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Case of the Scurvy

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Everything posted by Case of the Scurvy

  1. Sucks you cant really salvage ships because of this.
  2. Well he needs to do laps around the ship then. Only solution until they change it. If they change it
  3. Me too... im just saying look around. A small test server wouldnt hurt
  4. Are these servers stopping the hate?
  5. These post is the reason why i suggested a public test server... we got 2 years + of these post people lol
  6. That is not known, Ark didnt wipe. Ya know. There is no guarantee that servers will be wiped on release although likely its not for certain. And yes i do know but that doesnt stop the onslaught of i quit this game post or your game sucks post does it? Once you get done with a galleon and lose it to a bug soon as you set sail probably not gonna be a tester anymore are ya. I guess you see my point. And in today's day and age games that dont come out as EA are rare af. Its time we realize that since we pay to test that EA pretty much is just how games are relased these days.
  7. Death should have consequence when the game actually works... most of my deaths are from bugs sooo
  8. Rabbits do not ride on shoulders. I have a few. Or at least no way i could figure out.
  9. Can ride on shoulders, is it only a parrot?
  10. Didnt really care, just unloaded on him lol. Just incase but ya unsinkable.
  11. Either way, lots and lots of people do not understand this alpha, EA or not sinking countless hours in building a gall or brig only to have it blow up at zone is disheartening at the least regardless. A small test server prior to a live push would be a healthy addition. I think its time that we understand that EA is just how games are relased today.
  12. Since when can you sink them? i shot about 170 cannonballs into 1 and 0 damage (pve)
  13. Ya they never stop. Sort of a pain in the ace really.
  14. I understand its EA, i know what i signed up for and feel good about the future of this game. But it seems with every patch major issues pop up such as losing boats and what not. While i cannot be mad might i suggest the addition of open test servers? You know to lessen the rage quits?... Just sayin.
  15. Well... new grief tool added it seems. I can see people abusing this to hell just for their own amusment.
  16. You "rent" land from a company and they one day decide to revoke you? Do you lose everything to that company?
  17. So what is stopping people from boarding and sinking during fights? Honestly the whole damn crew limit should be removed.
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