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    Latest Patch & Happy Holidays!

    Ahoy Pathfinders,

    :anchor: Happy Holidays! :anchor:

    Later today we’ll be pushing out an update for both PC and Xbox, which contains a number of bug fixes, QOL improvements, and balance changes. We have a lot more changes to come and will be following up with another patch in January next year and more shortly thereafter! 

    We’d like to celebrate the holidays with something special, so we’ll be running a bonus Magic Mythos event! From Thursday the 19th of December, until Monday the 6th of January, the following bonus rates will be applied to our Official Network:

    3x Taming
    3x Harvesting
    3x EXP
    2x Gold

    :anchor: Latest Patch Notes (v402.5) :anchor:

    - Emergency ship ladders are now easier to use
    - Bow and crossbow can now damage Army of the Damned enemies
    - Added a new inventory sort option to “sort by type”
    - Improved inventory functionality to prevent items from randomly shifting around when transferring between inventories
    - When multiple items are sent to the hotbar, their “equip delay” timers will now countdown simultaneously rather than one at a time
    - Ships that are still being built in a shipyard will now refund resources for demolished parts
    - Weather and temperature conditions no longer drain hunger or thirst meters when refilling stamina
    - Increased meat and fish stack sizes to 100
    - Further reduced the shark aggro radius
    - Improved compass visuals to make it easier to read
    - Tiers of Nature’s Cry no longer stack with each other
    - Human NPCs can now ride in cargo harnesses and carriages
    - Removed all XP gains from the guillotine and noose
    - Players can no longer gain additional altitude when using a glider
    - If an explosive barrel is destroyed while being held, the damage is now always considered to come from the holder (and not a different source)
    - Decreased grenade damage vs. puckles and swivels by 80%
    - Decreased grenade damage vs. structures by 66%
    - Decreased grenade damage vs. players by 50%
    - Decreased grenade crafting cost by 40%
    - Decreased sword damage by 20%
    - Decreased blackjack chance to knock riders off of horses by 50%
    - Increased two-handed mace damage by 30%
    - Increased bola immobility duration on players by 10%
    - Increased puckle and swivel damage vs. players by 100%
    - Decreased Equilibrium buff attack damage bonus from 20% to 10%
    - Added a 20% Stamina Recovery Speed bonus to the Equilibrium buff

    Thank you so much for all the support you’ve shown us over the year and we like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


    Happy Sailing,

    Grapeshot Games

    :skull: For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information :skull:

    Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas
    Hear ye, hear ye on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/sailtheatlas
    Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas
    Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame

    Edited by Jatheish

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    is spin for the win still a thing  now? sword needed a nerf. so wood takes pretty much no dmg vs grenades now? it did pretty much  nothing before nerf. ship boarding is now just a pipe dream now because of swivels

    Edited by lordkhan4444

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    I'm on NA Official PVE Gorgon's Gaze. After the patch, our brig with five bears is completely upside down stuck in the terrain. It was anchored safely at time of patch and now upside down and all the bears are underwater. It's still showing a green anchor. When I first signed back in it seemed to be taking a ton of damage. So I signed out and signed back in and now it's just sitting there upside down. Please help! It has all journeyman planks and upgraded decks and sails and our best bears on it. We can't access the steering wheel but would be too scared to try if we could with all the damage we saw it taking.

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    compass is harder to read coz the damn lettering is pretty much the same colour as the background there on

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    Thanks a lot... No notification of a pending update and the update happened while we were at sea. After the update we log back in to find our crew dead, our metal we just spent time farming at sea, our tames in the sea and our boat sunk. How about next time a server announcement so that we can get ready. Or in the very least a slight roll back or removing the SoD until the servers go back live. At this point I'm not sure our company will continue on if this is how you guys run your game. And before it's mentioned we are aware it is three times now but it doesn't matter when one of the top three companies rolls by and destroys everyone's boats every day. Thanks to the update our last boat is now lost. 

    Edited by TmC Pitbull

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    Our boats usually have an elevated platform on the bow where we place the steering wheel.  We were building a new galleon last night, today we tried  finish the elevated platform (one wall high) on the bow and it will not let us place the floors (ceilings) .  Keeps saying there is no foundation near buy.  We destroyed the platform completely and tried to rebuild, now we can't even put it back.  I tried to build a 2x2 box using walls just aft of the forward mast and it will not let me put ceilings on that either.  Something has changed since yesterday.  Also note that it is hard to locate walls on the Ceilings installed to fill the holes in the deck.  One other note, we do not have the two lower decks, only the upper deck , bow and stern, and the rear deck above that one.  This is a similar design to one built pre-wipe with no issues.


    update,....the lowest deck acts as a foundation.  added the lowest deck, completed the build and removed the lowest deck.  will always keep a deck so if something breaks i can fix it.

    Edited by Red_Ace
    more details

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    1 minute ago, EV1LxDR4G0N said:

    Still can not log in on xbox. Try to join online official, no sessions found.

