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Hello !! I'm HANABI, a French player that is actually settled on the EU PvE SERVEUR "Siren's Call" so i already apologize for my approximate English (Take some fresh water on your eyes if they're burning too much).

As an ADMIN of a rather well populated French Discord, i come here with a request from our PvE community and probably a lot of other people in a lot of different countries that also play on PvE servers. So this topic will have for objective to get enough upvotes to be noticed by the Devs so we're gonna make-up to one voice, but a strong one !!

INFO : This topic is also translated in French for my French maties that have issues with English (God Bless our negative ability to learn other languages).

Me and my crew are playing since day one, so we seen everything that happened to the game, first day was a total bloody mess for everyone but we still managed to play and get started the 24th of December, basically day two for us in Europe ... What a BLAST IT WAS !! 

Luck was also with us because we managed to find a little free spot on an Island in the L-10 Cell, but honestly something tilted in my mind more than anything else : Is there a limit to how much claim we can put down ? So we tried and ... It was totaly infinite.

After this little test was done we broke the useless claims to let people get settle on our little ugly island (Yes, it is very ugly) and we're actually running with only 2 claims, we litteraly take no space on the island compared to other people but i'm gonna talk about that a little later in this long topic.


NOW !! It's time to get to the real fun, but i'm sure a lot of people reading this post will already understand what the issue is on the PvE servers.

The first problem with the actual claiming system is simple : It's totaly infinite and even a solo player can put as many flags as he wants, so if he decide to be alone on his island, he can totaly be and prevent every other player to even put a little brick or foot on HIS proprerty.

What is the problem with that ? First arrived, first served, right ? RIGHT ? Before you answer, i'm gonna instead ask another question : What would happen if everyone was like this guy and took the entire island for themselves ? Not even need to respond but i'm still gonna do it !!

The answer is : Only a few people will be able to play and enjoy the game while every other person will just have to fuck off and stop playing because ...  No claim, no base ... No base, no ship ... No ship, no game, no nothing !! It's basically : FUCK YOU !! Now, you're just gonna disconnect and refund the game because it's impossible to play it (SO FUN !! That wasn't in the trailer tho).

I'm sure you can feel the anger i'm actually expressing but it's the same rage as everyone else who experience this kind of behavior and sailed for hours !! HOURS !! HOURS !! TENTH OF HOURS because they can't find a little INCH of unclaimed territory !! 

That's the entire point of this topic : We're directly asking the Devs to change the claiming system for PvE servers ... It can't be the same as PvP servers, because there is no way for anyone to control the abusive claims (It's possible on PvP since you can destroy everything and take the territory for you after you won the battle, but it's not the case on PvE and will NEVER BE).

The PvE experience MUST and HAVE TO be relaxing, we're not playing to be stressed, we just want to experience the beauty of the game and it's content, but it's impossible since you need LAND to be able to do it !! 

At this point, it would be better if the claiming system was totaly deleted from the PvE servers and replaced by the ARK territory control system (Aka the Pillars or the Foundations), because they cost ressources to be crafted and you need a lot of them to secure a big area plus you're preventing the ressources from respawing so you're losing a lot in the trade, but with the actual Claim system of ATLAS, you lose NOTHING.

There is answers about this issue and here they are

1 - Delete the actual CLAIM system and replace it with the ARK territory control system (Foundations + Pillars, basically every structures and prevent ressources from respawning in those areas).

2 - Change the number of CLAIM flags people can put down (1 per character, with modified requirements for companies and the list is down below).

1 player in company = 1 FLAG

2 players in company= 1 FLAG

3 players in company = 2 FLAGS

4 players in company = 2 FLAGS

5 players in company = 3 FLAGS

But it can also change when the companies get bigger and bigger with a capped amount after a said amount of players get in the same company.

So, caped at 10 people in the same company : 5 FLAGS AND THAT'S IT !! You will never be able to place more flags than that and it's really enough, i think we can even reduce the number of flags for 10 people at 4, without any problems).

3 - Get the same system as above but change the radius of a claim FLAG to 70 foundations (Yep, i tested it and a claim flag is actually 50 foundations radius so 100 foundations total diameter).
Then change the number of claim flag per company and per person.

For 3 people you can make it so they can only place 1 and 6 people can only put 2, it'll be MORE than enough and will prevent abusive assholes that destroy every possibility of landing on an island.

