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Everything posted by Nutcutt3r

  1. I believe the error is auto-copied to your clipboard, just use cntl-v to paste it? OK you know HD graphics is pretty bad right? Seems to me there is a process/diver for intel unrelated to the graphics borks this.
  2. Well I live by the paradox of the paradox then because I just ignore them. By giving them the time of day you make their day. Sorry forgot the caps...
  3. Try disable menu transitions in settings. There was another one that used to give me fits in ARK but cant find it sorry.
  4. Why do you get so angry over your outright stupidity to do something else? Instead of stop banging your head on the wall you just ask someone to put padding on it... You have a lot of excuses for what you cant do but wont try anything different. Its just "out of control" OMG
  5. Just take it to the water and pike it. Or off the side of a hill. Or through the wall. Or jump in the water and run. You get to choose what you level up in, if you are "saving those skills" for something else, that's your decision. Its free meat, hide, etc etc, extra level up bonus the more you can cope with it.
  6. Just pike it through the wall, dont waste arrows.
  7. I have no idea what in the world you are talking about. We just went treasure hunting twice and it was a blast. See wolf Kill it rinse and repeat.
  8. Delete those ini files, let the game recreate them when it starts and see if it changes anything. Just the fact that it says to make the ini files read only tells me they dont have a clue. Its an EA game but lets make sure to not let the devs write fixes to the ini, right?
  9. They can't break stone and should never have reached you on the second floor...
  10. Have you posted the server info in bug reports? Someone at least seen it there when we had issues.
  11. I dont see any other posts on this maybe you are having network issues on your end.
  12. Still way too many complaining posts from people that dont know how to play. As I said this was not meant for the ships but wildlife on land.
  13. What the heck do they attach to?
  14. Well with that attitude I can see why you are having issues... Whatever you want to call trolling is codespeak for telling you something you dont want to hear. Good luck dying repeatedly while you learn your artilery. You realize you can respec at every level right?
  15. Trolling? Sheesh ditch the sword its bunk, get a pike and a bow and arrow, maybe you are leveling up the wrong things. You act like at this point every thing you have done is absolutely perfect and there is no other way to do it. I am just saying that is probly your issue. If your level 25 then you are doing something wrong. Change your tactic. Where are you located on the map? Heres a thought- if the wolf wants in so bad let it and tame him.
  16. You are making it way harder than it is if thats your thinking. If I have to tell you to level up, and take stuff with you before you leave then we may have an issue here. Its not supposed to be easy by the way. Plus killing all of that stuff levels you up faster- win win. Could it that your PC is just lagging that bad making it worse?
  17. Yes I read it thats why I commented. I have died plenty times as well, but it wasnt from being in my inventory while getting chewed on. Try a different weapon, or armor, or even maybe a better tactic or something its not that hard. Use the highg round to your advantage, or the water. Use your dodge moves or, just leave the area. There are freeports until you get better.
  18. ^ Considering it is a survival game maybe you should be doing things like, I dont know...eating indoors? You seriously think that is a game issue there?
  19. Sounds to me like a perfect moat, adapt and overcome.
  20. Well the wifes was there for 30 seconds anyway. Crashed and now its gone again.
  21. Wifes finally worked after multiple times, the last with a PC reboot.
  22. I restarted and mine is back, wifes is not being so cooperative.
  23. Some things you have to be able to ignore, lots of little kids intentionally doing this. I have seen lots of OMG comments as well, its an online game and stuff happens. Here's an example- ^ I don't appreciate profanity.
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