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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I had a couple of ideas for fixing freeport. Currently, lots of people complain about boats being stored in freeports, tames being stored, the raft city, etc. This seems to be a universal gripe of the community looking at any form of social media related to the game (including official discord). The following are my ideas for a freeport redesign. 1) There is a maximum company BOAT limit of 2 in a freeport tile. This would allow people to still go to freeport to hire NPCs, or make sloops/rafts for beginning, or simply parking their boat overnight if they find themselves far from home after a powerstone journey. This would prevent companies from storing their entire fleet in a freeport indefinitely, and would limit the number of raft-farming-villages. Yes, they could just have 5 alt companies storing boats in all of them, but at least it's a slight more pain in the ass to do that. 2) There is a maximum company TAME limit of 20. This lets people recruit 10 NPCs, and also allows for wiggle room should they want to store a few breeding pairs of animals or have a few cats for farming chitin. This would prevent companies from having 50 cats on the shores, and would prevent companies from storing tens of combat tames there for griefing nearby tiles. 3)And lastly, an overweight boat (even green anchored) has 3 minutes to lighten its load before it begins to auto-sink. It really, reallly should be possible for the coding to ignore non-company/non-ally players and tames and ignore their weight. (Just like enemies don't count towards crew limit.) This would eliminate the mass stockpiling of resources and materials on rafts that is being done all throughout freeports. If you wanted to take it a step farther, you could even disallow the placement of Large Wood Signposts (billboards) and crop plots. #MakeAtlasGreatAgain
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    If Atlas development is delayed by a year...would anyone notice?
  4. 1 point
    That is because those with claimed islands keep them clear of trash or they become overridden with crap 2x2 thatch traps with no gates and DP bed spam. The control radius of a single foundation with a bed is huge on a claimed compared to lawless. Most who arrive rather than asking permission of where they should build that won't block spawns just set up wherever they feel like it. The "You're not my real dad! I will do as I like!" mentality of a small percentage of the ever-shrinking playerbase leads to an us vs. them mentality that is hard to shake. Good news. Anyone who is not actively playing has that island claim decay in 10 days. We have one base where a member breeds tigers that has switched hands 5 times in the last couple months. Every time it is claimed the new owners roam around and try to tell people to get off "their" island. Good luck.
  5. 1 point
    Not knowing the server, as I said, I could only give a 1/4 perspective, and yes I gave a example but am well traveled enough ( doing discoveries by boat ) that the example is well founded. By the way I'm sorry to hear about your car, mine seems to work just fine.
  6. 1 point
    I feel like it should give you a settler message for each unconnected structure placed ~ also as said above please GS give us 48 hours to demolish instead of 24
  7. 1 point
    Thing is you are from a big well known company, that I would suspect most know how to contact. The vast majority of the bed spammers are from unknown companies that you have no idea where they are located, let alone how to contact them. The game also has a turnover of players / companies so waiting it out is pointless as the next bed will be dropping soon enough. I assume "companies doing beds" like yourself, won't be be having there beds despawn anytime soon.
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