ANYWAY !! That's for sure, the CLAIMING SYSTEM NEED CHANGES, and when i mean CHANGES, it's BIG CHANGES and we need them quick !! REALLY QUICK because  a lot of people are really angry because they can't play the game like it was promised and they're gonna leave.

I see in every cell i travel, the same messages : "Can't claim anywhere, sailed for 9 hours" "Sailed for 15hours, didn't find any claimable land, can't even put a little claim flag anywhere"

Me too i sailed for 9 hours today !! I didn't find any free spot in a total of 15 CELLS !! 15 CELLS !! (Because we want to travel and go elsewhere, but it's taken everywhere else).


That's the end of the English part of this topic, i'm asking to you, the DEVS ... I know you work hard and god !! I love your work, you're just crazy dudes, but you need to change that or the ship will sink ... And it will sink rapidly if nothing is done.

PS : There is a screen shared by one of my maties, this island is controled by only ... 4 PEOPLE !! 4 PEOPLE IN AN ISLAND THAT BIG !! HOW CAN YOU EVEN ALLOW THAT ?




Bonjour à tous !! Je suis HANABI (Ou Skayla pour ceux qui se trouvent sur le Discord), un joueur français actuellement installé sur le serveur PVE Officiel "Siren's Call" ... Je m'excuse d'avance pour mon Anglais approximatif (Si vos yeux brûlent, prenez un peu d'eau fraîche pour les refroidir).

En temps qu'administrateur secondaire d'un serveur Discord plutôt bien peuplé, je viens de la part d'une grande majorité de notre communauté et probablement de beaucoup d'autres personnes qui ne feront pas entendre leur voix, ainsi que ceux qui jouent eux aussi sur les deux serveurs PVE Officiels existants. Le but de ce topic est d'être remarqué par les développeurs, nous ferrons donc une seule voix, mais puissante !! 

INFORMATION : Ce topic est également traduit en Français pour les personnes de mon pays ayant du mal avec les langues étrangères (Que dieu bénisse notre capacité négative à apprendre des langues étrangères).

Moi et mon équipage jouons depuis la sortie du jeu, nous avons vu absolument tout ce qu'ATLAS a déjà traversé pendant les derniers et bon dieu !! Le premier jour était une horreur sanglante sans nom, cependant nous avons quand même réussi à jouer 24 Décembre, autrement dit le deuxième jour pour nous en Europe. ET QUEL BONHEUR CELA FUT !!

La chance était également de notre côté car nous avons réussi à nous trouver un petit coin sympas sur une île en L-10, mais honnêtement quelque chose titillait mon esprit bien plus qu'autre chose : Est-ce qu'il existe une limite au nombre de CLAIM que nous pouvons poser et nous avons essayer ... C'était totalement infini et sans limite.

Après ce test, nous avons supprimé les CLAIMS inutiles afin de laisser la place pour d'autres joueurs sur notre affreuse île, il ne nous reste que deux drapeaux et nous ne prenons actuellement que très peu de place sur notre île par rapport aux autres joueurs qui s'y trouvent, or nous parlerons de ça un peu plus tard dans ce sujet.


MAINTENANT !! C'est l'heure de s'amuser un peu et je pense que beaucoup de personnes qui auront lu ce topic jusqu'ici auront déjà comprit où je veux en venir et le problème qui existe actuellement sur les serveurs PvE.

Le premier problème vient de la base elle-même du système qui fait que l'on peux poser des drapeaux de claim à l'infini et ce même en étant un joueur totalement solo, rien n'empêche ce même joueur, ni qui que ce soit de poser des drapeau sur une île entière afin d'empêcher qui que ce soit de venir poser ne serait-ce qu'une brique ou un pied dessus ... L'île devient SA PROPRIÉTÉ jusqu'à ce qu'il en décide autrement.

Du coup ... Quel est le problème avec ça ? Premier arrivé, premier servit, n'est-ce pas ? N'EST-CE PAS ? Avant même que vous ne répondiez, je préfère poser une nouvelle question : Qu'est-ce qui arriverait si tout le monde faisait comme ce joueur et prenait le contrôle de toutes les îles pour eux-même afin d'être tout seul ? Pas la peine de répondre à une question aussi stupide et inutile, cependant je compte bien le faire.

