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Everything posted by labatts

  1. Its one way a solo or small company can get back at a larger company that has been harrassing them. I love you how think everyone that wants the PVP to stay as is or unrestricted to a point is automatically a griefer and is scared to fight people. I have no issue going against players even while outnumbered. There are more reasons to raid a person than just loot and you are foolish to think that. On top of that PVP is player vrs player technically raiding is pvpvs or if they are offline pvs. Also your idea of griefing is different than mine. Mine is where people go and spam foundations or block in your ships with shipyards for example. Plus you trying to call me a griefer like it offends me or something is quite funny tbh.
  2. If you were referring to me I wasn't complaining about raiding bases. I was saying how its foolish that you cannot kill PLAYERS for their 15 hours of invulnerability time. I don't get why when people say PVP they automatically assume raiding peoples bases. We should however be able to fight anyone anywhere with the exceptions of freeports of course.
  3. I have made suggestions but they are immediately shot down. hmmm crying about things got what you all wanted maybe I should try that.... Naw.
  4. Wont be possible because now the landowners company will has 15 hours of god mode from fighting other players. they are simply watering down the fighting in this game very sad.
  5. All this update does is screw over anyone that plays during off times. Most people will have the raid hours set to 4pm -1 am EST so it alienates the people that work evening and through the night from most PVP.
  6. How is Heat just bought it havent had a chance to try it yet.
  7. War dec just allows you to raid outside of the 9 hour window is what I understand from that. But i agree with OP they are taking away from the PVP by making the game PVE for 15 hours of the day. During those 15 hours you cannot kill a person that has the invulnerability pretty lame in a PVP server.
  8. I have no problem with the 9 hours raid timer. What bothers me is you have 15 hours of PVE time where you can't even kill someone. At this point might as well just take the 9 hours away and make 1 server call it PVE.
  9. I have no idea what to believe anymore. After reading that again it states that players cant be killed once the invul. time goes into affect but another says everything not on the settlement can be raided whenever soooo wtf lol. But to make it so people take no damage at all in a pvp game seems ridiculous. I can understand structurer but players ? Settlement owners must set a window of vulnerability, currently set to 9 hours, where their island is raidable. Outside of this window, players, structures and ships will not take damage from other players. I don't think the entire island falls under a settlement I think its only a portion depending on how many people you have etc. Structures that are built on islands that are not Settlements can be raided at any moment.
  10. You cant raid him during the invulnerability but you can still PVP . Structures that are built on islands that are not Settlements can be raided at any moment.
  11. So you just think your gonna build a bunch of puckles and then not defend them when the owner comes to destroy them OP has a point. The way the devs make it sound you can have a fully built ready to go base before a war even starts as long as you can sit there and defend it long enough for the war to happen.
  12. Yea if you enjoy paying taxes to your landlord that's a lot of fun.
  13. Sure if they want nothing wrong with offline raiding. If its not your play style fine I don't bash you for how you wanna play if people wanna offline raid let them maybe the people shoulda built better defenses.
  14. The ultimate survival MMO of unprecedented scale with 40,000+ simultaneous players in the same world. Join an endless adventure of piracy & sailing, exploration & combat, roleplaying & progression, settlement & civilization-building, in one of the largest game worlds ever! Explore, Build, Conquer!
  15. This was announced and now scheduled in advanced you have a month.
  16. Congrats on the MMO but still doesnt change the fact he has 500 hrs and its EARLY ACCESS. Get over it
  17. Like i said its early access you know buying into that comes with the possibility there could be a wipe or major changes. Losing a toon is part of that. If you dont like it stop buying early access games.
  18. Its not nonsense this way it also allows small companies a chance to make a larger company weak enough to take out when they are online. There shouldnt be any offline protection at all devs should make better defenses for companies to use
  19. Megas are always going to be stronger in basically every aspect do to the numbers. I dont see how people think after the wipe its going to be any different. What the devs should have done was make the company player limit max out at 50 or 100 people. That would have been the only thing that would somewhat help smaller companies.
  20. Its Early access you should always have that in the back of your mind that there could be a wipe at any time. People getting mad over it need to move on.
  21. I have mentioned before to make bases take way less damage when companies are offline pretty much what they are doing now with anchored ships. Everything should be raidable at any time but with a cost.
  22. Maybe with a little better planning and trying to outsmart other people you wouldnt have been emptied out.
  23. Those games are also setup differently than Atlas. Also darkfall had a war dec but you could still do asset damage whenever. Raid timers are not the solution.
  24. So all a company has to do is buy a war token and it overrides the 9 hour raid timelimit to 12-24 hours ? Also if the 9 hour timer is cut to anything less we might as well just call this a PVE server because IMO 9 hours is just right if not little short.
  25. Once again this is not EVE stop comparing the two. On top of that just think of how bad the griefing will be when you only have a 9 hour window to remove someones shipyard blocking yours or pillars they spammed in the front of it. I think this new system is gonna be worse but time will tell.
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