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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. My account was banned for talking shit to a cheater who then didn't get banned. Pretty lame
  2. This is the time for grapeshot to get a stranglehold on those cheating chinese BEFORE the game comes out. They should have the systems in place to ban, monitor, and stalk the cheaters and suspected cheats. not this nonsense broken half assed reporting system we have no. (how the hell are we supposed to "report" players who have [] names and use other subterfuge tactics, let alone they want an entire criminal case file of evidence just to report. it takes an hour just to submit one, and you cant even report the chinese atm(
  3. Thousands of people have left already because of cheaters. Most people can handle bad bugs and broken gameplay mechanics but admins failing to control the cheating is the worst game killer. Submit a video if you can at least.
  4. People say that crossfire/SLI are "uncommon" are not owners of multiple GPUS nor have any experience with them. Many games that CAN take advantage of the cards do so with compatibility. Many indie games or other games that are not graphics intensive do not support it and nor is there a need. Also, Many early access games do not support SLI/Crossfire until the very end of the development process.
  5. You forgot the fact that the bear swipes themselves do a lot of damage and that they run faster than people do as if a cart goind over grass and rocks with loads of ammo and an npc on it wont slow it down.
  6. "Top Companies" are measured by the amount of cheaters that are getting away with blatant hacking and exploits. The fact that Black Butterflies and CSTG are on there is an absolute disgrace to the playerbase
  7. This is a Major problem because it makes reporting all the cheaters who always have these names IMPOSSIBLE
  8. The problem is that they all cheat and knowingly participate in supporting cheaters. look at their profiles. they all have VAC bans. Cheaters are cheaters for life. The problem is the reporting system for this game is impossible because of all the information that is needed and you cant get their names when its brackets, and sometimes you cant even get their steam profile information. Let alone sometimes company ID when you have a horde of 20 of them chasing you with their zergling master aimbotting from afar and the rest undermeshing and ddosing the server or changing the weather.
  9. arrows against a fast moving target that doesnt miss?
  10. Not when they have unreadable cheat names
  11. Revert back to old stone building recipes please
  12. Make another tier of buildings...something really expensive that should be saved for "vaults", something the cheating chinese can send their naked 30 minions at with hatchets
  13. this is what happens when server protection and cheating are not priorities! this is 2019 there will always be malicious players !
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