La réponse est donc : Seulement une poignée de joueurs seront à même de pouvoir jouer pendant que tous les autres pourront aller se faire foutre et arrêter de jouer parce que ... Pas de claim, pas de base ... Pas de base, pas de bateau ... Pas de bateau, pas de jeu !! RIEN DU TOUT !! C'est basiquement, on t'encule et maintenant tu vas devoir te déconnecter puis refund le jeu parce que c'est impossible d'y jouer (TROP COOL !! C'était pas dans le trailer par contre).

Je suis sûr que c'est possible de ressentir la colère que j'exprime actuellement, mais c'est la même que toutes les personnes qui doivent faire face à ce genre de comportement dégueulasse et qui pourtant on mit les voiles pendant des heures !! DES HEURES !! DE VRAIES HEURES !! DES DIZAINES PUTAIN D'HEURES parce qu'ils étaient pas en mesure de trouver UN SEUL millimètre de terre qui n'avait pas déjà été prit par quelqu'un.

C'est donc l’entièreté et l’objectif de ce post : Nous demandons directement aux développeurs de changer le système de CLAIM pour les serveurs PvE ... Le système ne peux pas être le même que pour les serveurs PvP car il n'y a absolument aucun moyen de contrôler les CLAIM abusifs dans l'état actuel (C'est possible en PvP vu que c'est possible de tout détruire et de prendre le territoire après avoir remporter la bataille, cependant ça n'arrivera pas sur un serveur PvE et ça ne pourra JAMAIS).

L’expérience PvE DOIT et DEVRA être relaxante, nous ne jouons pas pour êtres stressés ou mit sous pression, nous voulons juste profiter de la beauté du jeu et de son contenu, cependant c'est impossible dans l'état actuel vu qu'il nous faut un CLAIM dans tous les cas pour que ce soit possible.

A ce point-là, ce serait carrément mieux de supprimer le système de drapeau actuel du jeu et de le remplacer par le système de contrôle de territoire de ARK (Aka les Piliers et Fondations pour les intimes), tout simplement parce que cela coûte des ressources pour les crafter et il en faut des quantités énormes pour sécuriser une grande zone, sans évidemment parler du fait que ça empêche toutes les ressources environnantes de réapparaître ... Les pertes sont énormes pour celui qui fait le choix de prendre un gros territoire, cependant cette perte est inexistante avec le système actuel d'ATLAS, il n'y a rien à perdre et tout à y gagner.

Il existe des solutions pour régler ce problème, au moins temporairement en attendant de trouver d'autres idées définitives


1 - Supprimer le système de CLAIM actuel et le remplacer par le système de territoire de ARK (Fondations + Piliers, basiquement toutes les structures et le blocage du respawn des ressources environnants les zones bâties).

2 - Changer le nombre de drapeau que les joueurs peuvent déposer (1 par personnage, avec des prérequis modifiés pour les compagnies, à voir la liste en-dessous)

1 joueur dans une compagnie : 1 DRAPEAU

2 joueurs dans une compagnie : 1 DRAPEAUX

3 joueurs dans une compagnie : 2 DRAPEAUX

4 joueurs dans une compagnie : 2 DRAPEAUX

5 joueurs dans une compagnie : 3 DRAPEAUX 

Cependant cela peux aussi changer si les compagnies deviennent de plus en plus grande avec un nombre de drapeaux maximum et impossible à dépasser à partir d'un certain nombre de joueurs dans la compagnie.

Avec un nombre de drapeau maximum à partir de dix personnes dans la compagnie, celui-ci serait de cinq drapeaux et c'est tout !! Il ne serait jamais plus possible de poser d'autres drapeaux car c'est largement suffisant !! Je pense même qu'il serait possible de réduire le nombre de drapeaux à 4 pour un groupe de dix, il y aurait bien assez d'espace et ce sans aucun problèmes).

3 - Récupérer le même système que celui du dessus, mais augmenter le rayon de CLAIM des drapeaux ) 70 fondations (Ouais, j'ai fait des essais et le rayon est de 50 fondations donc 100 fondations de diamètre au total).

Cela pourrait également changer le nombre de drapeaux par groupe et par personne si le système était repenser de cette manière.


Pour trois personnages, il pourrait par exemple n'être possible que de placer un seul drapeau, pour six personnes, il pourrait être possible d'en poser deux et ce serait bien suffisant pour éviter que des enfoirés abusent du système actuellement en possibles et qui empêche qui que ce soit de s'installer sur la moindre île.

