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Everything posted by LeopoldV

  1. Yeah I would have been on if some dick head Chinese guy didn’t wipe me. Like 6 hours after the announcement of the wipe too! Hurts
  2. Not really way to make sailing less boring. But I’ve always been bugged that the helm rotates back to center instead of where you have turned it to.
  3. So after looking at the new road map which I think there are some wonderful changes heading to the game! Some of them gave me some ideas. Idk if some of them have been brought up, and if they have hopefully they reiterate that they are good ideas ! So first off I just want to bring to mind that the devs said that they want players to spend more time out on sea, which encompasses offline ship protection, and also they wanted to expand upon the mmo qualities of the game. So from those points are where my ideas fall. 1.so my first idea is a couple of ideas on the “spend more time at sea, offline ship protection”. So my first point will be “ship blueprint”, being that while we build a ship in a shipyard there should be a feature to save the layout of all the things on the ship. I.e. saving the layout of all the walls, boxes, utilities, sails, cannons, and all that Jazz. So when rebuilding sunk ships it’s easy to build the ship back there exact way you like. Ok now the “Blueprint” idea plays in to this one. 2. They want ways to protect people’s ships offline better. And I got an amazing idea while watch the pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides movie. Captain Blackbeard had a bottled ship collection https://images.app.goo.gl/UpuFH3jpQoWx6yQ17. So what if we’d could store ships in bottles! If the “blueprint” idea is emplemented all you would have to do Is store the blueprint in the bottle (comes out with all parts still made), but make it so it can’t be stored with items in it. So you would remove all items not nailed down, and then it will allow you to store in the bottle. These bottle ships could be stored physically in chests or maybe a “bottle cabinet” so you could still physically loose your ship. So these next couple of points will talk about some more “mmo and mmorpg like” qualities of the game. I have always played this game useing my ship as my base, and it’s a blast maintain your crew and ship and travel the world. If they want use to spend more time at sea this should be more of a focus, while keeping the land building in game. If players want to make a settlement, pirate cove, or fortress that only addds to the world, awesome! Let’s dive in! 3. So if we are trying to bring a little more life to the game, let’s expand on the freeeports! Players love player hubs, they just do. A little calm in the storm. Freeport’s are already that, so let’s add a pub! Super easy, one npc to sell grog or something and place for single player to meet and join, or relax (or fight?). Maybe a very minimal bank, you can store a couple things to help get back on your feet (or maybe store a ship in a bottle?). 4. We have some skins you can throw on armor to give different looks, and they are pretty wild looking indeed! But the devs should watch some pirate films, like black sails and all the pirate of the Caribbean movies, and just look at the wardrobe. Gives us a plethora of shirts, pants, hats, boots, jackets, and accessories to deck ourselves out in! 5. This ones for the treasure baby! Ok treasure maps, are kinda silly right meow. No matter what the difficulty the map is your always going to get the same amount of skeletons. The easier the map the easier it should be to obtain. Range and vary the types of skeletons that pop up. 6. Alright so if we are going to be living on ships, they need to be harder to sink and easier to board. Things like crippling masts or rudder chains or just sheerly by blasting enough holes in it and slowing it down with water. Grappling hooks are already in game, and with “pull towards me” feature. Being able to use and aim npc crew to pull ships together, and then craft able boarding planks placed between ships. Defenders could cut ropes or hack down boards in defense. Also something to think about is maybe rethinking how the hull of the ship is damaged. Allow cannon balls to create holes, to many holes to a section and it has to be replaced. If at or below water line, in comes the water. This could allow for another npc spot on ship and another piece for a ship, a spot for a bilge pump. 7. And lastly the devs talked about “factions” right. Makes smaller quest factions, to go tame a creature and bring it back. Or deliver an item to another Freeport, just different ways to earn gold. I know it sounds like Sea of Thieves, but it’s not haresey to implement ideas similar to other games to make yours better than those games . so if you agree, disagree, or have your own ideas; light it up! Let’s discuss!
  4. Im wondering if you guys plan to add more player vs environment aspects to the game. There is nothing really to do besides fighting Skelton’s(sea or land) or other players. The power stones are an alright quest but there needs to be more “pirate” things to do on the open water.
  5. I’ve noticed a few minor bugs the past couple days. I’ve validated my files as well. 1. When I LOS the game up for the first time. First time I click join takes an incredible long time to load. And then it always give me a “lost/failed connection to host” message and THEN the next time I click to join it puts me in game. takes about 20-30 minutes to get in game. 2. This one is hard for me to pin point if it’s my rig or the game. If it’s my rig can run games more demanding than this just fine, so I think it’s just a memory leak in the game code. But I randomly freeze up in game, usually so bad it cause me to do a hard shut down. 3. This one is weird cuz it could be someone messing with me, but under the circumstances it happens it’s very unlikely. But rope ladders randomly going from extended to retracted. Now when this happens to me I’m by myself going out to go diving. Before I leave I make sure all the rope ladders on the side of the ship are down and also to the crows nest. Head down to the wreck, head back up and all my rope ladders will be retracted. And the option to extend will be completely gone and my only option is to just demolish the rope ladder. Like I said could be someone randomly finding me out on open water but this has happened to me more than a dozen times so I highly doubt it. Also I’m a solo player so it’s not guildies.
  6. Agreed, the bows have always driven my nuts. Spears are all right, puke were a common weapon to find on a ship. Also for spear fishing, would be awesome if the inplamented a Hawaiian sling!
  7. I just start punching the shit out of em! After a couple punches they let go, but you need a good bit of health to survive those crunches
  8. A couple of quality of life fixes. 1. Get rid of the grunting when players are at low health. Probably one of the most annoying things in game. I turn my sound off every time the grunting starts. (My roommate literally thought I was watching porn lol, get rid of that sound!) 2.make it so we can transfer a select amount FROM the storage container. It doesn’t seem like much but, but the process of having to take the whole stack out then split it into the size I want, is far more complicated then it needs to be. Right click in storage, drop down menu under transfer, select “x” amount. 3.this is an if-y one. But as a solo when you claim an island from someone else and say there peace/war timer is set up to the exact opposite of your time zone. I have to wait 4 days before I can change the timer. I’ve pretty much switch my sleep cycle around so I can be awake all night and sleep during the day when it’s peace time. Idk maybe lessen it to like 2 days if it’s a NEW company putting the claim down and 4 if it’s the original company. 4.i know I’ve posted about this a couple times but my lord is lightning terrible. I really realized it was a problem when use of a torch at night actually made it harder to see. That doesn’t seem right. Edit/ 5. Varying degrees of difficulty for treatise maps. I’m not talking about quality of the map, well a little. The amount of Skelton’s that pop out for a map that gives you 10 gold and a map that gives you 43 gold are the exact same. A map that gives 10 gold should only have a few enemies to defeat. A brute, an archer, and two regulars would be a good amount for a low-paying map.
  9. This game is going to look a lot better when campfires, lanterns, and torches don’t shine through walls. The glow effect that light sources give off make the game look horrendous. Better yet, the light sources make your building a giant ball of light from like 2 miles away, like putting a giant “in over here sign up!”.
  10. All I want is lights that don’t “glow”through walls. You shouldn’t see the glow from a camp fire ina honeycombed based behind 6 stone walls lol. Makes everything look ridiculous
  11. It’s a pretty easy and straight forward request. Can you please make it so light doesn’t glow through walls. I think it will make the game look much better
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