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Everything posted by Gfnjr

  1. My character is 99 and noticed my hair is completely white/grey now! Wasn't like that yesterday. LOL Doubt anything will happen when I hit 100 but just curious if anyone is yet?
  2. I wish I could like, laugh, and Thank your comment! Just make a mental note that I did all three LOL @Charles U Farley the absolute norm nowadays is that companies use Twitter. Twitter is the only social media that I use. But to be fair a lot of companies will put their Twitter posts on the forum websites, maybe that's what Atlas should do for people like yourself
  3. So you're on the official website you click one link to go where they supposedly should have their updates. That exact same amount of time you could click up top and read what you are desired. Explain to me what I don't get? You literally could be on any page on this website and its actually easier just to click up top it's always there Keep making it harder on yourself
  4. Is this simple enough "1 mouse click up top" people make things harder than they should be LUL
  5. Well you're out of luck then! They post on Twitter. Guess what, you don't have to sign up on Twitter to view their posts. Crazy huh? Once again I'm not saying this is right, but that's how they do it. Btw explain to me how "trolls" have anything to do with reading a post of theirs on Twitter? See that little Twitter button up top on their "official website" page....click it. It won't bite. So you don't have time for that "1 mouse click?"
  6. You're right, the second Rhino I just tamed that didn't hit me once and that I clearly fed around it's stomach did not happen. Everyone else to recap, in my taming pen I bola'd, rhino usually fell to the its right. I go up to stomach area and fed with ease.
  7. I actually found it to be easier! Just tamed a rhino and before I had to feed it close to its head, today it let me feed it around it's stomach which not once did it hit/attack me. Try different spots
  8. Maybe hold E on it and see if resource gathering is turned off. Was just on mine little ago and was working fine.
  9. Agreed! On Ark I would ONLY play on an unofficial, but in this It just doesn't make sense to me playing on maybe a 3x3 grid. That's just too damn small. 8x8 would be the min. for me They just need to do a one time age reset and slow the aging process down by 200% Too damn fast
  10. No one knows, and probably isn't even enabled yet
  11. I really like the overall idea of the age system but c'mon, my character just hit 98. Closing in on 200 hours and my character should be 24. Its way too damn fast and should happen slowly over time, maybe like an IRL year to get in the 90's. Not a month. They need to just reset the age and balance this better.
  12. Yeah....I aged 2 years IRL cause of this shit! LUL Highly doubt perma death is enabled.....BUT if it is I will quit
  13. This is beyond ridiculous. Was heading there and literally wasting 2x weekend for the stupid crap.
  14. If my character perma dies, that will be the only thing that will make me quit. I literally can deal with everything else but that.
  15. Yes I've died several time because of this. It got to 158F and regardless of armor or in water I had no chance. In desert area.
  16. Regardless if it's wrong, this is how they do it. Go to twitter! Now you know
  17. That's all they have to do, then there wouldn't be 200 people trying to do at once. It would also give people time to plan ahead. My character is 96, just reset and everyone can be on same page now that fountain is active. SIMPLE
  18. How long has it been on d12, heading there. Sure hope I can at least make it in time. Two grids away
  19. Look I really do get your point. At end of the day the communication is not the best. Once again to help people you really want to check on twitter.
  20. I got news for you....they are WAAAAAAY better than they were on ARK! So it's at very least an improvement. Took me 5 seconds to type "playatlas twitter" ....found what I was looking for. Yeah so hard Those 5 seconds are basically the same time it would have took me to click on official forums bruh! Just so everyone knows TWITTER is where you find the announcements!
  21. You don't even have to sign up on twitter to read a post! People get over yourselves.
  22. They are on powerstone islands correct? Wondering if I start to sail to the closet one to me and leave a raft with bed somewhat close to it. Kinda prepare for it to change.
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