DANS TOUS LES CAS !! Le système de CLAIM doit subir des changements et quand je parle de changements, ce sont de GROS changements !! Ils doivent également être fait rapidement car beaucoup de gens sont vraiment agacés de ne pas pouvoir jouer au jeu tel qu'il nous a été vendu, et ils finiront par abandonner.

A chaque fois que je traverse une nouvelle cellule, je vois toujours les mêmes messages : "Je peux rien CLAIM, j'ai voyager pendant 9 heures" "Je voyage depuis 15 heures, pas trouver un seul bout qui pouvait être CLAIM, impossible de poser nul part"

Et moi aussi ... J'ai voyager pendant 9 heures aujourd'hui sur mon radeau, j'ai pas trouvé un seul SPOT qui n'était pas prit sur plus de 15 cellules différentes !! '

(Parce qu'évidemment, nous avons envie de déménager).

Ce sera la fin de la partie française du topic, cependant je vous demande personnellement les développeurs ... Je sais que vous travaillez comme des fous et bon dieu !! J'aime votre boulot, vous êtes fous, cependant vous devez faire ce changement ou le navire va couler ... Et il va couler rapidement si rien n'est fait.

Je joins un beau screen offert par l'un de mes compagnons de jeu afin de contempler l'horreur des choses telles qu'elles sont.
Ces drapeaux appartiennent à seulement quatre personnes, une île entière gaspillée par de gros enfoirés totalement égoïstes, JUSTE QUATRE PERSONNES POUR UNE ÎLE AUSSI GRANDE ?? Comment vous pouvez tolérer ce genre de conneries ?



That's the end of my topic, i just wanna to get this game as good as possible and it can become ULTRA SUPER MEGA good, trust me Devs, your game can rock so much if you listen to us, so do it ... We, player know more than anyone what we want and what can be done for the best of this game.

So !! You (Readers and Members of the forum) can support this topic and send the links to everyone, we need to make the PvE servers change ... NOW !! Or it'll be too late !!


THUMBS UP THE TOPIC !! Talk with me, talk with everyone about that and let's change the entire world for the better 😄


Edited by HANABI
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Discuss the contesting system.  In your example of one person claiming a whole island, could they possibly hold it all if ppl start contesting the flags?  Especially if it's only 30 minutes.  If you try to hold a large area of land without other players to actually hold it, new players can simply contest the flags and take the land.

With the new patch adding the 3 day time limit of inactivity, your scenario is exactly right.  People will be forced to play raft simulator for 3 days.  If they drop that, I feel things will work out. 

And I'm speaking from a tribe of 2 players that simply spent an hour and a half of my time to take a flag that wasn't being built in by a company that flagged the whole island.

Working as intended from my perspective.

Edited by Poot Pootington

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I will answer it in english ( i will try my best  as a french player !)


I am the one who take the screenshot and it is the same situation on every island i met....  Today i sail 6 hours, and finding a place to settle was impossible. Sometime the islands are even taken by one guys.. And in PVE we can't contest unless the players are inactive for 3 days... Things have to change as soon as possible.


I love this game, buy it the second he was on steam.. I know, it's EA and i don't complain about the rollback and the lag of the first day, or other problems. Team, you are doing a great job since the release, listen to us and change this system. Allow new players to settle so they can discover all the things your game can offert. Atlas can be such a magnificent place for all kind of players.

Thanks, and sorry for my english !

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I spent two days trying to find a spot on an island that is somewhat okay. Not a chance. The worst is like the screen shot provided on an huge island with 20 flags per person also so positioned, that you cant squeeze in between. I was on that island. its a beautifull island with multiple fresh water sources. You see this on almost every bigger island where a few people control it with 10+ flags each.




Also for the love of god... Add fiber sources on tundra islands.....

Edited by Loni

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I agree it's a problem you have to wait 3 days to claim land.  I was able to steal land before that change and it only took me an hour and a half.  

Solution would be to roll back that 3 day change and keep it with the PvP servers of 30 minutes. If players don't want their land stolen, make sure they log off within the flag radius in a safe area.  Since we can't kill sleepers, PVE is going to run out of land even faster than it currently is with the way it is now.

