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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Something interesting that megas know about claim towers that a lot of folks might not: Each company, even a company of one, begins with 200 claim points. So, what happens when that mega (at 200/200 claim points spent) steamrolls a lawless company of two and wants to claim their stuff? Easy! Someone drops from the company, claims it, and then rejoins the company. For example, let's say that the mega company, INCELZerg, needs to drop a claim, but is capped at 200/200. Pirate MegaN00b03 drops from the company; MegaN00b03 is now the only member of MegaN00b03 Company with 0/200 claim point, so he starts claiming like crazy until his solo company is also 200/200. Now comes the fun part! INCELZerg re-invites MegaNoob03 back, and all of MegaN00b's claims become owned by his old company. INCELZerg's claim points are now effectively 400/200. Repeat, repeat, repeat... Honestly, you don't even need to be in a mega - a company of two people effectively has infinite claim points. Basically, each company needs to be HARD CAPPED at 200 claim points. For example, If a 200/200 company merges with a 100/200, then all of the 100/200 company's claims instantly demo. I think the intention of claimable lawless was to provide an ownership option for solos and smaller companies. But as it is now, island-owning megas are using the island claim exploit to purge lawless islands and claim every square inch. Quick edit: Another fun hobby is to sail around claimable lawless islands looking for poor saps who have armored docks within claim tower radius. Destroy the 400k hp claim tower, place your own, demo your new armored dock for 5k gold. Continue on.
  2. 2 points
    The people that have been here since the start will know very well all a claim tower is is the same as they used flags at launch to gain a circle. If you are going down this route they should have restricted how many you can have whether you have 1 person or 100. As for the automated structures like warehouse etc, what a waste they are restricting people in putting them down? That is not improving the game that is forcing people away. They are wanting more people at sea hence the automation and yet if someone has a structure down you can't place it, they are working backwards devs haven't got a clue. They have lost the majority of the player base, if I was them I'd be thinking of scrapping PvE altogther and just focus on PvP because they are not upto the job. The game will never be how it was portrayed at launch. At least I can say I was there at the 40k player mark, didn't last long though did it?
  3. 1 point
    Or get three people together, each with a harvesting building ready to place, then do 3..2..1..place. Because coding is hard. Apparently.
  4. 1 point
    As far as land goes, I see a lot of open land. I have 3 outposts and see open land around each. I have 2 in the tower-less lawless and one in the corner of someone's owner island. The land issue comes down to the amount of land per person. If you limit the amount of land a player has it limits the interest of the game. Everyone wants land. It's required to enjoy the game. One problem is people can't find the available land. If your not willing to search for it, you come to the forum and say there is no land. If you are will to search for it, you find it and build your base. But that comes from someone who plays a lot. A weekend warrior is going to have a hard time. The truth is I hate having the weekend warriors around me. They pop in spam crap all over and I watch the timers as they count down 7 8 9 days (owner not around) then get refreshed. They use a lot of land but are almost never around to use it. That's part of the problem. I see grids with 3 or 4 islands full of bases while the population ranges from 3 to 15 players through out the day and night. Tower, if we go that way should have a timer (10-12 days) AND a gold cost perhaps 50 gold per day. Low enough to not punish active players, high enough to stop massive land use by people who are never around and just refresh timers weekly. As far as gathers go... it was a bad call to make more types of gathers, requiring everyone to have or want more, while so many lack the space to plant them. We would be better to have one or two types that collected multiple resources. I'd suggest one type of gather that collected everything with a much bigger holding tank. Then limit everyone to two per island or companies to 5 if the company has 10 or more members. Then you could lower the no build range without the spam. And the collection range of the warehouse should be island wide.
  5. 1 point
    its impossible to kill them on high ground needs a 7 day decay timer or something if none from the company has been at the claim tower for 7 days wtf why keep it in the game
  6. 1 point
    Chukiki is facing an enemy horse... 1. Bola removed, he can't take off the rider 2. Grapping Hook on Players removed, he can't take off the rider 3. Black Jack removed beacuse of stun, he can't take off the rider Chukiki dies and goes to forum to ask if tames could be removed from game.( in a topic from 2019) You know the question about the chicken and the egg? For Chukiki he got a game to play and asks now to remove everything from it becuase everything is bad. Would there be a chicken now if you remove the egg?
  7. 1 point
    Dude if you're suck in game you should improve not game nerf. The whole forum tired from your bullshit so please gtfo from here or from atlas ffs
  8. 0 points
    I am out till they remove the claim towers. Completely pointless to play Atlas at the moment, everything you build is auto lost to the next guy passing by with a claim tower.
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