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Everything posted by Bandit_Black

  1. I understand the point you are making. However, its a broad generalization at best to say that each of big clan that every existed in Ark or Atlas is comrpised of low skill players. I can tell you from experience this isn't the case. If anything the experience gotten from the end game raiding and pve is enough to bump those players out of low skill status alone. Having a bigger army and in this case a bigger social group not only helps protect your stuff while you log off and have a real life but adds to the fun and friendship while in the gameplay as well. I do understand your point you are getting at. I've mainly always played in groups of 10 or so in Ark and its bitten me in the ass more times than I can count but I preferred my close friends and not to be lost in the numbers. Atlas is a different beast and I knew coming in this wasn't a game you could get by in with small numbers without losing sleep if you wanted to keep playing and maintain. I was right and its paid off. The thing is, anytime anyone outnumbers the opponent, the term zerg is used. So in all fairness, don't expect this to be an arena game where the odds are always even. Here the bigger army has the advantage, bigger army, bigger clan, or zerg if you prefer the term.
  2. In other words its called "a winning strategy". A blob of sheep is still a predator as long as they bite hard. Call them zergs if you will, at the end of the day its a versatile army working toward the same goals.
  3. But a PVE'er can level up to a zebra ant and then on to a true pvper if one has the conviction to do so. So it is an mmo afterall. Most people think the pvp servers are too brutal, when there is a lot of niceness and friendly exchanges, not always kos. And I've seen quite a few pve'ers give it a try and absolutely become killers.
  4. You are all right. Zergs only exist to find your base and steal your things while you sleep. Beware of the zergs. We will watch and wait and prey on the weak. For as soon as you log out your base is ours. Hahahaha Seriously though, you know why people group together then are categorized a zerg? So we can defend our bases. The game is more fun in a group. Not in your little 4 man/solo squads. Are we smarter, more sociable, think big picture? Yes it sounds like it. This game is geared toward clans, not solo players. So keep thinking that clans with numbers (zergs defined by players without) only want to make players not play the game. Be coddled by the devs because you lack the will or want to play the game in a strong group. edit: My zerg is recruiting on EU PVP, I'm US player, NA welcome (Players from every country here) - Bandit#3138
  5. The Devs made it. They defined the rules. As they took the previous game and used what they had to cash on this new game. The new game is pretty good because its islands and pirates and not taming based and no c4 cheese and more balanced. Now they are turning the rules upside down. Fine. I'll try it, but its not ideal. The pvp servers are being turned into half pve. You will still be raided if you can't defend your base.
  6. +100 for the OP. PVE servers serve no purpose. Whats the point of this game without ship battles anyways???? And ranking the top 10 on PVE, that's a laugh.
  7. Its not quite dead but numbers returning for season 2 will definitely be in the toilet bowl. There isn't enough for so many pvp servers. Megas will have a hard cap on claims? No one knows what that is yet. 10 or 100 or what? Megas can no longer be sneak attacked during off hours. Basically if you were listed in the top 10, no one attacked you much anyways, this is what I noticed throughout my adventures. You build on an island you get notification, 1 button wipe on new structures built - good bye FOB. And what about lawless, is it still the place to raid where you don't piss off some alliance somewhere? Some things I don't agree with but I'll adapt and give it a chance. Usually more freedom the better, now there is all this regulation involved instead of just giving people the tools to solve the issues themselves. Regulation leads to more regulation leads to more regulation, you'll see.
  8. I'd be open to horses pulling swivels, would make it more "glass cannon" in a sense. But bears just be to hard to take out as it stand currently making bear carts + flame invincible unless you have bear cart + flame which = the go to meta for land raids.
  9. I am in favor of ingame card game. At least give us some fluff with some flavor we can do at tables on boat rides yeah. Let us gamble our gold away please.
  10. I'd have to imagine in somewhere besides bizarro world. They will retract the empire server idea after the current feedback from here and reddit. But Atlas is bizarro world...
  11. Outlaws has potential but as it stands right now its not good.
  12. To be fair, All of the 1000's of hours we all have at games is experience however we all have different opinions. Problem is the devs make the game, don't play it like the players. Always the issue.
  13. Good questions, 1. Go where the population will be. 2. Old system will be different as claim timers are not diminished per how much you own or how many people you have. 3. Naked claiming wars are stupid - this was always a problem with the old system (Flags should have been craftable 4. The empire server will be dead. 5. I'll have 50 at launch but not everyone is pvp'er - recruiting is not fun. Forcing clans into merges is not healthy for our clan chemistry. Not everyone wants to play 24 hours a day to protect what we own. and would like to sleep peacefully/work/family etc. 6. Better to be a healthy sized fish in a little pond rather than be a small fish in in a shark tank. While personally will miss the freedom of the old ruleset, the new rules are in the best interest of the majority and I can appreciate that much. IMO they should not split the servers.
  14. And later that day. That small company is wiped. Never claimed we were a mega. We're not. I'm leader and I pvp. Thanks for your assumptions. Megas are a problem because they ally with other megas to establish control. You can either dance with them and be friends or fight them and get wiped because your tribe can't handle 50-75 people attacking your base. End of story. Devs are trying to combat the mega problem but there is always ways around the rules as stated by others and me.
  15. Smaller tribes are food for bigger tribes. Small clans don't attack big clans out of fear (usually). Megas don't attack Megas out of fear. But sooner or later the big fish gonna eat the small fish no matter what. Provided the small fish don't bite too hard, which in theory is entirely possible in Atlas if you know what you're doing. Until there are only big fish left and they start circling eachother wondering if they should bite.
  16. I don't like it anymore than you. Everyone has to go where the population will be. Wolves can't eat without sheep. Cycle of things.
  17. Credit to Cpt. Jack Shadow. This is the way things should be. Damn good ideas brother. What about horse though?
  18. Every EU MEGA I spoke with is going Colonies My clan of 60+ actives is also going colonies, guess we'll run 2 clans and start recruiting. Not working as intended is it? /discuss
  19. I will be a master on colonies. Anyone wish to serve me?
  20. While I am in favor of freedom, we cant have it all. I will choose population and be done with the naked claim wars for good. Plenty of freedom to be had on colonies. There is no reason for empires to exist without the sheep and there will be none on the empire server.
  21. The biggest enemy to every game is the playerbase, ark survives because there is equal pve content to potential pvp content. Minus its horrible imbalances and megatribes, the pve content outweighs the risk.
  22. This, the big clans had 40 actives at best before the announcement. Empires idea must be based on original launch numbers and rosters, which 2/3 of the playerbase quit, even in the large clan rosters. And with no diminishing returns on land claim timers, ORP small tribe is sound better. I'll cut 10 people from my roster and go play small clans. Empire will be dead after 1 month I'm pretty sure as easy as it will be to take claims. I want hardcore rules but not at the expense of no pop or fighting mega alliances.
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