2 minutes ago, Loni said:

I spent two days trying to find a spot on an island that is somewhat okay. Not a chance. The worst is like the screen shot provided on an huge island with 20 flags per person also so positioned, that you cant squeeze in between. I was on that island. its a beautifull island with multiple fresh water sources. You see this on almost every bigger island where a few people control it with 10+ flags each.




Also for the love of god... Add fiber sources on tundra islands.....

Did you try to contest any of the flags?

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There is already no land on anything except a few tundra island with close to no vegetation and especially 0 fiber sources AND on some desert islands with a spawn of 25 predators per square centimeter.


One flag for one person with a high level unlock to a second flag. Thats it. Easy fix.

Edited by Loni

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1 minute ago, Loni said:

There is already no land on anything except a few tundra island with close to no vegetation and especially 0 fiber sources AND on some desert islands with a spawn of 25 predators per square centimeter.


One flag for one person with a high level unlock to a second flag. Thats it.

Would still end up with too many flags. Company next to me has at least 5 players and they're holding onto 2 flags. I have 2ppl and we're having into 1 flag.  That change would do nothing to help a new player that showed up to our island.

Discouraging flag spam might help, but the contesting system is the only thing that will keep land claims fluid and provide a challenge to maintain. I need to make sure I'm safe and log off in my area to keep my stuff. 

Otherwise, ask to join another company until you're able to find your own slot. WC isn't shy about pushing ppl to join together, and their governer system points us in that direction

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Well writen and explains alot. We need a solution in claim system asap. After 1 week sailing with my raft i have claimed today my first 10 cm2 land (or piece of sand with seagulls) ! 

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Super post, j'espere que les Dev prendront compte de cela pour rendre le jeux mieu pour les serveur NA/EU pve 

Super Thread, i hope our Dev will take this for make the game better on NA/EU pve Atlas ! 


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Thanks all for your support about this !! There is still a lot of work but it's possible to change the world 😄

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The claiming system should work as the following: 

  • Company lvl 1 = 1 claim flag 
  • Company lvl 2 = 2 claim flag 
  • Company lvl 3 = 3 claim flag 

Company size levels in two ways, the amount of members you have, and the levels of the members within your company. A company bloated with a lot of sub level 10 players will not need the same size as a company bloated with a bunch of 10+ players who are probably using the space to ship build, tame, farm, set up trade networks etc. 

To make up for the lack of flags, the radius of the flags should be increased. A huge company should be able to claim an entire island because they probably will need the space. I'm picturing multiple buildings for various things. Stables, taming pens, green houses, bases for small cliches within the company, trading houses, etc. So yes, they could potentially use an entire island. But on another note, solo players should not be allowed to claim land at all. There's absolutely no reason for 1 guy to be claiming any portion of land. 


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1 claim per person / company. thats it. make it upgradeable to increase in size. companies also need a certa9n amount of members to make their claim bigger.

also: dont make claims stop ressource spawning. 

make claims (epscially company claims) to be needed to maintain. -> put ressources into them that way you can lock a claim and delay decay. 

dont make deserted claims (no one being in them for x amount of days and not working them. just sleeping / standing / running there doesnt maintain it)

contestable. just delete them .they just vanish by themselves. 


no need to get overly complicated with that. 

21 minutes ago, Chimera said:

But on another note, solo players should not be allowed to claim land at all. There's absolutely no reason for 1 guy to be claiming any portion of land. 


 and this would (and imo is) be plain wrong.  
especially in a PVE setting. there are and always will be lone wolves. let them set up shop to build their ships and store stuff. 

just make it impossible for singlke players to set up more than one claim.

make it so that if the solo player want to set up his second claim, a dialog pops up reminding him that he loses his first one. done. 


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also contesting is not the solution. right now the mpbs simply kill you and no way in hell do you have achance to remain alive long enough to contest. 



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Great work.

We still need big companys to hold an island though if not it can undermine the whole taxation system. Though the company that hold a whole island wont have enough flags to move to other islands. And have to trade for resources they cant get therefore forcing the big companys to take part in trade creating a economy in game for small crews being able to pull into port trade with the company.

Want to harvest materials well there's a tax on materials is it worth it or should you just buy the good from there traders. I haven't seen any npc ports yet other than the starting area which kinda sucks lol. 

