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Everything posted by Pseejunkie

  1. I believe the Ice box is probably more suited in helping for breeding purposes in hot climates like the air conditioners in Ark rather than preserving if there is no difference vs Salt. I was under the impression that ice + salt would add a longer timer on food from spoiling but yeah no..going to test the ice box in a nursery and see how that pans out..
  2. Wandering Bear with Cart seen swimming in M8.. I keep running into him as this is my resource route.. next time I will try to see if I can find a name but he must be high on health cause he was very bloody a couple of times and last time I looked he looked fine not bloody lol..
  3. There is a wandering Bear with a Cart in the ocean.. I made a trip out to 07 for a naked run of the FOY yesterday and seen it on my way there and on my way back it was in M8.. lol still alive and swimming..
  4. I got lucky went to 07 no other ships were there camped and waited til morning did a naked run almost got to the entrance no animal blocking but a Teradactyl swooped me up and dropped me several times I died at the entrance... 2nd time was the charm made it to the entrance managed to dodge the elementals and surprisingly nothing spawned in the cave but bats located below the FOY.. what luck! I wanted to tour the cave after getting it.. but ran out instead didn't survive the Elementals this time but who cares lol..
  5. There are wild carrots on M5 on Whispering Island don't the exact cords.
  6. I agree I have my own 2x2 Server running on an old personal comp 16gig system setup for just my wife and myself.. and let me tell you I LOVE IT.. I tried Official and no thank you my raft sunk by griefers.. then I couldn't find land.. then trollers jumping on my raft harassing me.. then I tried unofficial ... was a lot better but then the person running it took off their server so I lost whatever progress I had.. so fuck it I found several videos and websites on setting up your personal comp as dedicated server. I can explore.. I can setup bases in multiple islands for resources.. I setup quests lines and stone locations and this is running from my old personal comp I am so glad I didn't scrap it. I run most other game servers just for myself on it..but this is the way to go and it took me all day to setup its a bitch but so worth it.. my base is wide open no locked anything.. and its not like I was being social on official or unofficial so the solo play is down right my cup of tea especially when I look into these forums and read all the horror stories about these exploits maybe once the Devs prioritize the fixes I may consider official.. ... nah I am enjoying my solo adventures too much and I'm being spoiled on fast taming and XP and vitamin and food consumption which leaves me to freely explore and enjoy..
  7. You know if you get stuck in the cargo hatch all you need to do is stand and turn to the steering wheel and click E to start navigating and BAM you are up out of the hole at the steering wheel then you can E again to jump off so .. no need to destroy your sloop..
  8. I have a 2x2 server set up. I logged out one another region/server and when I tried it says "Host connection lost" 3rd time was the charm for me.. I was able to log in that region.. All I can say is keep trying to login mine eventually logged me in after 3 tries.
  9. I would get a new Unique ID for your maps and enter that into your profile ..
  10. I am running my own dedicated server and have ran into the same thing.. you need to rename your custom maps in your dedicated server to match the client side maps that are on your SteamLibarary/steamapps/ATLAS/ShooterGame/Saved/MapImageCache folder.. make sure the name/number of your custom maps is in the MapImageCache folder under the Steam if it is not there create it and copy over your custom maps them rename them "GridCellMapImage.0-0,.jpg ... "GridCellMapImage_0-1, 0-2 and so on.. depending on how many maps you have also there should be a map that has a full scale of all your maps in one image rename that one to "WorldMapImage.jpg .. restart your server and it should work..
  11. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH BOTH THESE POSTS.. It's pretty down right disappointing on how Jat jokingly dismissed this huge exploit.. very unprofessional he really should stop replying to these post they seriously need to hire a Pro PR person.. Makes one feel this is how they view PVE players anyways its bothersome the nonchalant attitude towards a huge concern for their players is what says it all really. I love the concept of the game but can not even play on official PVE servers with all these exploits... when the game is already so grindy just to invest hours of gathering on a PVE server which should be a safe zone taken away by these exploits and Devs brushing it off. For now I am playing solo on a local setup until they prioritize these fixes .. hopefully.
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