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The D Legacy

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Everything posted by The D Legacy

  1. i see, ty for the info, oh and if you dont mind what the new ship level cap?
  2. have they increase the planks durability or you just have people repairing the damaged planks? 1 full volley of a SotD galleon in the same plank should be able to take it down
  3. i was referring to the PVE servers tho
  4. there should be no timer at all, why do we have to get pressure from a game??is a fucking game, we play when we want to play and for as long want to play it, and if we deciide to take a break we should not be told "you have x remaining days before all your effort and time invested goes puff"
  5. i have said it over and over, REMOVE THE DECAY SYSTEM FOR PVE, encourage solo play, protect progression, yet they ignore that feedback, game is already at 4k average, when do you plan to finally listen @Jatheish
  6. there you go again, holy mother of god, you rly need to have the last word in everything dont you?? have it your way, i already invested much more time in this forum than i had initially planned (most of it in your incessant blabbering) as a result that time wich i had planned to use to give feedback and contructive debates with civilized people was instead dedicated to feding off your attacks and need of attention, wish you to enjoy the game you are not helping to improve, i will simply go back to my BDO character who already finished processing what i needed and forget about this lost cause.
  7. 1.- It is your responsibility to behave in a civilized manner (if you are an educated person that is) wich means ASKING before attacking under false premises and prejudice only because it is convenient enough 2.-your arrogance proves to have no limits with every word you speak, a game when designed is based on the "developers vision" and every element of the game is designed and implemented in a way that fits that vision, believing my proposal can be a better solution (even while having no idea what their vision is) that a developers solution no only would be arrogant but insulting to the developers efforts (and the rocket science is about understanding the general idea of my feedback ....do you even pay attention when you read??) 3.-it is fits perfectly the situation since a restauran just as any other game uses clients feedback to improve upon it, that fact that the game is early acces only implies that the ammount of elements that need improving is greatly higher in comparison with the official release version, yet look at your own example, in any of those mock trials a customer with no culinary knowledge tells the chef HOW to cook, rather the general idea of what they didnt like. 4.- you simply cant stop repeating the same argument, do you?, is that the only on you got?? do you know what rly helps killing a game, people like you, haters that make people think twice before posting feedback simply to not have to deal with their hate and stupid intolerance (i dont give a fuck since i am the rebel type) but if you think you are acting as some sort of white knight or hero i have bad news for you, you are only contributing to make the recovery of what could have been a very fun game even harder than it already is.
  8. -the fact that you are assuming that i havent given any feedback about this already and attacking the fact that i am not willing to spend any more time than i already have giving the same feedback again only shows your lack of counter arguments, also do you get asked to go to suggest the chef how to cook the food when you go to a restaurant?? -i already said what i would like to see (the removal of the decay sytem) what else do you need? a map?? this aint fuking rocket science for god sake. -why would i give 2 fucks about who would miss me?? are you a social dependent person? on your second comment: if they wanted to get rid of decay they would have already done it (i rly dont understand why you think they are as stupid as to need me (or you) to tell them the details on how to carry on a specific task) so since its a matter of willingness it would be wise for you stop deciding on your own what is reasonable and what not, no one can tell me how long i can take a break from the game, the only thing i am doing is telling them is: "you want me back? this is how you can acomplish it" if they think their vision of the game is in the right path with decay, no problem, i respect their decision, but with an average of 3.5k players right now if i was them i would be willing to implement as many "appealing changes" to bring back as much people as possible, and dont get me wrong i know they are doing their best, the problem is that they are failing to identifying the core problems that caused 57k/60k people who bought the game to leave.
  9. i am pretty sure developers could come with several solutions for that, its not my place to suggest how it should be done. In any case anyone with a little experience in the MMORPG genre knows that the fact that you dont lose your progress even if you stop playing the game is a key feature in any game that wants a big player base, what we have here right now feels more like a long lasting guild battle royal rather than a MMORPG
  10. i have said it several times, regarding PvE people want STABILITY and PROGRESSION, people dont want to lose their hard earned ships or buildings just for taking a break from the game, yet they dont seem to get such a simple concept, this is the type of problem that arises when a group of non gamers develop a game, they are unable to connect with what is important to the players, and therefore are unable to satisfy their needs. this game had a fantastic potential, it could have been so awesome and fun, but devs failed to realise what made this game special, and totally destroyed it. such a pity, i had quit BDO for ATLAS, yet i only wasted my time and money.
  11. Getting rid of decay and demolish timers in PvE when? i will never even consider coming back until that BS is removed.
  12. That moment when a action combat MMO totally unrelated to sea content (BDO) decides to take your idea and shows you how to do things right: "For this summer's update: Starting off with the addition of tidal currents and wind direction. If you are lucky or studied ahead of time, then you can travel across very quickly. However, if you were not prepared than traveling may become even harder than before. Remodeling ships, hiring a crew, and using a variety of devices to sail across the sea and winning over the currents and conquering the ocean will become a new objective. New ships are prepared for you to enjoy the new content as well. They will be very familiar to some of our Adventurers, they are carrack, galley, and the like. We paid special attention to how ships are handled and controlled so that it would be more fun."
  13. that change took away big part of the completionist satisfaction its actually the oposite, this change was due to pvp'ers being lazy faggots and crying to have it full revealed
  14. Buggs are the last of this game's problems, it fails at the most simple and basic core mechanics.
  15. yeah?? go solo the kraken version 2.0 you smart ass.
  16. what you call compain is actually feedback, wich is the very reason this forum exist, so if you havent got any feedback stfu.
  17. interesting read, 1 sentence tho: 5k average players have fun.
  18. yeah that expains why the current population is 5k ROFL i am dying *facepalm*
  19. you dont have any authority here, yet you answer in such intolerant way, totally forgetting the fact that this forum is meant to gather feedback (or what you call complaints) who do you think you are to tell a customer that has paid for a product that they have no right to complain about the product?, do not assume a job no one has given you, if you are hypersensitive and unable to deal with a different opinion go back to your cave, just because some members of this comunity are not able to express themself with proper maners doesnt mean they are not entitled to have (and voice) their opinion. "At the very least be unique, show some intelligence, and be constructive. " none of this is present in all your post, would be wise you apply your own suggestions to yourself
  20. as you stated this game has taken too many wrong decisions, they seem unable to understand that what people looks for is progress and stability, to grow up their account and have fun in the process, yet they introduce stupid features as decay timers for ships and buildings (wich for me is a instantaneous: No Go), a feudal lord system (in a pirate game!!!! ROFL), bows with higher DPS than pistols (because fuck logic) Torpedos that have to be shot from a ship because the submarine cant (hilarious isnt it?) a progression system not based on your character rather on your components(so you can easily lose 4 weeks of hardwork in a single disconnection) etc etc etc.. i have long ago quit this joke, i only come here once in a while for the lols but thats pretty much it. My advice?: Move On to other game. Have a nice day.
  21. so now you go around quoting everything i say just to call it toxic, mmmkkkay? no need to even discuss if you are toxic or not, it is crystal clear, babay
  22. games are for some of us a disconnection from real life annoyances, such as bosses, bills, working to make other rich, etc some of wich just want to chill, enjoy and being self sufficients so the fact that the game bitch-slap us with more of the "capitalist" shit in what it was supposed to be a pirate life game (be free, live free, and sail the seas) totally ruins the experience (notice that i am talking only about pve)
  23. we have said the same thing SEVERAL times, they just wont listen, so just quit and play something else as we did and let them keep developing a dead game. there is 4 servers with 40k max player capacity per server = 160k total player capacity, yet max online since last mega patch = 13k wich is 8.122%.... GG devs.
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