yet, no idea when it will be, but FoY was not an adhoc "fix" for old age. If it was then they would just have disabled old age affects like they ended up doing, rather than creating a quest around it. They've stated in interviews that they want various options to avoid old age death so that people aren't forced down one route, as that would be unfair towards solo players if they were forced down the human breeding route.
  20. Sea travel's not boring really, but I do hate fog and rain when sailing. Example, I was sailing in lovely weather, reached the grid border, passed over into next grid when suddenly I enter a horrible storm of rain and wind and SoD's nearby. That sort of thing I hate. Every time I get fog at sea I feel like an SoD is going to appear right in front of me because the fog is so thick and close. Thought they'd take the hint from Ark, but sadly not.
  21. No it is not a temporary fix. The intention is for players to have several ways to avoid perma-death, and the FoY is one of those, always has been.
  22. The boosted weekends don't increase player count to a noticeable level because it is not the "time factor" that is the problem. Even if we had regular boosts during week and weekends that doesn't take away the fact the actual issues are still present. As I said before, anyone that says boosted weekends are causing more players to quit, clearly do not know the real problems with the game.
  23. Yup same happened to me when I first experienced it. Luckily I didn't have anything valuable unlike yourself , but yeah hopefully that gets fixed for future instances.
  24. Yeah it's a bug that's been around since release. The bag when dropped will appear on the next floor above only if it is one wall high. If the floor is two walls high then the bag drops at your feet.
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