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Everything posted by Willard

  1. And where is the difference between this and current system which u advocate where megas can fill the server and defenders can't log in? I like how everyone knows exactly how the system will be abused 3 weeks before patch hits without having more concrete info from devs.
  2. U need war token to attack during those 9 hours? Are u reeeeally sure m8? Are you really the one who should tell other to read patch notes?
  3. What is the probability of that? Its 9 hours. Lets say you play during EU nights and everyone on EU server has those vulnerability timers set to lets say 14:00 to 23:00. But you play at night which means you can't attack on EU with the exception of lawless / war / outside of Settlements. You switch to US servers then. Your EU night gametime (lets take you play 0:00 to 6:00) means prime time for Washington D.C., New York and other US cities. The only way how you would be screwed is that all EU players will set their vulnerability windows during day (when u cant play) and all US players will set their invulnerability to their prime time (and why the hell would they do that?). U see? No chance for u not to pvp.
  4. Ye it would be really awesome to run another server for 1k people at most ...
  5. EU night crews can play on NA servers and the other way around. Bam, they play during prime time now and can enjoy a lot of online pvp. Oh, but what if they want to offline raid like they are used to? ...
  6. Eerm you can't stop griefers all the time. They are everywhere. Every system can be somehow abused. You can just make them gain nothing by griefing. Which is why fast decay is here. It won't be fun for a griefer to spam pillars all around someones Settlement just to figure out its gone because of fast decay 24 hours later.
  7. What do you gain except of wasting your time? Edit: Fast decay will destroy your pillars because you are not the owner of Settlement. Btw how much resources do u think those underwater pillars block? But if u want to spend time ingame by pillaring someones Island just to get those destroyed by fast decay go on.
  8. Guess u will have a really good time farming for those war tokens u won´t even use to fight someone And don´t worry, I play in a pretty big company so I really don´t need to stay awake at night all the time True PVPrs I totally forgot true PvPers wait for someone to go offline and then raid him lol ...
  9. No, even if it has 24 hours cooldown I can fight back. I know when they come and I can make preparations. U can´t do shit about offline raiding rn. It could be a week just like your 24 hours, you are just guessing Griefing with war tokens, lol
  10. It won´t because there will be cooldown between wars. Edit: Btw even if they raid us I still enjoy that. Because that is fair fight.
  11. I will know they are coming before they actually come. So I can make preparations, call alliance, take a day off work etc. Then it will be fair and enjoyable fight because I will be able to fight back.
  12. No, this is "who is online 24/7 wins" game. There is no piracy in offline raiding and offline griefs. Sorry to tell you. "Sadly I fear the things that made this game fun, sneak attacks, ways to outsmart the enemy, harbor attacks late night " Lol this is typical offline hero Put your pants on and try some online PvP.
  13. Great, timer. Let´s say its 15 minutes. Can you raid someone under 15 minutes? Nope. It would be totally pointless to raid someone because u would have very limited amount of time to do that. And if they find out you are going to raid them they will go offline before you actually arrive to their island. You see every possible flaw in their new system but you don´t see any flaws in a system you proposed. There are many. Edit: It´s my last reaction because we clearly have a different opinions and we are unable to persuade each other
  14. Majority of players was offline raided. They rebuilt 3-4 times and then they gave up because it´s a waste of time. 1 person with a cannon bear can sink your whole fleet throught your 100 puckels/cannons/swivels. That´s current system and without complete change you can´t to anything about it. Majority of players don´t like it and left the game. Only those who have 24/7 covered or those who were extremely lucky not to face dedicated griefer / company who has people online during night time stayed. There is no crying in that, it´s just pointless to play if you can´t defend anything during being offline. ORP won´t solve this, people will start to go offline as soon as they figure out someone is rading them.
  15. So u can´t play during NA prime time AND refuse to play on EU. Sorry man, it´s up to you. You are the minority which they won´t balance this game about. Edit: Ye, majority of those 24 hours are PvE because people work / or have school and sleep. Those are majority of players and those are the players they balance this game about. That minority which plays in a different timezone (and refuses to play on second server) or plays 24/7, sorry. U will have to accept those "only 9 hours" of PvP or just grind for war token and do your unlimited pvp wherever you want.
  16. So people will go offline when they see someone raids them. Flawless system.
  17. Some tweaks. It´s great. It´s always "oh some of this, some of that". Tell me your particular ideas to make it work. Not "oh some tweaks". Be specific.
  18. Does it seem to u current system works well? Because all I see are fuckin loosers who ignore you, your base and your ships during prime time (and no, they are not offline, they are online) and always come when you go offline because they live in their moms basements or they have no job so they can be online 24/7. Sorry, that does´t work. It´s not pvp.
  19. Lol why would they compete with WoW? You can compare games which are at least similar like WoW, Guild Wars 2, Elders scrolls online, Black Desert etc. Atlas is totally different from those games. About new/old players. With this patch they will lure many "old" players to come back. True is majority of players hates this unlimited pvp which is only about offline raiding/offline griefing. If you can´t merge with megatribe to cover 24/7 (or your company has people from different timezones) you have no chance in current system.
  20. There is nothing PvP in offline raiding/griefing. Sorry. System needed a change. It´s EA, if this new system won´t work, they will change it. The game needs to be polished. Unlimited PvP which is current system leads only to offline griefs/raids without where attackers have nothing to lose and "defenders" (offline company) can lose everything during night. That leads to massive player drops which is really what matter in MMO. The only players who will suffer from this new system are offline raiders/griefers. Those who say "but i can´t play during prime time because of job, real life duties etc." can play on a different server. There are 2 pvp servers for US timezone and for EU timezone. They both are in Germany which means the same ping. Choose where to play according to your time capabilities and do PvP during prime time / buy war token and do your unlimited pvp for 3 days without any restrictions / do pvp without restrictions on unclaimed islands.
  21. Many EU players play on US servers and the other way around. They choose server according to their time capabilities. It´s completely up to you. There are simply 2 servers, 1 for EU timezone, second for US timezone. Players should choose where do they want to play. I can´t see any reason to play on US server when u can´t be online with majority of people. Outside of 1 reason and that´s offline raiding / griefing (like it´s now, many EU players play on US so they can offline raid/grief and the other way around).
  22. Man don´t tell me you can´t play during EU or US prime time. They are practically the opposite.
  23. 95% companies will have vulnerability window set like 15:00 - 24:00 which means a lot of pvp in prime time for EU players even outside of war time. If u prefer to play in a different time try US server (both EU and US is in Germany, pink isn´t the issue).
  24. It´s EA game AND there is announced wipe, what do you expect jesus christ? I myself am enjoying Atlas but rn im not playing because of wipe. I will be back the exact day patch comes. So will many people who stopped playing because of stupid offline raiding, not being able to claim land etc.
  25. I find it funny how you exactly know how much will be that upkeep and u know it will be so high that only megatribes will be able to claim Settlement and keep it ...
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