    Have you tried a hard reboot? Log out of your session through the menu, press the center button and go to Atlas. In the menu on the left side go to quit. Then press and hold the power button on your console. FYI some Xbox players are seeing issues when traveling between grids. The game will crash and if you are manning the boat your character will stay on the wheel. Thus meaning you are sailing in a straight line until you log back in from your game crashing. 

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    Before the patch my galleon is between my LARGE shipyard

    And now after the patch my galleon is stuck between a small shipyard 

    3qsd.jpgNice game

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    We have lost 9 of our bears right next to feeders hav suddenly starved to death after the update some ridden yesterday. And defanatly fed.  

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    Bolas are bugged. You bola a tame and it goes down, and then proceeds to follow you around while still in the downed state. Usually happens on the second bola.

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    I made a new boat (3x did help but it still took a while) to try and salvage what I could thanks to the update deciding to sink our ship. Everything died except for one horse and one crew member. But... The sharks seen to killing off the last crew member before I could rescue him. Heaven forbid they nerf the targeting range of sharks in the water.. Oh wait.... Anyways, below are a couple of clips for those who want a good laugh at how not to update a game. To date this makes the third ship lost because of bugs. And for those of you who are wondering, no none of them have been replaced. Seriously, how hard could it be to spawn in a boat with appropriate levels or at least give the resources back to the tribe. Luckily the rescue boat, for lack of better words, didn't sink. Instead it just spins about randomly and tosses from side to side. At one point I managed to get on our horse and it leveled the boat out when I placed him in the middle between the sails. However, after getting off the horse the cart on the horse started spinning like a helicopter propeller. Which then caused the boat to go back to spinning. At some point it threw me off the boat into the water. I then merged into the boat beneath the bottom dock. While the boat was spinning in circles I drained my character by punching the air and pretending it was a developer of a game that I won't mention. He finally dies and I spawn on the bed but the boat again flips and launches the horse off the boat and into the water. Guess what shows up in a heartbeats notice.. Yes.. sharks. As in two. Which clearly the nerf on the targeting range did not take effect because there was nothing in the water when I was being tossed about. At this point I managed to get the horse back on the boat and set sail for a very long and frustrating journey back home. All the while thinking to myself how much time and resources was lost thanks to an update.


    https://xboxclips.com/TmC Pitbull/d6169389-3f3e-4bb8-a1d4-5f5b9e9fd1da


    https://xboxclips.com/TmC Pitbull/5ef9cc59-025e-4d70-b320-8e6e13e6b597

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    37 minutes ago, TmC Pitbull said:

    Have you tried a hard reboot? Log out of your session through the menu, press the center button and go to Atlas. In the menu on the left side go to quit. Then press and hold the power button on your console. FYI some Xbox players are seeing issues when traveling between grids. The game will crash and if you are manning the boat your character will stay on the wheel. Thus meaning you are sailing in a straight line until you log back in from your game crashing. 

    I have now. I'm back in. All seems ok. Nothing out of place. Thanks.

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    Compass is nearly impossible to read because of the color of the letters...also it''s nice that environment wont drain food or water while regaining stamina but nether does drop anyway atm. so Vitamins drop an can't eat cause of the damage from eating to much.

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    I would recommend a roll back along with some fixes because many people including myself have lost multiple tames, structures and ships. An extension on the event would be nice to go with it because this event so far has not been very kind or jolly to everyone so far.


    Once people start experiencing stuff like this it takes away from the experience and doesn't inspires people to progress which is the opposite of what this event was meant for.


    Don't get me wrong I think events like this are good ideas and this is not a hate message, I just think it would be in the devs' best interest to roll back and extend the event.

    Edited by RockDrakeGaming

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    Could you at least roll us back most of us has lost tames and ships. Was looking forward to gathering resources not trying to tame stuff what we already had. Absolutely peeved.

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    I signed out yesterday at my base. Parked my schooner with 100 stone foundations,  300 walls, ceilings,  etc. Everything to build a decent sized castle. Took us weeks to grind it all out. Not to mention 1000 gold. Signed in yesterday after the patch. Schooner was destroyed for no reason and I lost everything. Does atlas creators want people to quit playing?  How about a roll back? That patch messed up a lot of people. 

    Anyone wanna join me on pvp or merge? 

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    Who ever thought swivels needed a damage buff against players needs to never be involved in decision making ever again. You buffed the most op thing in game front facing swivel horses.

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    The first half of these patchnotes are actually decent. Good job on that! I'm glad that you implemented my solution for the peacephase barreling, took you 4 months but hey better late than never. Buffing horses and swivels only shows how far removed you are from the actual state of the game - You might want to rethink that one. The grenade and puckle damage changes would be pretty good, if you actually went through with the flag height changes. I guess at this point we can only hope for you to flip-flop on flip-flopping on the flip-flop.

    See you guys in 2-3 months for the next patchnotes 👋

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