But the claims need alot of love to get right I hope they work on it because on pve there's a huge need for traders and proper ports built by players

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taxation system ? 

is this a thing ? 

if companies want to hold an entire island they need to work for it as well. 

guard it, develop it. have the members and the infrastructure in place to maintain it. 

MAYBE make it that companies are able to claim additional spots, but this would have to be extremely expensive and require a very large playerbase.

and active players. not passive members that log in once and never play agaibn yet stay part of the company to bloat the size

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Yes it is PSYKIKK the taxation bank let's you set that for your claims. I'm not sure if its working yet since I haven't had a chance to make it. Real life work lol.

And have the size of the company determine the amount of claim flags 

Edited by Doctorian Swift

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taxation bank. is that a building ? 

or a skill level ? 


anyways. with all land claimed all of this is moot anyways

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I am the leader of the Dragonpunk Scales and Sails Company that owns that island shown above. We have over 15 players(not 4) currently and are growing and actively recruiting for more players. I hear you on some of this, but we claimed the island for the city building, laws, trading, and taxation systems in game or coming very soon. Claiming land is a part of the game and we are active, and growing.

We will not apologize for claiming the entire island, and we will not give it up without a huge fight.   We will use all of it and more than likely end up with more land on other islands later.  I do feel for you that you are not able to find a location, but with the claim flag changes coming later tonight, you will probably find something soon.  That is if a company does not log in for 3 days, you can claim their land, their boats, and buildings that were left in the claimed area within 30 minutes of challenging the claim.   

NA PvE is where we are. 


Edited by ArchieVision

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5 minutes ago, ArchieVision said:

I am the leader of the Dragonpunk Scales and Sails Company that owns that island shown above. We have over 15 players(not 4) currently and are growing and actively recruiting for more players. I hear you on some of this, but we claimed the island for the city building, laws, trading, and taxation systems in game or coming very soon. Claiming land is a part of the game and we are active, and growing.

We will not apologize for claiming the entire island, and we will not give it up without a huge fight.   We will use all of it and more than likely end up with more land on other islands later.  I do feel for you that you are not able to find a location, but with the claim flag changes coming later tonight, you will probably find something soon.  That is if a company does not log in for 3 days, you can claim their land, their boats and buildings that were left int he claimed area within 30 minutes of challenging the claim.   


Translation : Fuck you, we don't care about any of you !! We don't want to share anything, we want to be alone playing this game, cheers ❤️

I add another kind of reaction people can have when we're contesting their good laws : (This island is owned by only two companies, one of the companies got only one player on it and the second one, i don't know).


So here's the reaction of one of those guys we are actually contesting : (That's really what you wanted Devs ?)


Sorry but ... #NOT MY ATLAS

Edited by HANABI

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11 minutes ago, ArchieVision said:

I am the leader of the Dragonpunk Scales and Sails Company that owns that island shown above. We have over 15 players(not 4) currently and are growing and actively recruiting for more players. I hear you on some of this, but we claimed the island for the city building, laws, trading, and taxation systems in game or coming very soon. Claiming land is a part of the game and we are active, and growing.

We will not apologize for claiming the entire island, and we will not give it up without a huge fight.   We will use all of it and more than likely end up with more land on other islands later.  I do feel for you that you are not able to find a location, but with the claim flag changes coming later tonight, you will probably find something soon.  That is if a company does not log in for 3 days, you can claim their land, their boats, and buildings that were left in the claimed area within 30 minutes of challenging the claim.   

NA PvE is where we are. 


You are on NA and he and me were talking about EU pve. You have a legit big company, but on Eu that island is held by 4 or 5 players with a few random people around the leftover beach spots. Your incentive and goals are cool with building up a city, but the shit I seen on EU pve...

Edited by Loni

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1 minute ago, HANABI said:


Translation : Fuck you, we don't care about any of you !! We don't want to share anything we want to be alone playing this game, cheers ❤️

I add another kind of reaction people can have when we're contesting someones good laws : (This island is owned by only two companies, one of the companies got only one player on it and the second one, i don't know).


So here's the reaction of one of those guys we are actually contesting : (That's really what you wanted Devs ?)



Sorry but ... #NOT MY ATLAS

Actually, no. It is not F You, it is join a group, there are a ton recruiting. Stop crying and being toxic because you cannot get your way, and actually start playing it like an MMO.  Form big guilds and groups, claim what you want and let your creativity go nuts. 


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