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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    There's been barely any activity worth noting since you put that (apparently useless) roadmap out. If you're not planning on giving attention to the project, you can at least be forthright about it. Or did Ark: Genesis require you to reallocate too many team members to actually make significant progress?
  2. 2 points
    I have to agree, I'd like to see the features from the road map being added. I play Early Access games because they tend to get new features more often. I'm just as disappointed as everyone in the slow progress. Not sure I agree that No Man's Sky is all that great of an example. Atlas could still go the same way it did. NMS was released in 2016, it took them like 3 years to make it into a decent game and the one release I played (I think it was called beyond update), was a huge mess. They added 3D and broke all of the land vehicles so you couldn't see worth shit from them. Didn't fix that for months. NMS does seem to listen though. Although their community doesn't seem near as hostile as this one. Not sure I'd respond to much here if I was in the dev team.
  3. 1 point
    Hello all! Instead of bashing the change, I decided to go and lay out the current state of the bows and firearms in general for myself. I like thinking and taking notes, so I am just going to go through this for myself while taking notes in here. As I do so for myself, you will get to reap the information I gather. So let's go to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reload Timers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow Reload Timers Test Quick Draw shot = 1 sec Full Draw shot = 3 sec Pistol Reload Timers Test NO RELOAD SPEED BONUSES Perfect Reload = 15 seconds Auto Reload = 19 seconds Spam click (complete failure ) = 20 seconds _____________________________________________ +30% Reload Speed Perfect Reload = 12 seconds Auto Reload = 16 seconds Spam click (complete failure ) = 17 seconds ____________________________________________ Carbine Reload Timers Test Perfect Reload = 15 seconds Auto Reload = 20 seconds Spam click (complete failure ) = 21 seconds ____________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DPS TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test #1 Object: Training Dummy Bow skills = 0 All Gun Reload Skills. Bow : 4 x shots at 35 dmg each Dummy DPS score of 28 Pistol: 1 x shots at 90 dmg each Dummy DPS score of 18 Carbine: 1 x shot at 160 dmg each Dummy DPS score of 32 I don't trust this meter since it has a flawed truncated calculation method based on 5 second rule. Test #2 Object: lvl 7 Giraffe Field Test Carbine shot = 136 Dmg Extrapolated Perfect Reload DPS: 136/15 = 9.06 Extrapolated Auto Reload DPS: 136/20= 6.8 Extrapolated Spam Click Reload DPS: 136/21 = 6.48 Flintlock Shot No Buffs = 75 Dmg Extrapolated Perfect Reload DPS: 75/15 = 5 Extrapolated Auto Reload DPS: 75/20= 3.95 Extrapolated Spam Click Reload DPS: 75/21 = 3.75 Flintlock Shot +30% Reload Buff = 75 Dmg Extrapolated Perfect Reload DPS: 75/12 = 6.25 Extrapolated Auto Reload DPS: 75/16= 4.69 Extrapolated Spam Click Reload DPS: 75/17 = 4.41 Bow Shot No Buff = 34 Dmg Extrapolated Quick DPS: 34/1 = 34 Extrapolated Full Reload DPS: 34/3 = 11.33 In this controlled test we are able to see that the Bow wins even with 0 buffs. However, this example does not include a situation where multiple pistols are worn and the switch can be done within 2 seconds between each shot, but even in that specific case the damage of the pistols would go up to about 37.5 in which case the pistol would win the damage race. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SKILL POINT COST------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let us look however on the other side of the problem that is caused by this firearms nerf. The problem is the investment cost of Bow vs. Firearm First cost is in Skill Points: Bow requires these skills: Tools of Trade (1 point) > Archery (3 points) totaling 4 points for non-buffed damage explored above. Flintlock requires these skills: Tools of Trade (1 point) > Archery (3 points)> Ballistic Studies (2 points) > Improved Ballistic Studies (4 Points) > Expert ballistic Studies (10 Points) > Sapper (6 points) > Firearms Unlock (4 Points) > Pistol Basics (2 points) a total of : 32 points for 0% reload buff weapon crafting; (32 total) +14 points for +30% reload buff; (46 total) +24 points for Carbine unlock; (70 total) Bow once again wins in accessibility and point cost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRAFTING and MAINTENANCE COST------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second is the Crafting and Maintenance Costs: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bow (Can Be crafted anywhere!) 60 fiber 6 Hide 22 Wood Bow Repair 1/2 resources: 30 Fiber 3 Hide 11 Wood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flintlock (Crafted ONLY at the Smithy!) 16 Flint 18 Hide 36 Metal 8 Oil 22 Wood Flintlock Repair 1/2 resources: 8 Flint 9 Hide 18 Metal 4 Oil 11 Wood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carbine (Crafted ONLY at the Smithy!) 65 Alloy 3 Flint 32 Hide 20 Oil 85 Wood Carbine Repair 1/2 cost: 33 Alloy 2 Flint 16 Hide 10 Oil 43 Wood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearly, yet again Bow wins! Last but not least the per bullet cost as well as accessibility of resources in materials goes up exponentially when we compare Bow to Flintlock and Carbine making per shot cost yet again in favor of the bow. Sadly, bows are currently the most powerful weapon and the cheapest weapon with ease of access in our hands, at least when it comes to culling the wildlife. Hope this helps.
  4. 1 point
    Firearms are not suppose to be a DPS weapon you use face to face with an enemy in prolonged battle while furiously reloading. Carbines are for longer range shooting. The DPS difference is undefined, since you are not hitting with the bow at the range you want to be using a carbine. A shot to the head kills a wolf. It is a good weapon to clear the shoreline before landing, well out of range of any trouble. Flintocks are for closer range, but you swap them out after you use the pre-loaded shot. They are for spike damage on the desired target before engaging with a bow or melee. The great benefit of firearms comes when you have multiple players and are coordinating your shots to spike specific targets.
  5. 1 point
    I pretty much came to the conclusion bows are now superior to guns in PVE in just about every way before you went to all this trouble, but this validates my findings.
  6. 1 point
    Cant compare modern firearms to flintlocks. The average modern firearm is either a 7.62 or 5.56mm those are the most common rounds currently on the market. Your typical flintlock used in the age of sail... 1700-1840, was a .58 to .70cal round. or 14.7mm to 18mm round! Modern bullets are aerodynamic... old ball shot was not. Modern bullets are usually copper jacketed with a variable core, some are steel, some are tungsten, some are pewter/lead, others are solid copper. Round shot was almost always lead, stone, or iron. My point is those youtube videos are a joke. I can do the exact same test and have a result that I want to convey.
  7. 1 point
    I would like to point out that you also have much better likelihood of hitting your target using a firearm than a bow as the projectiles are near instant impact and can travel much further with no arc to take into consideration.
  8. 1 point
    Which means crap on PvE cause we practically ever fight unarmored stuff. And this comparison didn't even touch fire arrows.
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